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Created June 5, 2014 14:34
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CheckIO - Electronic Station Challenge 1 : Brackets
# CheckIO - Electronic Station Challenge 1 : Brackets
# You are given an expression with numbers, brackets and operators.
# For this task only the brackets matter. Brackets come in three flavors: "{}" "()" or "[]".
# Brackets are used to determine scope or to restrict some expression.
# If a bracket is open, then it must be closed with a closing bracket of the same type.
# The scope of a bracket must not intersected by another bracket.
# For this task, you should to make a decision to correct an expression or not based on the brackets.
# Do not worry about operators and operands.
# Input: An expression with different of types brackets. A string (unicode).
# Output: The correctness the expression or don’t. A boolean.
# Precondition: There are only brackets ("{}" "()" or "[]"), digits or operators ("+" "-" "*" "/").
def checkio(expression):
for b in expression:
if BRACKETS.count(b)==0: continue # No bracket character
if "([{".count(b): openBrackets+=b # Adding open bracket
else: # if char is a close bracket...
if not openBrackets: return False # Empty open brackets array case
if b!=BRACKETS[lastBracketIndex+1]: return False # Different type of bracket case
else: openBrackets=openBrackets[:-1] # Removing bracket from array...
if openBrackets: return False # Some open bracket remaining case
return True
#These "asserts" using only for self-checking and not necessary for auto-testing
if __name__ == '__main__':
assert checkio("((5+3)*2+1)") == True, "Simple"
assert checkio("{[(3+1)+2]+}") == True, "Different types"
assert checkio("(3+{1-1)}") == False, ") is alone inside {}"
assert checkio("[1+1]+(2*2)-{3/3}") == True, "Different operators"
assert checkio("(({[(((1)-2)+3)-3]/3}-3)") == False, "One is redundant"
assert checkio("2+3") == True, "No brackets, no problem"
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