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Last active December 27, 2015 16:39
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Save Guitsou/7356635 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

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The following example uses these definitions:

  • Netbios/DNS name: sonas03
  • Share or export name: gpfs0all If you do not already know the name of the share or export which you would like to access, you can use the smbclient command to obtain a list of available resources.
(root@linuxhost)~ # smbclient -L sonas03 -U DOMAIN\\username
Password: <password not displayed>
Domain=[DOMAIN] OS=[Unix] Server=[IBM IBM SONAS Cluster]

   Exportname       Type      Comment
   ---------       ----      -------
   IPC$            IPC       IPC Service ("IBM IBM SONAS Cluster")
   phil            Disk      CIFS share or export of sonas03 cluster for user Phil
   gpfs0all        Disk      CIFS share or export of sonas03 to share or export FS gpfs0
Domain=[DOMAIN] OS=[Unix] Server=[IBM IBM SONAS Cluster]

   Server               Comment
   ---------            -------

   Workgroup            Master
   ---------            -------
(root@linuxhost)~ #

You can access the share or export using an FTP-like utility using the following command from an interactive system shell:

(user@linuxhost)~ # smbclient //sonas03/gpfs0all -U DOMAIN\\username
Password: <password not displayed>
Domain=[DOMAIN] OS=[Unix] Server=[IBM IBM SONAS Cluster]
smb: \>

Mountage d'un partage Windows

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