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Last active June 27, 2020 23:13
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Save Gurkenglas/37174a002777ea302d9bdbef73c07326 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Require Import ZArith.
Open Scope Z_scope.
Notation "x '/<' y" := (x / y)
(at level 40, left associativity).
Definition div_nearest_down (x y : Z) : Z := (1 + (2 * x - 1) /< y) /< 2.
Notation "x '/~<' y" := (div_nearest_down x y)
(at level 40, left associativity).
Definition div_nearest_up (x y : Z) : Z := (1 + 2 * x /< y) /< 2.
Notation "x '/~>' y" := (div_nearest_up x y)
(at level 40, left associativity).
Definition clamp (l u x : Z) : Z :=
if x <? l then l else
if x >? u then u else x.
Definition approx (l u m x : Z) : Z :=
if x <? l then l else
if x >? u then u else
l + m * ((1 + (2 * (x - l) - 1) /< m) /< 2).
Definition approx_valid (l u m x : Z) : Prop :=
l <= u /\ m > 0 /\ (u - l) mod m = 0.
Definition approx' (l u m x : Z) : Z :=
l + m * ((clamp l u x - l) /~< m).
Import Z.
Theorem approx_lower_bound : forall l u m x : Z,
approx_valid l u m x -> approx l u m x >= l.
unfold approx, approx_valid. intros l u m x [Hlelu [Hgtm0 Heq]].
destruct (ltb_spec x l) as [Hltxl | Hlelx].
- omega.
- destruct (gtb_spec x u) as [Hltux | Hlexu].
+ omega.
+ apply le_ge. rewrite <- (add_0_r l) at 1. apply Zplus_le_compat_l.
rewrite <- (mul_0_r m). apply mul_le_mono_nonneg_l.
* omega.
* apply div_pos.
++ destruct (eqb_spec l x) as [Heqlx | Feqlx].
** apply eq_le_incl. rewrite Heqlx. rewrite sub_diag.
rewrite mul_0_r. rewrite sub_0_l.
destruct (leb_spec m 1).
--- replace m with 1 by omega. reflexivity.
--- rewrite Z_div_nz_opp_full.
+++ rewrite div_1_l by omega. reflexivity.
+++ rewrite mod_1_l by omega. omega.
** assert (l < x) as Hltlx by omega.
assert (exists y : Z, succ y = x - l).
exists (pred (x - l)). apply succ_pred.
induction H as [y H]. rewrite <- H. rewrite mul_succ_r.
replace (2 * y + 2 - 1) with (2 * y + 1) by omega.
rewrite <- (add_0_r 0). apply add_le_mono.
--- omega.
--- rewrite <- (div_0_l m) by omega. apply div_le_mono.
+++ omega.
+++ omega.
++ omega. Qed.
Theorem approx_upper_bound : forall l u m x : Z,
approx_valid l u m x -> approx l u m x <= u.
unfold approx, approx_valid. intros l u m x [Hlelu [Hgtm0 Heq]].
destruct (ltb_spec x l) as [Hltxl | Hlelx].
- omega.
- destruct (gtb_spec x u) as [Hltux | Hlexu].
+ omega.
+ (* by symmetry. *) Admitted.
Theorem approx_divisible_lower : forall l u m x : Z,
approx_valid l u m x -> (approx l u m x - l) mod m = 0.
unfold approx, approx_valid. intros l u m x [Hlelu [Hgtm0 Heq]].
destruct (ltb_spec x l) as [Hltxl | Hlelx].
- rewrite sub_diag. rewrite mod_0_l by omega. reflexivity.
- destruct (gtb_spec x u) as [Hltux | Hlexu].
+ apply Heq.
+ rewrite add_simpl_l. rewrite (mul_comm m). apply Z_mod_mult. Qed.
Theorem approx_divisible_upper : forall l u m x : Z,
approx_valid l u m x -> (u - approx l u m x) mod m = 0.
unfold approx, approx_valid. intros l u m x [Hlelu [Hgtm0 Heq]].
destruct (ltb_spec x l) as [Hltxl | Hlelx].
- apply Heq.
- destruct (gtb_spec x u) as [Hltux | Hlexu].
+ rewrite sub_diag. apply mod_0_l. omega.
+ rewrite sub_add_distr. rewrite Zminus_mod. rewrite Heq.
rewrite sub_0_l. apply Z_mod_zero_opp.
* omega.
* rewrite Zmod_mod. rewrite (mul_comm m). apply Z_mod_mult. Defined.
import sys, pexpect
coqtop = pexpect.spawn("coqtop -load-vernac-source " + sys.argv[1])
coqtop.expect("\n\w* < ")
if coqtop.before.find("Error".encode()) == -1:
sys.stderr.write("module didn't compile")
with open (sys.argv[1], "r") as promptfile:
prompt =
import openai
line = openai.Completion.create(model="davinci", prompt=prompt, stop=".", temperature=0, max_tokens=300)
coqtop.expect("\n\w* < ")
if coqtop.before.find("Error".encode()) == -1:
prompt += line + "\n"
sys.stderr.write("Tried: " + line)
Require Setoid.
Parameter Provable : Prop -> Prop.
Axiom Pmodus : forall {a b:Prop}, Provable (a -> b) -> Provable a -> Provable b.
Axiom loeb : forall {a:Prop}, Provable (Provable a -> a) -> Provable a.
Axiom unsafeNecessitation: forall {a:Prop}, a -> Provable a. (* WRONG *)
Ltac prove := repeat match goal with
| [ H : Provable _ |- _ ] => refine (Pmodus _ H); clear H
end; clear; apply unsafeNecessitation; intuition. (* sometimes doesnt clear *)
Ltac loebprove := apply loeb; prove.
Parameter Fixedpoint2 : (Prop -> Prop -> Prop) -> (Prop -> Prop -> Prop) -> Prop. (* SHOULD BE REDUNDANT *)
Notation "A <3 B" := (Fixedpoint2 A B) (at level 70).
Axiom fixedpoint2 : forall {a b}, a <3 b = a (a <3 b) (b <3 a).
Ltac unfix := rewrite fixedpoint2.
Definition Prudent (self other:Prop) := Provable (self <-> other).
Definition Fair (self other:Prop) := Provable other.
Definition Coop (self other:Prop) := True.
Definition Defect (self other:Prop) := False.
Theorem prudentbotcoops : Prudent <3 Prudent. unfix. prove. Qed.
Theorem fairbotcoops : Fair <3 Fair. unfix. loebprove. unfix. prove. Qed.
Theorem p2pp : forall {a : Prop}, Provable a -> Provable (Provable a).
intros a pa.
refine (Pmodus _ (_: Provable (a /\ Provable a))). prove.
loebprove. intuition prove.
Theorem prudentfaircoops : Prudent <3 Fair.
unfix. apply p2pp in H. prove. unfix. assumption.
unfix. exact H.
Definition PA_1 (a:Prop) := (forall {a:Prop}, Provable a -> a) -> a.
Theorem npnp : forall {x}, PA_1 (~Provable (~Provable x)).
intros x trust pnp.
apply trust.
contradict H.
Theorem fairdbotdefect : PA_1 (~Fair <3 Defect).
intros trust cooperates.
rewrite fixedpoint2 in cooperates.
apply trust in cooperates.
rewrite fixedpoint2 in cooperates.
exact cooperates.
(* Take the action for which you can prove the best lower bound. *)
Definition UDT (self other:Prop) := Provable (self -> other) /\ ~Provable (~self -> other).
Lemma composition : forall {a b c:Prop}, (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> c). intuition. Qed.
Lemma modus_tollens: forall {p q: Prop}, (p->q) -> ~q -> ~p. auto. Qed.
Theorem theyneverknowUDTcoops : forall b, PA_1(~Provable (UDT <3 b)).
intros d trust.
refine (_ (npnp trust)). intuition.
contradict x.
destruct H as [_ u].
contradict u.
exact H0.
Notation "'UC'" := (UDT <3 UDT).
Lemma UDTdoesntgetexploitedbyUDT : UC <-> ~Provable (~UC -> UC).
Proof. split.
intro. rewrite fixedpoint2 in H. firstorder.
intro. unfix. firstorder. prove.
Theorem udtcoops : PA_1 UC.
intros trust.
rewrite UDTdoesntgetexploitedbyUDT.
refine (modus_tollens (Pmodus _) (theyneverknowUDTcoops UDT trust)).
rewrite UDTdoesntgetexploitedbyUDT.
rewrite UDTdoesntgetexploitedbyUDT in H.
Theorem prudentunexploitable : forall b, PA_1 (Prudent <3 b -> b <3 Prudent).
Proof. intros b trust pb. assert (eq := pb). rewrite fixedpoint2 in eq. apply trust in eq.
Theorem UDTunexploitable : forall b, PA_1 (UDT <3 b -> b <3 UDT).
Proof. intros b trust ub. assert (ub' := ub). rewrite fixedpoint2 in ub. destruct ub as [notexp _].
apply trust in notexp. firstorder.
Theorem whenPBcoopstheyknow : forall b, Prudent <3 b -> Provable (Prudent <3 b).
intro b. unfix. intro pb. apply p2pp. firstorder.
Theorem prudentudtdefect : PA_1 (~Prudent <3 UDT).
intros trust pu.
absurd (Provable (UDT <3 Prudent)).
exact (theyneverknowUDTcoops _ trust).
assert (pu' := pu).
rewrite fixedpoint2 in pu'.
refine (Pmodus _ pu').
refine (Pmodus _ (whenPBcoopstheyknow _ pu)).
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