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Created November 30, 2012 03:02
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show scrolling lists of rss feeds.
from scene import *
import feedparser
from time import sleep
import random
import Queue
from threading import Thread, Event
fontsize = 25
coverw = fontsize #The width of the rectangle used to cover the end of the scroll area.
scrollspeed = 100 #Pixels per second to scroll.
requests = Queue.Queue() #Create a thread safe queue for the rss feed reading.
###Add request for rss read to queue.
def addrequest(req): requests.put(req)
###Thread function to process rss feed load requests.
def loadthread():
while True:
requests.get().load() #Get next entry, blocks until data available, then load it.
requests.task_done() #Set the task as done, not really used by this system though.
ldthread = None #Pointer to the loading thread.
###Rectangle containing a scrolling news feed.
class scrolltext(object):
def __init__(self, rect, url):
self.textarea = Rect(*rect) #The area for the scrolling text.
self.random = True #Randomize the feed entries.
self.url = url #URL to read rss feed from.
self.scrollspeed = scrollspeed #Speed to scroll text in pixels/second.
self.textcolor = Color(1.00, 1.00, 0.00) #Color of text.
self.leftrect = Rect(self.textarea.x, self.textarea.y - 1, coverw, fontsize) #Rectangle for box to cover left side of box.
self.rightrect = Rect(self.textarea.right() - coverw, self.leftrect.y, self.leftrect.w, self.leftrect.h) #Rectangle for box to cover right side of box.
self.titlerect = Rect(self.textarea.x, self.textarea.y + fontsize + 4, 0, fontsize) #Box for the RSS feed title text.
self.displaytextrect = Rect(self.textarea.right(), self.textarea.y, 0, fontsize)
self.displaytext = '' #Text from RSS feed to display in the visible area.
self.displaytextimg = None #Image if displaytext.
self.lletter = 0 #Index of left letter.
self.rletter = 0 #Index of right letter.
self.lletterimg = -1 #Index of left letter used to generate displaytextimg.
self.rletterimg = -1 #Index of right letter used to generate displaytextimg.
self.text = ''
self.title = None #Title text.
self.titleimg = None #Image of title text.
self.rend = 'White_Square' #Left/right end image caps.
self.lend = self.rend
self.curmessage = 0 #Index of message in rss feed message array.
self.uddone = Event() #Event used to signal when URL update is done.
self.uddone.clear() #Start the event cleared.
self.displaytextimg = render_text(' ', font_size=fontsize) #Crate an empty image of the display text.
self.getheadlines() #Start download of RSS feed.
###Start the RSS feed download.
def getheadlines(self):
self.state = self.waitfordata #Update state to wait for data download
self.title = 'queued' #Set the display text for the title.
addrequest(self) #Queue the rss feed download request.
###Load the RSS feed data. This is called from the loading thread.
def load(self):
self.title = 'loading' #Set title text to loading.
d = feedparser.parse(self.url) #Parse the rss feed.
self.title = d['feed']['title'].encode('utf-8') #Get the title text.
#this causes errors with 's in text which return nan for size returned by render_text()
#this manifests itself by causing the text to render as solid blocks of color that exceed the rectangle bounds.
# self.headlines = [ row['summary'].encode('utf-8') for row in d.entries ]
self.headlines = [ row['summary'] for row in d.entries ] #Get text for each feed entry.
self.curmessage = 0 #Start at message 0.
if self.random: #If randomizing entries then shuffle the list.
self.setmsg(self.headlines[self.curmessage]) #Set the 1st message and start the scrolling.
self.uddone.set() #Tell the main thread we are done loading.
###Determine if text image needs updating.
def updatedesplaytext(self):
if self.lletter != self.lletterimg or self.rletter != self.rletterimg:
self.lletterimg = self.lletter
self.rletterimg = self.rletter
self.displaytext = self.text[self.lletter : self.rletter] #Get new substr.
self.displaytextimg = render_text(self.displaytext, font_size=fontsize) #Create text image.
self.displaytextrect.w = self.displaytextimg[1].w #Set the text width. Height doesn't change.
###Chop character from front of string if out of the display area.
def chop(self):
#Loop until the text is within the display area.
while self.displaytextrect.x <= self.leftrect.x:
#If there are any letters left in the text.
if self.lletter < self.letters:
lt = self.text[self.lletter] #Get the current leftmost letter.
#Render it so we can adjust the rectangle by the width of the character.
timg = render_text(lt, font_name='ArialMT' ,font_size=fontsize)
self.displaytextrect.x += max(0,min(fontsize, timg[1].w))
self.lletter += 1 #Next letter.
###Add character to end of string if a new character is needed.
def add(self):
r = self.displaytextrect.right()
if r <= self.rightrect.left(): #If the right position is < the left side of the end cap add a letter.
self.rletter += 1
if self.rletter >= self.letters: #If out of letters show next message.
###Add next message to current display text.
def nextmessage(self):
self.curmessage += 1 #Next message.
if self.curmessage & 1: #Every other message is a ...
self.setmsg('... ')
cm = self.curmessage / 2 #Since every other message is ... index into headlines list is curmessage / 2.
#If out of messages queue up download.
if cm >= len(self.headlines):
###Add the given text to display text.
def setmsg(self, msg):
self.text = self.text[self.lletter:] + msg #Add the text but also shop unneeded text off of front.
self.letters = len(self.text) #Get # of letters in the string.
self.rletter -= self.lletter #Adjust the right letter index to be relative to new start of string.
self.lletter = 0 #Reset string start.
###Update state waits for data download.
def waitfordata(self, dt):
if self.uddone.is_set(): #If the update done event is set.
self.state = self.scrollstate #Switch to scrolling state.
ttl = render_text(self.title) #Convert title to image.
self.titleimg = ttl[0]
self.titlerect.w = ttl[1].w
self.titlerect.h = ttl[1].h
self.uddone.clear() #Reset the update event for the next download.
return False #Return false to indicate we are waiting for a download.
###Update state scrolls text.
def scrollstate(self, dt):
self.displaytextrect.x -= dt * self.scrollspeed #Update scroll position.
self.chop() #Chop letter from left if out of display area.
self.add() #Add letter to right if more data needed.
self.updatedesplaytext() #Make sure image of text is up to date.
return True #Return true to indicate we are displaying.
###Update the rss feed system.
def update(self, dt): return self.state(dt)
###Draw the RSS feed text.
def draw(self):
# fill(0,0,0)
# rect(*self.textarea) #This is usefull if the whole screen is not cleared each frame.
#If display text exists render it.
if self.displaytextimg[0]:
image(self.displaytextimg[0], *self.displaytextrect)
#Render left/right caps.
image(self.lend, *self.leftrect)
image(self.rend, *self.rightrect)
#If we have title text image render it.
if self.titleimg:
image(self.titleimg, *self.titlerect)
elif self.title: #Otherwise display the title text.
text(self.title, x=self.titlerect.x, y=self.titlerect.y, alignment=9)
class MyScene(Scene):
###The scene containing scrolling RSS feeds.
def setup(self):
global ldthread
x = 100 #Start 100 units in from left.
r = Rect(x, 100, self.size.w - x, fontsize)
sp = Point(50, 0) #Use Point to hold scroll speed so it is available in addfeed by reference.
self.feeds = []
#Start the loading thread.
ldthread = Thread(target=loadthread)
#Local function to add an RSS feed to the feeds list.
def addfeed(u, c, img, rand = True):
f = scrolltext(r, u) #Create scroll text instance.
f.rend = img #Set right end cap to given image.
f.random = rand #Set message randomization.
f.textcolor = c #Set color for text.
f.scrollspeed = sp.x #Set scroll speed using the sp.x value.
self.feeds.append(f) #Add object to feeds list.
r.y += 75 #Move the rectangle up.
r.x -= 25 #And to the left.
r.w += 25 #Keep right side at same point.
sp.x += 10 #Increase scroll speed.
#Add the following RSS feeds.
addfeed('', Color(0.00, 1.00, 0.00), 'Blue_Circle')
addfeed('', Color(1.00, 0.50, 0.00), 'Personal_Computer')
addfeed('', Color(1.00, 0.00, 0.00), 'Delivery_Truck')
addfeed('', Color(0.00, 1.00, 0.50), 'American_Football', False)
###Update all RSS feed displays.
def update(self):
ud = 0 #Keep count of how many are scrolling vs loading.
for f in self.feeds:
ud += f.update(self.dt)
if ud < len(self.feeds): #If any feeds are loading sleep for a bit to let the loading thread update.
sleep(1.0 if ud == 0 else 0.02)
###Draw all RSS feeds.
def draw(self):
background(0, 0, 0) #Clear the frame. If you take this out put the rect() call back in in scrolltext.draw().
self.update() #Update the feeds.
for f in self.feeds: #Draw the feeds.
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