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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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Save GuillaumeGomez/4eb5c0d1836ca708ac3d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// This file is part of rgtk.
// rgtk is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// rgtk is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with rgtk. If not, see <>.
use std::mem::transmute;
use libc::c_void;
use gtk::ffi;
use gdk;
use glib;
use gtk;
use cairo;
use std::any::Any;
pub trait Signal<'a>{
fn get_signal_name(&self) -> &str;
fn get_trampoline(&self) -> extern "C" fn();
fn fetch_cb(&self) -> *mut ||;
fn get_user_data<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a Option<Box<Any + 'a>>;
// The defintion of the signal macro is split in a argumentless and
// one-with-arguments case because of a limitation in the rust macro
// system.
macro_rules! signal(
//Signals without arguments
($signal:ident, $class:ident () -> $ret_type:ty) => (
//General case (see below)
signal!($signal, $class [] -> $ret_type)
mod $signal{
use std::mem::transmute;
use libc::c_void;
use gtk::ffi;
use gdk;
use glib;
use gtk;
use cairo;
use std::any::Any;
pub extern fn trampoline(widget : *mut ffi::C_GtkWidget, signal: *mut Box<super::Signal>) -> $ret_type{
match (*signal).get_user_data(){
&Some(ref user_data) => {
let cb : *mut |*const c_void| -> $ret_type = transmute((*signal).fetch_cb());
&None => {
let cb : *mut || -> $ret_type = transmute((*signal).fetch_cb());
//Signals with arguments
($signal:ident, $class:ident ( $($arg_name:ident : $arg_type:ty),* ) -> $ret_type:ty) => (
//General case (see below)
signal!($signal, $class [$(($arg_name : $arg_type)),*] -> $ret_type)
mod $signal{
use std::mem::transmute;
use libc::c_void;
use gtk::ffi;
use gdk;
use glib;
use gtk;
use cairo;
use std::any::Any;
pub extern fn trampoline(widget : *mut ffi::C_GtkWidget, $($arg_name : $arg_type),* , signal: *mut Box<super::Signal>) -> $ret_type{
match (*signal).get_user_data(){
&Some(ref user_data) => {
let cb : *mut |$($arg_type),*, *const c_void| -> $ret_type = transmute((*signal).fetch_cb());
(*cb)($($arg_name),*, ::std::mem::transmute(user_data))
&None => {
let cb : *mut |$($arg_type),*| -> $ret_type = transmute((*signal).fetch_cb());
//TODO custom trampoline
($signal:ident, $class:ident ( $($arg_name:ident : $arg_type:ty),* ) -> $ret_type:ty,
trampoline ( $($t_arg_nm:ident : $t_arg_ty:ty),* ) -> $t_ret_ty:ty $t_blck:expr) => (
//General case (see below)
signal!($signal, $class [$(($arg_name : $arg_type)),*] -> $ret_type)
mod $signal{
use std::mem::transmute;
use libc::c_void;
use gtk::ffi;
use gdk;
use glib;
use gtk;
use cairo;
use std::any::Any;
pub extern fn trampoline(widget: *mut ffi::C_GtkWidget, $($t_arg_nm : $t_arg_ty),* , signal: *mut Box<super::Signal>) -> $t_ret_ty{
match (*signal).get_user_data(){
&Some(ref user_data) => {
let cb: *mut |$($arg_type),*, *const c_void| -> $ret_type = transmute((*signal).fetch_cb());
let cont = |$($arg_name: $arg_type),*| {
(*cb)($($arg_name),* , ::std::mem::transmute(user_data))
let custom_trampoline = $t_blck;
&None => {
let cb : *mut |$($arg_type),*| -> $ret_type = transmute((*signal).fetch_cb());
let cont = |$($arg_name: $arg_type),*| {
let custom_trampoline = $t_blck;
//General case
($signal:ident, $class:ident [ $(($arg_name:ident : $arg_type:ty)),* ] -> $ret_type:ty) => (
pub struct $class<'a>{
pub cb: |$($arg_type),*|:'a -> $ret_type,
pub user_data: Option<Box<Any + 'a>>
impl<'a> $class<'a>{
pub fn new (cb : |$($arg_type),* |:'a -> $ret_type) -> Box<Signal<'a>> {
box $class{
cb: cb,
user_data: None
} as Box<Signal<'a>>
//TODO: Rust lexer bug here, can't parse the middel `,` in `|$($arg_type),* , Box<Any>|`
/*pub fn new_with_data (user_data: Box<Any>, cb: |$($arg_type),*, Box<Any>|:'a -> $ret_type) -> Box<Signal<'a>> {
box $class{
cb: cb,
user_data: user_data
} as Box<Signal<'a>>
impl<'b, 'a> Signal<'a> for $class<'a>{
fn get_signal_name(&self) -> &str {
fn get_trampoline(&self) -> extern "C" fn(){
fn fetch_cb(&self) -> *mut ||{
fn get_user_data<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a Option<Box<Any + 'b>>{
signal!(notify, Notify(g_param_spec:c_void) -> ())
signal!(accel_closures_changed, AccelClosuresChanged(spec : glib::ParamSpec) -> ())
signal!(can_activate_accel, CanActivateAccel(signal_id:uint) -> bool)
signal!(child_notify, ChildNotify(spec : glib::ParamSpec) -> ())
signal!(composited_changed, CompositedChanged() -> ())
signal!(destroy, Destroy() -> ())
signal!(direction_changed, DirectionChanged(previous_direction: gtk::TextDirection) -> ())
signal!(draw, Draw(ctx: cairo::Context) -> (), trampoline(ctx_raw: *mut cairo::ffi::cairo_t) -> () |cb: |cairo::Context|| {
signal!(focus, Focus(direction : gtk::DirectionType) -> bool)
signal!(grab_focus, GrabFocus() -> ())
signal!(grab_notify, GrabNotify(was_grabbed : bool) -> ())
signal!(hide, Hide() -> ())
signal!(keynav_failed, KeynavFailed(direction : gtk::DirectionType) -> bool)
signal!(map, Map() -> ())
signal!(mnemonic_activate, MnemonicActivate(arg : bool) -> bool)
signal!(move_focus, MoveFocus(direction : gtk::DirectionType) -> ())
signal!(popup_menu, PopupMenu() -> bool)
signal!(query_tooltip, QueryTooltip(x:int, y:int, keyboard_mode:bool, tooltip : *mut gtk::Tooltip) -> bool)
signal!(realize, Realize() -> ())
signal!(screen_changed, ScreenChanged(previous_screen : *mut gdk::Screen) -> ())
signal!(show, Show() -> ())
signal!(show_help, ShowHelp(help_type : gtk::WidgetHelpType) -> bool)
signal!(size_allocate, SizeAllocate(allocation : *mut gdk::Rectangle) -> ())
signal!(state_chagned, StateChagned(state : gtk::StateType) -> ())
signal!(state_flags_changed, StateFlagsChanged(flags : gtk::StateFlags) -> ())
signal!(style_updated, StyleUpdated() -> ())
signal!(unmap, Unmap() -> ())
signal!(unrealize, Unrealize() -> ())
signal!(hierarchy_changed, HierarchyChanged(previous_toplevel : *gtk::Widget) -> (),
trampoline (previous_toplevel : *mut ffi::C_GtkWidget) -> Box<gtk::Widget> {
signal!(parent_set, ParentSet(old_parent : *gtk::Widget) -> ())
//GtkWidget: GDK events
signal!(button_press_event, ButtonPressEvent(event : *mut gdk::EventButton) -> bool)
signal!(button_release_event, ButtonReleaseEvent(event : *mut gdk::EventButton) -> bool)
signal!(configure_event, ConfigureEvent(event : *mut gdk::EventConfigure) -> bool)
signal!(damage_event, DamageEvent(event : *mut gdk::EventExpose) -> bool)
signal!(delete_event, DeleteEvent(event : *mut gdk::EventAny) -> bool)
signal!(destroy_event, DestroyEvent(event : *mut gdk::EventAny) -> bool)
signal!(enter_notify_event, EnterNotifyEvent(event : *mut gdk::EventCrossing) -> bool)
signal!(leave_notify_event, LeaveNotifyEvent(event : *mut gdk::EventCrossing) -> bool)
signal!(event, Event(event : *mut gdk::EventAny) -> bool)
signal!(event_after, EventAfter(event : *mut gdk::EventAny) -> bool)
signal!(focus_in_event, FocusInEvent(event : *mut gdk::EventFocus) -> bool)
signal!(focus_out_event, FocusOutEvent(event : *mut gdk::EventFocus) -> bool)
signal!(grab_broken_event, GrabBrokenEvent(event : *mut gdk::EventGrabBroken) -> bool)
signal!(key_press_event, KeyPressEvent(event : *mut gdk::EventKey) -> bool)
signal!(key_release_event, KeyReleaseEvent(event : *mut gdk::EventKey) -> bool)
signal!(map_event, MapEvent(event : *mut gdk::EventAny) -> bool)
signal!(motion_notify_event, MotionNotifyEvent(event : *mut gdk::EventMotion) -> bool)
signal!(property_notify_event, PropertyNotifyEvent(event : *mut gdk::EventProperty) -> bool)
signal!(proximity_in_event, ProximityInEvent(event : *mut gdk::EventProximity) -> bool)
signal!(proximity_out_event, ProximityOutEvent(event : *mut gdk::EventProximity) -> bool)
signal!(scroll_event, ScrollEvent(event : *mut gdk::EventScroll) -> bool)
signal!(touch_event, TouchEvent(event : *mut gdk::EventTouch) -> bool)
signal!(unmap_event, UnmapEvent(event : *mut gdk::EventAny) -> bool)
signal!(window_state_event, WindowStateEvent(event : *mut gdk::EventWindowState) -> bool)
//GtkWidget: Drag-drop
signal!(drag_begin, DragBegin(context : *mut gdk::DragContext) -> ())
signal!(drag_data_delete, DragDataDelete(context : *mut gdk::DragContext) -> ())
signal!(drag_data_get, DragDataGet(context : *mut gdk::DragContext,
data : *gtk::SelectionData,
info: uint,
time: uint) -> ())
signal!(drag_data_received, DragDataReceived(context : *mut gdk::DragContext,
x: int,
y: int,
data: *gtk::SelectionData,
info: uint,
time: uint) -> ())
signal!(drag_drop, DragDrop(context : *mut gdk::DragContext,
x: int,
y: int,
time: uint) -> ())
signal!(drag_end, DragEnd(context : *mut gdk::DragContext) -> ())
signal!(drag_failed, DragFailed(context : *mut gdk::DragContext, result: gtk::DragResult) -> ())
signal!(drag_leave, DragLeave(context : *mut gdk::DragContext, time : uint) -> ())
signal!(drag_motion, DragMotion(context : *mut gdk::DragContext,
x : int,
y : int,
time : uint) -> bool)
//GtkWidget: Selection
signal!(selection_get, SelectionGet(data : *gtk::SelectionData, info: uint, time: uint) -> ())
signal!(selection_received, SelectionReceived(data : *gtk::SelectionData, time: uint) -> ())
signal!(selection_clear_event, SelectionClearEvent(event : *mut gdk::EventSelection) -> bool)
signal!(selection_request_event,SelectionRequestEvent(event : *mut gdk::EventSelection) -> bool)
signal!(selection_notify_event, SelectionNotifyEvent(event : *mut gdk::EventSelection) -> bool)
//signal!(add, Add(widget: *gtk::Widget) -> ())
signal!(check_resize, CheckResize() -> ())
//signal!(remove, Remove(widget: *gtk::Widget) -> ())
//signal!(set_focus_child, SetFocusChild(widget: *gtk::Widget) -> ())
signal!(activate, Activate() -> ())
signal!(clicked, Clicked() -> ())
signal!(response, Response(response_id : int) -> ())
signal!(value_changed, ValueChanged() -> ())
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