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Created August 16, 2012 20:32
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Go benchmark
/* Benchmark implementing the board logic for the game of go and
* exercising it by playing random games. Derived from
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAX_BOARD 23
#define EMPTY 0
#define WHITE 1
#define BLACK 2
/* Used in the final_status[] array. */
#define DEAD 0
#define ALIVE 1
#define SEKI 2
#define UNKNOWN 5
/* Macro to find the opposite color. */
#define OTHER_COLOR(color) (WHITE + BLACK - (color))
static int board_size = 9;
static float komi = 0.0;
/* Board represented by a 1D array. The first board_size*board_size
* elements are used. Vertices are indexed row by row, starting with 0
* in the upper left corner.
static int board[MAX_BOARD * MAX_BOARD];
/* Stones are linked together in a circular list for each string. */
static int next_stone[MAX_BOARD * MAX_BOARD];
/* Storage for final status computations. */
static int final_status[MAX_BOARD * MAX_BOARD];
/* Point which would be an illegal ko recapture. */
static int ko_i, ko_j;
/* Offsets for the four directly adjacent neighbors. Used for looping. */
static int deltai[4] = {-1, 1, 0, 0};
static int deltaj[4] = {0, 0, -1, 1};
/* Macros to convert between 1D and 2D coordinates. The 2D coordinate
* (i, j) points to row i and column j, starting with (0,0) in the
* upper left corner.
#define POS(i, j) ((i) * board_size + (j))
#define I(pos) ((pos) / board_size)
#define J(pos) ((pos) % board_size)
/* xor-shift random number generator. */
static unsigned int rand_state = 2463534242U;
static void
xor_srand(unsigned int seed)
rand_state = seed;
static unsigned int
xor_randn(unsigned int n)
rand_state ^= (rand_state << 13);
rand_state ^= (rand_state >> 17);
rand_state ^= (rand_state << 5);
return rand_state % n;
static void
memset(board, 0, sizeof(board));
static void
init_brown(unsigned int seed)
static int
get_board(int i, int j)
return board[i * board_size + j];
static int
pass_move(int i, int j)
return i == -1 && j == -1;
static int
on_board(int i, int j)
return i >= 0 && i < board_size && j >= 0 && j < board_size;
static int
legal_move(int i, int j, int color)
int other = OTHER_COLOR(color);
/* Pass is always legal. */
if (pass_move(i, j))
return 1;
/* Already occupied. */
if (get_board(i, j) != EMPTY)
return 0;
/* Illegal ko recapture. It is not illegal to fill the ko so we must
* check the color of at least one neighbor.
if (i == ko_i && j == ko_j
&& ((on_board(i - 1, j) && get_board(i - 1, j) == other)
|| (on_board(i + 1, j) && get_board(i + 1, j) == other)))
return 0;
return 1;
/* Does the string at (i, j) have any more liberty than the one at
* (libi, libj)?
static int
has_additional_liberty(int i, int j, int libi, int libj)
int pos = POS(i, j);
do {
int ai = I(pos);
int aj = J(pos);
int k;
for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
int bi = ai + deltai[k];
int bj = aj + deltaj[k];
if (on_board(bi, bj) && get_board(bi, bj) == EMPTY
&& (bi != libi || bj != libj))
return 1;
pos = next_stone[pos];
} while (pos != POS(i, j));
return 0;
/* Does (ai, aj) provide a liberty for a stone at (i, j)? */
static int
provides_liberty(int ai, int aj, int i, int j, int color)
/* A vertex off the board does not provide a liberty. */
if (!on_board(ai, aj))
return 0;
/* An empty vertex IS a liberty. */
if (get_board(ai, aj) == EMPTY)
return 1;
/* A friendly string provides a liberty to (i, j) if it currently
* has more liberties than the one at (i, j).
if (get_board(ai, aj) == color)
return has_additional_liberty(ai, aj, i, j);
/* An unfriendly string provides a liberty if and only if it is
* captured, i.e. if it currently only has the liberty at (i, j).
return !has_additional_liberty(ai, aj, i, j);
/* Is a move at (i, j) suicide for color? */
static int
suicide(int i, int j, int color)
int k;
for (k = 0; k < 4; k++)
if (provides_liberty(i + deltai[k], j + deltaj[k], i, j, color))
return 0;
return 1;
/* Remove a string from the board array. There is no need to modify
* the next_stone array since this only matters where there are
* stones present and the entire string is removed.
static int
remove_string(int i, int j)
int pos = POS(i, j);
int removed = 0;
do {
board[pos] = EMPTY;
pos = next_stone[pos];
} while (pos != POS(i, j));
return removed;
/* Do two vertices belong to the same string. It is required that both
* pos1 and pos2 point to vertices with stones.
static int
same_string(int pos1, int pos2)
int pos = pos1;
do {
if (pos == pos2)
return 1;
pos = next_stone[pos];
} while (pos != pos1);
return 0;
/* Play at (i, j) for color. No legality check is done here. We need
* to properly update the board array, the next_stone array, and the
* ko point.
static void
play_move(int i, int j, int color)
int pos = POS(i, j);
int captured_stones = 0;
int k;
/* Reset the ko point. */
ko_i = -1;
ko_j = -1;
/* Nothing more happens if the move was a pass. */
if (pass_move(i, j))
/* If the move is a suicide we only need to remove the adjacent
* friendly stones.
if (suicide(i, j, color)) {
for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
int ai = i + deltai[k];
int aj = j + deltaj[k];
if (on_board(ai, aj)
&& get_board(ai, aj) == color)
remove_string(ai, aj);
/* Not suicide. Remove captured opponent strings. */
for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
int ai = i + deltai[k];
int aj = j + deltaj[k];
if (on_board(ai, aj)
&& get_board(ai, aj) == OTHER_COLOR(color)
&& !has_additional_liberty(ai, aj, i, j))
captured_stones += remove_string(ai, aj);
/* Put down the new stone. Initially build a single stone string by
* setting next_stone[pos] pointing to itself.
board[pos] = color;
next_stone[pos] = pos;
/* If we have friendly neighbor strings we need to link the strings
* together.
for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
int ai = i + deltai[k];
int aj = j + deltaj[k];
int pos2 = POS(ai, aj);
/* Make sure that the stones are not already linked together. This
* may happen if the same string neighbors the new stone in more
* than one direction.
if (on_board(ai, aj) && board[pos2] == color && !same_string(pos, pos2)) {
/* The strings are linked together simply by swapping the the
* next_stone pointers.
int tmp = next_stone[pos2];
next_stone[pos2] = next_stone[pos];
next_stone[pos] = tmp;
/* If we have captured exactly one stone and the new string is a
* single stone it may have been a ko capture.
if (captured_stones == 1 && next_stone[pos] == pos) {
int ai, aj;
/* Check whether the new string has exactly one liberty. If so it
* would be an illegal ko capture to play there immediately. We
* know that there must be a liberty immediately adjacent to the
* new stone since we captured one stone.
for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
ai = i + deltai[k];
aj = j + deltaj[k];
if (on_board(ai, aj) && get_board(ai, aj) == EMPTY)
if (!has_additional_liberty(i, j, ai, aj)) {
ko_i = ai;
ko_j = aj;
/* Generate a move. */
static void
generate_move(int *i, int *j, int color)
int moves[MAX_BOARD * MAX_BOARD];
int num_moves = 0;
int move;
int ai, aj;
int k;
memset(moves, 0, sizeof(moves));
for (ai = 0; ai < board_size; ai++)
for (aj = 0; aj < board_size; aj++) {
/* Consider moving at (ai, aj) if it is legal and not suicide. */
if (legal_move(ai, aj, color)
&& !suicide(ai, aj, color)) {
/* Further require the move not to be suicide for the opponent... */
if (!suicide(ai, aj, OTHER_COLOR(color)))
moves[num_moves++] = POS(ai, aj);
else {
/* ...however, if the move captures at least one stone,
* consider it anyway.
for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
int bi = ai + deltai[k];
int bj = aj + deltaj[k];
if (on_board(bi, bj) && get_board(bi, bj) == OTHER_COLOR(color)) {
moves[num_moves++] = POS(ai, aj);
/* Choose one of the considered moves randomly with uniform
* distribution. (Strictly speaking the moves with smaller 1D
* coordinates tend to have a very slightly higher probability to be
* chosen, but for all practical purposes we get a uniform
* distribution.)
if (num_moves > 0) {
move = moves[xor_randn(num_moves)];
*i = I(move);
*j = J(move);
else {
/* But pass if no move was considered. */
*i = -1;
*j = -1;
/* Set a final status value for an entire string. */
static void
set_final_status_string(int pos, int status)
int pos2 = pos;
do {
final_status[pos2] = status;
pos2 = next_stone[pos2];
} while (pos2 != pos);
/* Compute final status. This function is only valid to call in a
* position where generate_move() would return pass for at least one
* color.
* Due to the nature of the move generation algorithm, the final
* status of stones can be determined by a very simple algorithm:
* 1. Stones with two or more liberties are alive with territory.
* 2. Stones in atari are dead.
* Moreover alive stones are unconditionally alive even if the
* opponent is allowed an arbitrary number of consecutive moves.
* Similarly dead stones cannot be brought alive even by an arbitrary
* number of consecutive moves.
* Seki is not an option. The move generation algorithm would never
* leave a seki on the board.
* Comment: This algorithm doesn't work properly if the game ends with
* an unfilled ko. If three passes are required for game end,
* that will not happen.
static void
int i, j;
int pos;
int k;
for (pos = 0; pos < board_size * board_size; pos++)
final_status[pos] = UNKNOWN;
for (i = 0; i < board_size; i++)
for (j = 0; j < board_size; j++)
if (get_board(i, j) == EMPTY)
for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
int ai = i + deltai[k];
int aj = j + deltaj[k];
if (!on_board(ai, aj))
/* When the game is finished, we know for sure that (ai, aj)
* contains a stone. The move generation algorithm would
* never leave two adjacent empty vertices. Check the number
* of liberties to decide its status, unless it's known
* already.
* If we should be called in a non-final position, just make
* sure we don't call set_final_status_string() on an empty
* vertex.
pos = POS(ai, aj);
if (final_status[pos] == UNKNOWN) {
if (get_board(ai, aj) != EMPTY) {
if (has_additional_liberty(ai, aj, i, j))
set_final_status_string(pos, ALIVE);
set_final_status_string(pos, DEAD);
/* Set the final status of the (i, j) vertex to either black
* or white territory.
if (final_status[POS(i, j)] == UNKNOWN) {
if ((final_status[pos] == ALIVE) ^ (get_board(ai, aj) == WHITE))
final_status[POS(i, j)] = BLACK_TERRITORY;
final_status[POS(i, j)] = WHITE_TERRITORY;
static int
get_final_status(int i, int j)
return final_status[POS(i, j)];
static float
int i, j;
float score = komi;
for (i = 0; i < board_size; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < board_size; j++) {
int status = get_final_status(i, j);
if (status == BLACK_TERRITORY) {
else if (status == WHITE_TERRITORY) {
else if ((status == ALIVE) ^ (get_board(i, j) == WHITE)) {
else {
return score;
static void
benchmark(int num_games_per_point)
int i, j;
unsigned int random_seed = 1U;
board_size = 9;
komi = 0.5;
for (i = 0; i < board_size; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < board_size; j++) {
int white_wins = 0;
int black_wins = 0;
int k;
for (k = 0; k < num_games_per_point; k++) {
int passes = 0;
int num_moves = 1;
int color = WHITE;
play_move(i, j, BLACK);
while (passes < 3 && num_moves < 600) {
int m, n;
generate_move(&m, &n, color);
play_move(m, n, color);
if (pass_move(m, n)) {
else {
passes = 0;
color = OTHER_COLOR(color);
if (passes == 3) {
if (compute_score() > 0) {
else {
printf("%d %d %f\n", i, j,
(float) black_wins / (float) (black_wins + white_wins));
main(int argc, char **argv)
int num_games_per_point = 100;
if (argc > 1)
num_games_per_point = atoi(argv[1]);
# Benchmark implementing the board logic for the game of go and
# exercising it by playing random games. Derived from
const EMPTY = 0
const WHITE = 1
const BLACK = 2
# Function to find the opposite color.
other_color(color::Int) = WHITE + BLACK - color
# Used in the final_status[] array.
const DEAD = 0
const ALIVE = 1
const SEKI = 2
const UNKNOWN = 5
type XorRand
function xor_srand(rand::XorRand, seed::Uint32)
rand.state = seed
function xor_randn(rand::XorRand, n::Uint32)
rand.state $= rand.state << 13
rand.state $= rand.state >> 17
rand.state $= rand.state << 5
rand.state % n
xor_randn(rand::XorRand, n::Int) = convert(Int, xor_randn(rand, convert(Uint32, n)))
# Offsets for the four directly adjacent neighbors. Used for looping.
const deltai = (-1, 1, 0, 0)
const deltaj = (0, 0, -1, 1)
neighbor(i::Int, j::Int, k::Int) = (i + deltai[k], j + deltaj[k])
type Board
# Board represented by a 1D array. The first board_size*board_size
# elements are used. Vertices are indexed row by row, starting with 0
# in the upper left corner.
# Stones are linked together in a circular list for each string.
# Storage for final status computations.
# Point which would be an illegal ko recapture.
# xor-shift random number generator.
function Board(n::Int)
init(new(), n, convert(Uint32, 2463534242))
function init(board::Board, n::Int, seed::Uint32)
board.size = n
board.komi = 0.0
board.board = zeros(Int, n, n)
board.next_stone = zeros(Int, n, n)
board.final_status = zeros(Int, n, n)
board.ko_i = 0
board.ko_j = 0
board.rand = XorRand(seed)
ref(board::Board, pos::Int) = board.board[pos]
ref(board::Board, i::Int, j::Int) = board.board[i, j]
# Functions to convert between 1D and 2D coordinates. The 2D coordinate
# (i, j) points to row i and column j, starting with (1,1) in the
# upper left corner.
POS(board::Board, i::Int, j::Int) = (j - 1) * board.size + i
IJ(board::Board, pos::Int) = (1 + mod((pos - 1), board.size), 1 + fld(pos - 1, board.size))
function set_komi(board::Board, komi::Float)
board.komi = komi
function set_random_seed(board::Board, seed::Uint32)
xor_srand(board.rand, seed)
function clear(board::Board)
board.board[:] = EMPTY
is_pass_move(i::Int, j::Int) = i == 0 && j == 0
function on_board(board::Board, i::Int, j::Int)
i >= 1 && i <= board.size && j >= 1 && j <= board.size
function legal_move(board::Board, i::Int, j::Int, color::Int)
other = other_color(color)
# Pass is always legal.
if is_pass_move(i, j)
return true
# Already occupied.
if board[i, j] != EMPTY
return false
# Illegal ko recapture. It is not illegal to fill the ko so we must
# check the color of at least one neighbor.
if i == board.ko_i && j == board.ko_j && ((on_board(board, i - 1, j) && board[i - 1, j] == other) || (on_board(board, i + 1, j) && board[i + 1, j] == other))
return false
# Does the string at (i, j) have any more liberty than the one at (libi, libj)?
function has_additional_liberty(board::Board, i::Int, j::Int, libi::Int, libj::Int)
start = POS(board, i, j)
pos = start
while true
(ai, aj) = IJ(board, pos)
for k = 1:4
(bi, bj) = neighbor(ai, aj, k)
if on_board(board, bi, bj) && board[bi, bj] == EMPTY && (bi != libi || bj != libj)
return true
pos = board.next_stone[pos]
if pos == start
# Does (ai, aj) provide a liberty for a stone at (i, j)?
function provides_liberty(board::Board, ai::Int, aj::Int, i::Int, j::Int, color::Int)
# A vertex off the board does not provide a liberty.
if !on_board(board, ai, aj)
return false
# An empty vertex IS a liberty.
if board[ai, aj] == EMPTY
return true
# A friendly string provides a liberty to (i, j) if it currently
# has more liberties than the one at (i, j).
if board[ai, aj] == color
return has_additional_liberty(board, ai, aj, i, j)
# An unfriendly string provides a liberty if and only if it is
# captured, i.e. if it currently only has the liberty at (i, j).
!has_additional_liberty(board, ai, aj, i, j)
# Is a move at ij suicide for color?
function suicide(board::Board, i::Int, j::Int, color::Int)
for k = 1:4
if provides_liberty(board, neighbor(i, j, k)..., i, j, color)
return false
# Remove a string from the board array. There is no need to modify
# the next_stone array since this only matters where there are
# stones present and the entire string is removed.
function remove_string(board::Board, i::Int, j::Int)
start = POS(board, i, j)
pos = start
removed = 0
while true
board.board[pos] = EMPTY
removed += 1
pos = board.next_stone[pos]
if pos == start
# Do two vertices belong to the same string? It is required that both
# pos1 and pos2 point to vertices with stones.
function same_string(board::Board, pos1::Int, pos2::Int)
pos = pos1
while true
if pos == pos2
return true
pos = board.next_stone[pos]
if pos == pos1
# Play at (i, j) for color. No legality check is done here. We need
# to properly update the board array, the next_stone array, and the
# ko point.
function play_move(board::Board, i::Int, j::Int, color::Int)
pos = POS(board, i, j)
captured_stones = 0
# Reset the ko point.
board.ko_i = 0
board.ko_j = 0
# Nothing more happens if the move was a pass.
if is_pass_move(i, j)
# If the move is a suicide we only need to remove the adjacent
# friendly stones.
if suicide(board, i, j, color)
for k = 1:4
(ai, aj) = neighbor(i, j, k)
if on_board(board, ai, aj) && board[ai, aj] == color
remove_string(board, ai, aj)
# Not suicide. Remove captured opponent strings.
for k = 1:4
(ai, aj) = neighbor(i, j, k)
if on_board(board, ai, aj) && board[ai, aj] == other_color(color) && !has_additional_liberty(board, ai, aj, i, j)
captured_stones += remove_string(board, ai, aj)
# Put down the new stone. Initially build a single stone string by
# setting next_stone[pos] pointing to itself.
board.board[pos] = color
board.next_stone[pos] = pos
# If we have friendly neighbor strings we need to link the strings
# together.
for k = 1:4
(ai, aj) = neighbor(i, j, k)
pos2 = POS(board, ai, aj)
# Make sure that the stones are not already linked together. This
# may happen if the same string neighbors the new stone in more
# than one direction.
if on_board(board, ai, aj) && board[pos2] == color && !same_string(board, pos, pos2)
# The strings are linked together simply by swapping the the
# next_stone pointers.
(board.next_stone[pos], board.next_stone[pos2]) = (board.next_stone[pos2], board.next_stone[pos])
# If we have captured exactly one stone and the new string is a
# single stone it may have been a ko capture.
if captured_stones == 1 && board.next_stone[pos] == pos
# Check whether the new string has exactly one liberty. If so it
# would be an illegal ko capture to play there immediately. We
# know that there must be a liberty immediately adjacent to the
# new stone since we captured one stone.
for k = 1:4
(ai, aj) = neighbor(i, j, k)
if on_board(board, ai, aj) && board[ai, aj] == EMPTY
if !has_additional_liberty(board, i, j, ai, aj)
board.ko_i = ai
board.ko_j = aj
# Generate a move.
function generate_move(board::Board, color::Int)
moves = zeros(Int, 2, board.size * board.size)
num_moves = 0
for ai = 1:board.size, aj = 1:board.size
# Consider moving at (ai, aj) if it is legal and not suicide.
if legal_move(board, ai, aj, color) && !suicide(board, ai, aj, color)
# Further require the move not to be suicide for the opponent...
if !suicide(board, ai, aj, other_color(color))
num_moves += 1
moves[:,num_moves] = [ai, aj]
# ...however, if the move captures at least one stone,
# consider it anyway.
for k = 1:4
(bi, bj) = neighbor(ai, aj, k)
if on_board(board, bi, bj) && board[bi, bj] == other_color(color)
num_moves += 1
moves[:,num_moves] = [ai, aj]
# Choose one of the considered moves randomly with uniform
# distribution. (Strictly speaking the moves with smaller 1D
# coordinates tend to have a very slightly higher probability to be
# chosen, but for all practical purposes we get a uniform
# distribution.)
if num_moves > 0
move = moves[:,1 + xor_randn(board.rand, num_moves)]
return (move[1], move[2])
# But pass if no move was considered.
return (0, 0)
# Set a final status value for an entire string.
function set_final_status_string(board::Board, pos::Int, status::Int)
start = pos
while true
board.final_status[pos] = status
pos = board.next_stone[pos]
if pos == start
# Compute final status. This function is only valid to call in a
# position where generate_move() would return pass for at least one
# color.
# Due to the nature of the move generation algorithm, the final
# status of stones can be determined by a very simple algorithm:
# 1. Stones with two or more liberties are alive with territory.
# 2. Stones in atari are dead.
# Moreover alive stones are unconditionally alive even if the
# opponent is allowed an arbitrary number of consecutive moves.
# Similarly dead stones cannot be brought alive even by an arbitrary
# number of consecutive moves.
# Seki is not an option. The move generation algorithm would never
# leave a seki on the board.
# Comment: This algorithm doesn't work properly if the game ends with
# an unfilled ko. If three passes are required for game end,
# that will not happen.
function compute_final_status(board::Board)
board.final_status[:] = UNKNOWN
for i = 1:board.size, j = 1:board.size
if board[i, j] == EMPTY
for k = 1:4
(ai, aj) = neighbor(i, j, k)
if !on_board(board, ai, aj)
# When the game is finished, we know for sure that (ai, aj)
# contains a stone. The move generation algorithm would
# never leave two adjacent empty vertices. Check the number
# of liberties to decide its status, unless it's known
# already.
# If we should be called in a non-final position, just make
# sure we don't call set_final_status_string() on an empty
# vertex.
pos = POS(board, ai, aj)
if board.final_status[ai, aj] == UNKNOWN
if board[ai, aj] != EMPTY
if has_additional_liberty(board, ai, aj, i, j)
set_final_status_string(board, pos, ALIVE)
set_final_status_string(board, pos, DEAD)
# Set the final status of the pos vertex to either black
# or white territory.
if board.final_status[i, j] == UNKNOWN
if (board.final_status[ai, aj] == ALIVE) $ (board[ai, aj] == WHITE)
board.final_status[i, j] = BLACK_TERRITORY
board.final_status[i, j] = WHITE_TERRITORY
get_final_status(board::Board, i::Int, j::Int) = board.final_status[i, j]
function compute_score(board::Board)
score = board.komi
for i = 1:board.size, j = 1:board.size
status = get_final_status(board, i, j)
if status == BLACK_TERRITORY
score -= 1.0
elseif status == WHITE_TERRITORY
score += 1.0
elseif (status == ALIVE) $ (board[i, j] == WHITE)
score -= 1.0
score += 1.0
function benchmark(num_games_per_point::Int)
random_seed = convert(Uint32, 1)
board_size = 9
komi = 0.5
board = Board(board_size)
set_komi(board, komi)
set_random_seed(board, random_seed)
for i = 1:board.size, j = 1:board.size
white_wins = 0
black_wins = 0
for k = 1:num_games_per_point
passes = 0
num_moves = 1
color = WHITE
play_move(board, i, j, BLACK)
while passes < 3 && num_moves < 600
(movei, movej) = generate_move(board, color)
play_move(board, movei, movej, color)
if is_pass_move(movei, movej)
passes += 1
passes = 0
num_moves += 1
color = other_color(color)
if passes == 3
if compute_score(board) > 0
white_wins += 1
black_wins += 1
@printf("%d %d %f\n", i - 1, j - 1, black_wins / (black_wins + white_wins))
function main(args)
n = 100
if length(args) > 0
n = parse_int(args[1])
@time benchmark(n)
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