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Last active October 21, 2020 02:56
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[矩阵除法] #math
  • 1 numpy.linalg.lstsq这个是什么意思啊?Link

  • 2 Is there a function for solving xA=b in opencv? Link

  • 3 MATLAB 之 \(左除) /(右除)Link

  • 4 Scipy教程 - 线性代数库scipy.linalg Link

  • 5 数值分析,四舍五入带来的误差错误 Link

  • 6 numpy.linalg模块 Link

  • 非方阵的解法:重点参见【2, 4】

$$ XA= b $$

$$ (XA)^T=b^T $$

$$ A^TX^T=b^T $$

$$ X = solve(A^T, b^T)^T $$

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