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Last active April 4, 2020 18:29
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from typing import Dict, Optional, Union
from fragile.core import DiscreteEnv
import gym
from gym import spaces
import numpy as np
from mathy import MathTypeKeysMax, MathyEnvState
from mathy.envs.gym import MathyGymEnv
# No need for plangym. As long as it has a valid step_batch method, and the observation/action
# spaces it is ok. The `make_transitions` method only uses step_batch.
# I added the minimum stuff that it needs to work.
class FragileEnvironment:
"""Fragile Environment for solving Mathy problems."""
problem: Optional[str]
def __init__(
name: str,
environment: str = "poly",
difficulty: str = "normal",
problem: str = None,
max_steps: int = 64,
super(FragileEnvironment, self).__init__(name=name)
self._env: MathyGymEnv = gym.make(
self.observation_space = spaces.Box(
low=0, high=MathTypeKeysMax, shape=(256, 256, 1), dtype=np.uint8,
self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(self._env.action_size)
self.problem = problem
self.max_steps = max_steps
def get_state(self) -> np.ndarray:
assert self._env.state is not None, "env required to get_state"
return self._env.state.to_np()
def set_state(self, state: np.ndarray):
assert self._env is not None, "env required to set_state"
self._env.state = MathyEnvState.from_np(state)
return state
def step(
action: int,
state: np.ndarray = None,
) -> tuple:
assert self._env is not None, "env required to step"
assert state is not None, "only works with state stepping"
obs, reward, _, info = self._env.step(action)
oob = not info.get("valid", False)
new_state = self.get_state()
return new_state, obs, reward, oob, info
def step_batch(
self, actions, states=None
) -> tuple:
data = [self.step(action, state) for action, state in zip(actions, states)]
new_states, observs, rewards, oobs, infos = [], [], [], [], []
for d in data:
new_state, obs, _reward, end, info = d
return new_states, observs, rewards, oobs, infos
def reset(self):
assert self._env is not None, "env required to reset"
obs = self._env.reset()
return self.get_state(), obs
# I added the make_transition function so you don't have to be messing with the states directly.
# That is already handled by the superclass.
class MathyFragileEnv(DiscreteEnv):
"""The DiscreteEnv acts as an interface with `plangym` discrete actions.
It can interact with any environment that accepts discrete actions and \
follows the interface of `plangym`.
def __init__(self, name: str,
environment: str = "poly",
difficulty: str = "normal",
problem: str = None,
max_steps: int = 64,
"""Initialize a :class:`MathyFragileEnv`."""
self._env = FragileEnvironment(name=name, environment=environment,
difficulty=difficulty, problem=problem,
max_steps=max_steps, **kwargs)
self._n_actions = self._env.action_space.n
super(DiscreteEnv, self).__init__(
def __getattr__(self, item):
return getattr(self._env, item)
def make_transitions(
self, states: np.ndarray, actions: np.ndarray, dt: Union[np.ndarray, int]
) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]:
Step the underlying :class:`plangym.Environment` using the ``step_batch`` \
method of the ``plangym`` interface.
new_states, observs, rewards, oobs, infos = self._env.step_batch(
actions=actions, states=states
# I changed the order of how you get terminals and oobs, because the envs in plangym return
# oobs by default. this way you won't need to modify anything in case I make changes in the
# future (unlikely but better be safe than sorry)
terminals = [inf.get("done", False) for inf in infos]
data = {
"states": np.array(new_states),
"observs": np.array(observs),
"rewards": np.array(rewards),
"oobs": np.array(oobs),
"terminals": np.array(terminals),
return data
# Creating the swarm
# When choosing reward scales set the lower one to 1 and the most important scale
# to a bigger integer to avoid unnecessary exponentiation
# If you don't need to recover the full path you don't need the Tree. I case you need it,
# now it takes a callable like
# tree=lambda: HistoryTree(prune=True, names=["states", "observs". "actions", "whatever"])
# I also removed default values that don't need to be changed.
# creating env callables:
env_callable = lambda: FragileMathyEnv(**your_env_parameters) # No parallelization
# With parallelization
from fragile.distributed import ParallelEnv
env_callable = ParallelEnv(env_callable=env_callable)
swarm = Swarm(
model=lambda env: DiscreteMasked(env=env),
# Also, now the Swarm has `swarm.best_state`, `swarm.best_obs`, etc, so you don't have to be
# making instrospection to get the best value found.
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