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Last active September 15, 2023 02:44
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Gets the list of certificates (cert-manager) that are scheduled to renew in the next X days
function k8s-certificates-renew{
param([Parameter()][int]$days = 15)
((kubectl get certificates -A -o json | ConvertFrom-Json).items) |
?{[Datetime]($_.status.renewalTime) -lt (Get-Date).AddDays($days) }|
%{ [pscustomobject]@{Name=$; RenewAt=[DateTime]$_.status.renewalTime; Namespace=$_.metadata. Namespace } }
function k8s-Select-Resources {
###Essa função é responsável por extrair as informações
###dos recursos dedicados aos deployments
param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]$deployListJson)
process {
function ExtractCpuNumber{
if (($cpu -match '[0-9]+m') -eq $False)
{return ([int]$cpu * 1000);}
{return [int]($cpu -replace '[a-z]');}
return ($deployListJson.items | Foreach-object{
$containers = $_.spec.template.spec.containers ?? $_.spec.containers;
$deployName = $;
$deployNamespace = $_.metadata.Namespace;
return ($containers|Foreach-object{
$resources = $_.resources;
$container = $_;
Name = $deployName ;
ContainerName = ($;
Namespace = $deployNamespace;
MemoryMin = ($resources.requests.memory);
CPUMin = ExtractCpuNumber $resources.requests.cpu;
MemoryMax = ($resources.limits.memory);
CPUMax = (ExtractCpuNumber $resources.limits.cpu);
Image = ($container.image);
} ) | Sort-Object -Property CPUMin -Desc
function k8s-deploy-resources {
param([Parameter()][string]$namespace = 'production')
(kubectl get deployments -n $namespace --output json | ConvertFrom-Json) | k8s-Select-Resources
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