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Created December 1, 2012 07:16
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  • Save GuyCarver/4180945 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save GuyCarver/4180945 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
create Images directory if doesn't exist.
#example of animated frames for a character walk.
#downloads a soldier sprite sheet, cuts out frames for the walk cycles in 4 directions
# and animates the character walking in the direction controlled by gravity.
from scene import *
from PIL import Image
import urllib, os
start = Point(3, 1) #the sheet has 8 sets of characters in a 4x2 grid.
ssize = Size(96, 128)
speed = 0.15
frames = [0, 1, 2, 1] #4 frames per walk cycle
dirs = [0, 3, 9, 6] #start frame for direction
moveamt = 32
mov = [(0, -moveamt), (-moveamt, 0), (0, moveamt), (moveamt, 0)]
keycolor = (0, 255, 0, 255)
gravsense = 0.06
north = 0
south = 2
east = 1
west = 3
def wrap(v, ext):
if v < 0:
return ext + v
elif v >= ext:
return v - ext
return v
def gravitydirections(dir):
ax = abs(dir.x)
ay = abs(dir.y)
dx = 0
dy = 0
#If x is larger than the sensitivity then set east or west.
if ax > gravsense:
dx = west if dir.x > 0 else east
#If y is larger than the sensitivity then set north or south.
if ay > gravsense:
dy = south if dir.y > 0 else north
#return direction tuple in order of largest gravity direction.
return dy if ay > ax else dx
class MyScene (Scene):
def setup(self):
# This will be called before the first frame is drawn.
if not os.path.exists('Images'):
if not os.path.exists("Images/soldier2.png"):
url = urllib.urlopen('')
with open("Images/soldier2.png", "wb") as output:
img ="Images/soldier2.png").convert('RGBA')
strt = Point(start.x * ssize.w, start.y * ssize.h)
img = img.crop((strt.x, strt.y,strt.x + ssize.w - 1, strt.y + ssize.h - 1))
d = img.load()
keycolor = d[0,0] #1st pixel is used as keycolor.
for x in range(img.size[0]):
for y in range(img.size[1]):
p = d[x, y]
if p == keycolor: #if keycolor set alpha to 0.
d[x, y] = (p[0], p[1], p[2], 0)
def getframe(x, y):
nim = img.crop((x * 32, y * 32, (x+1) * 32, (y+1) * 32))
# nim = nim.resize((16,16), Image.ANTIALIAS)
return load_pil_image(nim)
self.images = [ getframe(x,y) for y in xrange(4) for x in xrange(3) ]
self.start = 0
self.base = 0
self.dir = 0
self.delay = speed
self.x = 400
self.y = 400
def draw(self):
# This will be called for every frame (typically 60 times per second).
self.dir = gravitydirections(gravity())
background(0, 0, 1)
d = self.dir
mv = mov[d]
self.x += mv[0] * self.dt
self.y += mv[1] * self.dt
self.x = wrap(self.x, self.size.w)
self.y = wrap(self.y, self.size.h)
image(self.images[dirs[d] + frames[self.start]], self.x, self.y, 32, 32)
self.delay -= self.dt
if self.delay <= 0:
self.delay += speed
self.start += 1
if self.start >= len(frames):
self.start = 0
run(MyScene(), PORTRAIT)
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