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Created April 22, 2017 13:24
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use std::io;
use std::collections::{HashSet, HashMap};
macro_rules! print_err {
($($arg:tt)*) => (
use std::io::Write;
writeln!(&mut ::std::io::stderr(), $($arg)*).ok();
macro_rules! parse_input {
($x:expr, $t:ident) => ($x.trim().parse::<$t>().unwrap())
macro_rules! impl_pos {
($struct_name:ident) => {
impl Pos for $struct_name {
fn get_x(&self) -> i32 { self.x }
fn get_y(&self) -> i32 { self.y }
trait Pos {
fn get_x(&self) -> i32;
fn get_y(&self) -> i32;
struct Ship {
x: i32,
y: i32,
direction: i32,
speed: i32,
target: Option<Barrel>,
road: Vec<(i32, i32)>,
impl Ship {
fn new(x: i32, y: i32, direction: i32, speed: i32) -> Ship {
Ship {
x: x,
y: y,
direction: direction,
speed: speed,
target: None,
road: Vec::new(),
fn update(&mut self, x: i32, y: i32, direction: i32, speed: i32) {
self.x = x;
self.y = y;
self.direction = direction;
self.speed = speed;
fn need_x_turn(&self) -> bool {
((self.direction == 0 || self.direction == 1 || self.direction == 5) && self.x > 20) ||
((self.direction == 2 || self.direction == 3 || self.direction == 4) && self.x < 3)
fn need_y_turn(&self) -> bool {
((self.direction == 2 || self.direction == 1) && self.y < 3) ||
((self.direction == 4 || self.direction == 5) && self.y > 18) ||
self.y < 3
fn set_target(&mut self, target: Option<(Barrel, Vec<(i32, i32)>)>) {
if let Some((target, road)) = target { = Some(target);
self.road = road;
} else { = None;
fn get_next_step(&mut self) -> Option<(i32, i32)> {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Debug)]
struct Barrel {
x: i32,
y: i32,
impl Barrel {
fn new(x: i32, y: i32) -> Barrel {
Barrel {
x: x,
y: y,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
struct Mine {
x: i32,
y: i32,
impl Mine {
fn new(x: i32, y: i32) -> Mine {
Mine {
x: x,
y: y,
impl Pos for (i32, i32) {
fn get_x(&self) -> i32 { self.0 }
fn get_y(&self) -> i32 { self.1 }
fn compute_distance<T: Pos, U: Pos>(t: &T, u: &U) -> i32 {
((t.get_x() - u.get_x()).pow(2) as f32 + (t.get_y() - u.get_y()).pow(2) as f32).sqrt() as i32
const MAX_TURN: u32 = 15;
const directions: [(i32, i32); 6] = [
( 1, 0), (1, -1), (0, -1),
(-1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)
fn hex_direction(direction: i32) -> (i32, i32) {
directions[direction as usize]
fn is_neighbor(a: (i32, i32), b: (i32, i32)) -> bool {
//print_err!("is_neighbor: {:?} / {:?}", a, b);
for i in 0..6 {
let dir = hex_direction(i);
if a.0 + dir.0 == b.0 && a.1 + dir.1 == b.1 {
return true;
fn neighbor(hex: &(i32, i32), direction: i32) -> (i32, i32) {
let dir = hex_direction(direction);
(hex.0 + dir.0, hex.1 + dir.1)
fn blocked<T: Pos>(pos: &(i32, i32), entities: &[T]) -> bool {
if pos.0 > 22 || pos.0 < 0 || pos.1 > 20 || pos.1 < 0 {
return false;
for entity in entities {
if pos.0 == entity.get_x() && pos.1 == entity.get_y() {
return true;
fn get_road(positions: &[Vec<(i32, i32)>], end: (i32, i32), ret: (i32, i32)) -> Option<Vec<(i32, i32)>> {
if positions.is_empty() {
return None;
let mut res: Option<Vec<(i32, i32)>> = None;
let mut pos: Option<usize> = None;
for y in 0..positions[0].len() - 1 {
if is_neighbor(positions[0][y], ret) {
//print_err!("end: {:?} / current: {:?}", end, positions[0][y]);
if positions[0][y].0 == end.0 && positions[0][y].1 == end.1 {
return Some(vec![positions[0][y]]);
} else {
let c = positions[0][y];
if let Some(tmp) = get_road(&positions[1..], end, c) {
if match res {
None => true,
Some(ref v) => v.len() > tmp.len(),
} {
res = Some(tmp);
pos = Some(y);
if let Some(ref mut res) = res {
fn create_road<T: Pos, U: Pos>(ship: &Ship, entities: &[T], target: &U) -> Option<Vec<(i32, i32)>> {
let mut visited: HashSet<(i32, i32)> = HashSet::new();
visited.insert((ship.x, ship.y));
let mut fringes: Vec<Vec<(i32, i32)>> = Vec::new();
fringes.push(vec![(ship.x, ship.y)]);
let mut current = 1;
let mut limit = 40;
'main: while limit > 0 {
for pos in 0..fringes[current - 1].len() {
//print_err!("new: {:?} {:?}", (ship.x, ship.y), (target.get_x(), target.get_y()));
for dir in 0..6 {
let neighbor = neighbor(&fringes[current - 1][pos], dir);
//print_err!("neighbor: {:?} {:?}", fringes[current - 1][pos], neighbor);
if !visited.contains(&neighbor) && !blocked(&neighbor, entities) {
//print_err!("accepted: {:?}", neighbor);
if neighbor.0 == target.get_x() && neighbor.1 == target.get_y() {
break 'main
let empty = fringes[current].is_empty();
if empty {
current -= 1;
current += 1;
limit -= 1;
if limit == 0 {
return None;
print_err!("limit: {} {:?}", limit, fringes);
get_road(&fringes[1..], (target.get_x(), target.get_y()), (ship.get_x(), ship.get_y()))
fn get_best_target<T: Pos>(entities: &[Barrel], bad: &[T], ship: &Ship) -> Option<(Barrel, Vec<(i32, i32)>)> {
//print_err!("nb barrels: {}", entities.len());
if entities.is_empty() {
} else if entities.len() == 1 {
let barrel = *entities.get(0).unwrap();
if let Some(road) = create_road(ship, bad, &(barrel.get_x(), barrel.get_y())) {
Some((*entities.get(0).unwrap(), road))
} else {
} else {
let mut three_best: Vec<(i32, Barrel)> = Vec::new();
for entity in entities {
let distance = compute_distance(ship, entity);
if three_best.len() < 3 {
three_best.push((distance, *entity));
three_best.sort_by(|x, y| x.0.cmp(&y.0));
} else {
if three_best[2].0 > distance {
three_best[2] = (distance, *entity);
three_best.sort_by(|x, y| x.0.cmp(&y.0));
let mut best: Option<(Barrel, Vec<(i32, i32)>)> = None;
for besty in three_best {
if let Some(road) = create_road(ship, bad, &besty.1) {
if match best {
None => true,
Some(ref inner) => inner.1.len() > road.len(),
} {
best = Some((besty.1, road))
fn main() {
let mut ships = HashMap::new();
let mut turn_count = MAX_TURN;
// game loop
loop {
let add_ships = ships.is_empty();
if turn_count > 0 {
turn_count -= 1;
let mut input_line = String::new();
io::stdin().read_line(&mut input_line).unwrap();
let my_ship_count = parse_input!(input_line, i32); // the number of remaining ships
let mut input_line = String::new();
io::stdin().read_line(&mut input_line).unwrap();
let entity_count = parse_input!(input_line, usize); // the number of entities (e.g. ships, mines or cannonballs)
let mut entities = Vec::with_capacity(entity_count);
let mut mines = Vec::with_capacity(entity_count);
for i in 0..entity_count as usize {
let mut input_line = String::new();
io::stdin().read_line(&mut input_line).unwrap();
let inputs = input_line.split(" ").collect::<Vec<_>>();
let entity_id = parse_input!(inputs[0], i32);
let entity_type = inputs[1].trim().to_string();
let x = parse_input!(inputs[2], i32);
let y = parse_input!(inputs[3], i32);
if entity_type == "SHIP" {
let arg_1 = parse_input!(inputs[4], i32);
let arg_2 = parse_input!(inputs[5], i32);
let arg_3 = parse_input!(inputs[6], i32);
let arg_4 = parse_input!(inputs[7], i32);
if add_ships && arg_4 == 1 {
ships.insert(entity_id, Ship::new(x, y, arg_1, arg_2));
} else if arg_4 == 1 {
ships.get_mut(&entity_id).unwrap().update(x, y, arg_1, arg_2);
} else if entity_type == "BARREL" {
entities.push(Barrel::new(x, y));
} else if entity_type == "MINE" {
mines.push(Mine::new(x, y));
for (_, ship) in &mut ships {
if if let Some(ref target) = {
entities.iter().find(|&x| x == target).is_none()
} else { false } { = None
if {
let target = get_best_target(&entities, &mines, ship);
if {
let need_x_turn = ship.need_x_turn();
let need_y_turn = ship.need_y_turn();
if need_x_turn || need_y_turn || ship.speed < 2 {
println!("MOVE {} {}",
if need_x_turn {
if ship.x > 20 { 0 } else { 22 }
} else {
if ship.direction == 0 || ship.direction == 1 || ship.direction == 5 {
} else {
if need_y_turn {
if ship.y > 18 { 0 } else { 20 }
} else {
if ship.direction == 2 || ship.direction == 1 {
} else {
} else {
} else {
print_err!("target: {:?}",;
if let Some((x, y)) = ship.get_next_step() {
println!("MOVE {} {}", x, y);
} else {
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