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Last active June 12, 2020 21:13
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  • Save GuyAglionby/8da5bf4852833c3d87516b1265282bda to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Convert csv with columns (title, author, paper type) to something that MiniConf will take in
import pandas as pd
import re
from typing import List
re_author_split = re.compile(' and |, ')
re_curly_brace = re.compile('{([A-Za-z0-9 ]+)}')
acceptable_chars = '[\'`\/:\-()?\w\s\d.,]+'
re_newline = re.compile('[ ]*\n[ ]*')
re_inline_italics = re.compile(r'{\\(?:em|it) (' + acceptable_chars + ')}')
re_italics = re.compile(r'\\(?:emph|textit){(' + acceptable_chars + ')}')
re_inline_sc = re.compile(r'{\\sc (' + acceptable_chars + ')}')
re_textsc = re.compile(r'\\textsc{(' + acceptable_chars + ')}')
re_inline_bf = re.compile(r'{\\bf (' + acceptable_chars + ')}')
re_textbf = re.compile(r'\\textbf{(' + acceptable_chars + ')}')
re_textrm = re.compile(r'\\textrm{(' + acceptable_chars + ')}')
re_url = re.compile(r'\\url{(' + acceptable_chars + ')}')
re_footnote = re.compile(r'\\footnote{(' + acceptable_chars + ')}')
re_mathmode = re.compile(r'\$(.*?)\$')
re_cite = re.compile(r'~?\\cite[pt]?{(' + acceptable_chars + ')}')
re_multi_space = re.compile(r'\s+')
re_superscript = re.compile(r'\\textsuperscript{(\d+)}')
re_subscript = re.compile(r'\\textsubscript{(\d+)}')
direct_replacements = {'\%': '%', '\&': '&', '$\sim$': '~', '\\alpha': 'ɑ', '\\beta': 'β', '\\gamma': 'ɣ', '\\propto': '∝', '\\Rightarrow': '⇒', '\\Leftrightarrow': '⇔', '\\Leftarrow': '⇐'}
subscript_map = {'0': '₀', '1': '₁', '2': '₂', '3': '₃', '4': '₄', '5': '₅', '6': '₆', '7': '₇', '8': '₈', '9': '₉'}
superscript_map = {'0': '⁰', '1': '¹', '2': '²', '3': '³', '4': '⁴', '5': '⁵', '6': '⁶', '7': '⁷', '8': '⁸', '9': '⁹'}
def convert_superscript_match(match):
return ''.join([superscript_map[char] for char in str(])
def convert_subscript_match(match):
return ''.join([subscript_map[char] for char in str(])
def clean_abstract(abstract):
for source, dest in direct_replacements.items():
abstract = abstract.replace(source, dest)
abstract = re_newline.sub(' ', abstract)
abstract = re_superscript.sub(convert_superscript_match, abstract)
abstract = re_subscript.sub(convert_subscript_match, abstract)
abstract = re_textsc.sub(r'\1', abstract)
abstract = re_inline_sc.sub(r'\1', abstract)
abstract = re_textrm.sub(r'\1', abstract)
abstract = re_textbf.sub(r'\1', abstract)
abstract = re_inline_bf.sub(r'\1', abstract)
abstract = re_cite.sub(' ', abstract)
abstract = re_url.sub(r'\1', abstract)
abstract = re_footnote.sub(r' (\1)', abstract)
abstract = re_mathmode.sub(r'\1', abstract)
abstract = re_inline_italics.sub(r'\1', abstract)
abstract = re_italics.sub(r'\1', abstract)
abstract = re_multi_space.sub(' ', abstract)
return abstract
def clean_title(paper_title):
for source, dest in direct_replacements.items():
paper_title = paper_title.replace(source, dest)
paper_title = re_curly_brace.sub(r'\1', paper_title)
return paper_title
def miniconf_join_list(lst):
return '|'.join(lst)
def parse_authors(author_string):
return re_author_split.split(author_string)
def main():
filename = 'ACL2020 Accepted Papers Information (to share with other chairs) - Sheet1.csv'
papers = pd.read_csv(filename)
track_filename = 'paper_tracks.xls'
track_details = pd.read_excel(track_filename)
assert set(papers['Submission ID'].values) == set(track_details['ID'].values)
papers = papers.merge(right=track_details, left_on='Submission ID', right_on='ID')
acl_id_stub = '1.'
papers['authors'] = papers['Authors'].apply(lambda x: miniconf_join_list(parse_authors(x)))
papers['Abstract'] = papers['Abstract'].apply(clean_abstract)
papers['title'] = papers['title'].apply(clean_title)
papers['UID'] = papers['Line order'].apply(lambda x: acl_id_stub + str(x))
papers['paper_type'] = papers['Submission Type']
papers.rename(columns={'Abstract': 'abstract', 'track': 'session'}, inplace=True)
papers['keywords'] = ''
papers = papers.loc[:, ['Line order', 'UID', 'title', 'authors', 'abstract', 'keywords', 'session', 'paper_type']]
papers.sort_values(by='Line order', axis=0, inplace=True)
papers.drop(columns='Line order', inplace=True)
papers.to_csv('papers.csv', index=False)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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