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Created April 5, 2021 17:13
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-- Lab 03
-- creating a table with some attributes
create table books
(name varchar(30) primary key,
ssid varchar(30));
-- add attribute
alter table books add autho varchar(15);
-- delete a table or drop a table
drop table books;
-- insert into table or insert a record into a table
insert into student values ('1029', 'Gurunadh', 'Comp. Sci.', 100);
-- change a record or update a value
update student set tot_cred = 80 where id = 1029;
-- delete a record
delete from student where id = 1029;
-- conditional query
update student set tot_cred = tot_cred + 10
where tot_cred < 100 and dept_name = 'Comp. Sci.';
-- conditional query
select id from teaches
where (id in (select id from teaches where year = 2009)) and
(id not in (select id from teaches where year <> 2009))
-- toppers in each department
select * from student
where (dept_name, tot_cred) in
(select dept_name, max(tot_cred)
from student
group by dept_name)
-- conditional
select title from course
where course_id in (select prereq_id from prereq);
-- conditional
select * from instructor
where id in (select i_id from advisor
where s_id in (select id from student where dept_name = 'Comp. Sci.')
-- conditional
select count(id), dept_name, avg(salary)
from instructor
group by dept_name
-- insert
insert into table student values ('1029', 'Gurunadh', 'Comp. Sci.', 12);
-- between ascending descending
select * from student where tot_cred between 12 and (select max(tot_cred) from student)
order by tot_cred desc;
-- delete a record from table
delete from student where id = 1029;
-- regular expression
select sum(salary) from instructor
where id in (select i_id from advisor) and name regexp '^k'
-- string operations concatenations
select concat_ws("_", upper(substr(name, 1, 4)), substr(dept_name, 1, 4)) as name_dept
from student
-- regular expression
-- cross join
-- cross join everything (new nulls are not possible)
-- outer join
-- join on some condition and display records with null when they dont match
-- (nulls are possible both sides)
-- inner join
-- join without nulls on some condition
-- left join
-- join with nulls right side or join with all records on left side
-- right join
-- join with nulls in left side or join with all records on right side
select * from course cross join section
where course.dept_name = 'Comp. Sci.' and section.building regexp 'ta|at|ka' and section.course_id regexp 'cs'
-- conditional
select name, salary
from instructor
where dept_name = 'Biology' or dept_name = 'Finance'
order by salary desc;
-- null check
select * from instructor where salary is not null;
-- concatenation
select name, concat_ws("",upper(substr(name, 1, 1)), lower(substr(name, 2)),lower(name), lower(name))
from student;
select distinct, takes.grade, length(name) as length
from student natural join takes
where takes.grade in ('A', 'A+', 'A-')
-- Lab 05
select count( distinct )
from student join
takes join
teaches join instructor
on =
on takes.course_id = teaches.course_id
on =
where = 10101
select count(distinct from student
where id in (
select id from takes
where course_id in (
select course_id from teaches
where id = 10101
select * from instructor where salary > any
(select salary from instructor)
and dept_name = 'Biology'
select *
from instructor as I
where (select count(id) from instructor as J where I.salary < J.salary) = 1
select * from student
where (dept_name, tot_cred) in
(select dept_name, max(tot_cred) from student group by dept_name having count(id) > 1)
-- constraints
domain constraints - 1. inserting a string at the place of an int
2. insertinga value which disagree with check
entity integr. constr- 1. inserting null at the place of not null
2. inserting null at the place of primary key
referential integr. constr 1. inserting a non existing attribute
key constraints 1. inserting two records with same primary key
-- backup
mysqldump -u root -p --no-data university > mysql_without_data.sql
mysqldump -u root -p university > mysql_with_data.sql
create database some_with_data
mysql -u root -p some_with_data < mysql_with_data.sql
create database some_without_data
mysql -u root -p some_without_data < mysql_without_data.sql
-- drop database
drop database some_with_data;
drop database some_without_data;
-- join
create view student_advisor as(
select as s_name, as i_name
from student left join
(advisor join instructor on advisor.i_id =
on = advisor.s_id
-- conditional
select id, name from instructor
where id in
(select id from teaches
group by id
having count(course_id) > 1)
select host, user from mysql.user
create user 'guru'@localhost;
grant all on *.* to 'guru'@localhost with grant option;
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