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C++ : When template instantiation goes wrong

C++ : When template instantiation goes wrong

This is the first episode of a new serie, "A C++ developer's logbook".

In this article, we will see how unused code mays lead to unexpected template instantiation.

Disclaimer : Obviously, I'm terrible at naming things. Any suggestion is welcome.

Table of content


Consider the following scenario :

We want to create a helper function, that helps us to construct template-template-types values.

Disclaimer :
For simplicity sake, I will only use std::tuple as generated values container in the following code-snippets.
Of course in this very case, std::tuple<Ts...>::tuple<Args...>(Args&&...) is a better choice.

We provide two set of variadic templates :

  • values_types : types used to resolve our template-template parameter

    Here, a std::tuple<values_types...>

  • args_types : types of argument values used to construct values_types

    So here are the rules :

    We can expect that both values_types and args_types contain the same number of types :
    > static_assert(sizeof...(values_types) == sizeof...(args_types));

    And args_types may be use as parameter to values_types constructors
    > static_assert((std::is_constructible_v<values_types, args_types&&> && ...));

Basic design

Here is the use-case :

We create a generator of std::tuple, then use it to create a std::tuple<int, std::string> value from an int and a char const (&)[5]

generator<std::tuple> my_tuple_generator;
auto my_tuple_value = my_tuple_generator.create<int, std::string>(42, "toto");

So our initial class definition could be :

    template <typename ...> class container_type
struct generator
        typename ... values_types,
        typename ... args_types
    constexpr decltype(auto) create(args_types&& ... args);

Initial implementation

Using our class definition form the previous section, we can implement our class just like :

    typename ... values_types,
    typename ... args_types
constexpr decltype(auto) create(args_types&& ... args)
    static_assert(sizeof...(values_types) == sizeof...(args_types));
    static_assert((std::is_constructible_v<values_types, args_types&&> && ...));

    return container_type<values_types...>{ std::forward<args_types>(args)... };

And it works just find !
(see the complete implementation on godbolt)

Basically, we just called std::tuple<Ts...>::tuple<Args...>(Args&&...).

Extended implementation

Sometimes, it is just more convinient to pass your parameter as a std::tuple instead of a variadic-template.
But how to perform the parameter pack expansion then ?

What I wanted to do here was to add another function signature, that allows args_types&&... args to be pass as a args_container_type<args_types&&...> && arg.
This way, args_container_type could be any type that support std::get and std::tuple_size, just like std::tuple, std::array and std::pair do.

    typename ... value_types,
    typename ... args_types
constexpr decltype(auto) create(args_types&& ... args);

    typename ... value_types,
    typename ... args_types,
    template <typename...> class args_container_type
constexpr decltype(auto) create(args_container_type<args_types...> && arg);

The obvious solution to expand the parameter-pack from a tuple in this case is to use std::apply.

We do not want to add extra code with std::integer_sequence and std::get.

    typename ... value_types,
    typename ... args_types,
    template <typename...> class args_container_type
constexpr decltype(auto) create(args_container_type<args_types...> && arg)
    return std::apply
        generator::create<value_types...>, /* does not compile */

Of course, this does not compile.

We need to create a callable object from our member-function generator::create_impl<value_types...>.

std::bind vs generic-lambdas

Here I wondered, what is the fastest in this case ?
Two options :

  • Use generic a lambda
    [this](args_types && ... args)
        return create<values_types...>(std::forward<args_types>(args)...);
    std::bind(&generator::create<value_types...>, this)

So I quickly benchmarked this two options. Click here to see the benchmark on

The result was that using std::bind 4.3 times faster that using a generic-lambda.

Implementation : first attempt

Let's bring all the pieces together.

    typename ... value_types,
    typename ... args_types,
    template <typename...> class args_container_type
constexpr decltype(auto) create(args_container_type<args_types...> && arg)
    return std::apply
        std::bind(&generator::create<value_types...>, this),

Now, let's try a quick code that will generate our template functions :

auto main() -> int
    generator<std::tuple> generator_value;

    // Instantiate `constexpr decltype(auto) create(args_types&& ... args)`

    // use case 0 : (std::is_same_v<value_types, args_types> && ...)
    auto my_tuple_0 = generator_value.create<int, char>(42, 'a'); // ok, variadics args, same types

    // use case 1 : !(std::is_same_v<value_types, args_types> && ...)
    auto my_tuple_1 = generator_value.create<int, std::string>(42, "toto"); // ok, variadics args, different types

It worked fine.
And of course, it generated the expected code :

using expected_result_type = std::tuple<values_types...>;
using result_type = decltype(generator_value.create<values_types...>(args_types...));

static_assert(std::is_same_v<result_type, expected_result_type>);

When things go wrong

However, what happend if we instantiate our second function, constexpr decltype(auto) create(args_container_type<args_types...> && arg) ?

auto my_tuple_2 = generator_value.create<int, char>(std::forward_as_tuple(42, 'a')); // std::tuple, same types

Then we have the following compiler output (using MSVC2019, v16.0.4):
(Test it on using clang (trunk))

error C3528: 'args_types': the number of elements in this pack expansion does not match the number of elements in 'values_types'
note: see reference to function template instantiation
'decltype(auto) generator<std::tuple>::create<int,char,>(void)' being compiled
note: see reference to function template instantiation
'decltype(auto) generator<std::tuple>::create<int,char,int&&,char&&,std::tuple>(std::tuple<int &&,char &&> &&)' being compiled
error C2607: static assertion failed

What's wrong ?

It seems that the call to decltype(auto) generator<std::tuple>::create<values_types...>(args_types...) is not the one we expected here.

decltype(auto) generator<std::tuple>::create<int,char,>(void)
                                                    /\   /\
                                           here ---/    /
                                           and here ---/

Why ?

Well, obviously, args_types... expanded to nothing but void.
The probleme here is the way we reference a template member function.
In order to reference a (template) member function, we need to provide a complete signature.

And the signature we provide was :
generator<container_type>generator::create<value_types...>, this),
so no args_types... here, because this second parameter-pack is resolved using the function parameters.
This excluse trying to hack using generator::create<value_types..., args_types...>, as both parameter-packs will expand into one.

note: see reference to function template instantiation :
'decltype(auto) generator<std::tuple>::create<int,char,int&&,char&&,>(void)' being compiled

Implementation : second attempt

A convinient work-around for our problem is to create a wrapper that will explicitly resolve the two parameter-packs distinctly.

Here, the wrapper is called creator and is a private inner struct.

template <typename ... values_types>
struct creator
    template <typename ... args_types>
    static constexpr decltype(auto) create(args_types&& ... args)
        static_assert(sizeof...(values_types) == sizeof...(args_types));
        static_assert((std::is_constructible_v<values_types, args_types&&> && ...));

        return container_type<values_types...>{ std::forward<args_types>(args)... };

This way, we now have :

    typename ... values_types,
    typename ... args_types
constexpr decltype(auto) create(args_types&& ... args)
    return creator<values_types...>::template create<args_types...>(std::forward<args_types>(args)...);

    typename ... values_types,
    typename ... args_types,
    template <typename...> class args_container_type
constexpr decltype(auto) create(args_container_type<args_types...> && arg)
    using creator_type = generator<std::tuple>::creator<values_types...>;
    return std::apply
        creator_type::template create<args_types...>,

And it works just fine.

See the complete sample on

Implementation : Third attempt

However, for some reasons this kind of wrapper may not be so convinient.
Mainly, if you need to share some extra logic between generator<container_type> and creator<values_types...>.

In this case, using a generic lambda is a good option :

    typename ... values_types,
    typename ... args_types
constexpr decltype(auto) create(args_types&& ... args)
    static_assert(sizeof...(values_types) == sizeof...(args_types));
    static_assert((std::is_constructible_v<values_types, args_types&&> && ...));

    return container_type<values_types...>{ std::forward<args_types>(args)... };

    typename ... values_types,
    typename ... args_types,
    template <typename...> class args_container_type
constexpr decltype(auto) create(args_container_type<args_types...> && arg)
    return std::apply
        [this](args_types && ... args)
            return create<values_types...>(std::forward<args_types>(args)...);


When template instantiation goes wrong, this often leads to compiler error messages that are about 1k characters long. Each line.

What may come handy is to juggle with :

Also, to my experience, when the compiler itself crash, most of the time updating it solves the problem. How funny this is.

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