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Created December 12, 2013 01:20
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Script para eliminar el la la nota de la tarea con menor nota / Script to eliminate the homework with less score
require 'mongo'
@client ='localhost',27017)
@db = @client['school']
@collection = @db['students']
@filter =
@collection.find().each do |student|
hash =
puts student['_id']
hash['id'] = student['_id']
hash['scores'] = []
student['scores'].each { |score| hash['scores'] << score['score'] if score['type'] == 'homework' }
@filter << hash
@filter.each do |hash|
{'_id' => hash['id']},
{'$pull' => {'scores' => {'type' => 'homework', 'score' => hash['scores'].sort[0]}}}
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