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Created September 23, 2016 03:21
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F# version of QuickText.cs example for Continuous app
// Quick Text Example
// Enables you to text quickly by defining standard messages.
// 1. Add the ability to delete messages
// 2. Add the most recent message at the top
open System
open System.Collections.ObjectModel
open System.Linq
open Foundation
open UIKit
open Xamarin.Forms
// Setup a "database" of quick messages stored in a text file.
let messages = ObservableCollection<string> ()
let ReadMessages () =
let lines = System.IO.File.ReadLines ("QuickTextMessages.txt")
for line in lines do
//printfn "%s" line
| ex -> messages.Add("helli")
//printfn "%s" ex.ToString()
let SaveMessages () =
System.IO.File.WriteAllLines ("QuickTextMessages.txt", messages)
| ex -> printfn "%s" ex.ToString()
ReadMessages ()
// Construct the UI
let lst = ListView()
lst.ItemsSource <- messages
let listPage = ContentPage (
Content = lst,
Title = "Quick Text"
let addItem = ToolbarItem (
Text = "Add"
listPage.ToolbarItems.Add addItem
//put in separate function cuz the interpreter was not correctly reporting compile errors as a lambda in the function below (also a lambda).
let handleadd (itm : UIAlertView) =
itm.Clicked.Add (fun (a : UIButtonEventArgs) ->
if (a.ButtonIndex <> itm.CancelButtonIndex) then
messages.Add itm.GetTextField(nint(0)).Text
SaveMessages ()
// Add interaction
addItem.Clicked.Add (fun (a : EventArgs) ->
// Create an add message UI
let alert = new UIAlertView ("Add Message", "", null, "Cancel", "Add")
alert.AlertViewStyle <- UIAlertViewStyle.PlainTextInput
// Handle the user input
handleadd alert
lst.ItemSelected.Add (fun (e : SelectedItemChangedEventArgs) ->
match e.SelectedItem with
| null -> ()
| _ ->
// Get the selected message
let message = (string)e.SelectedItem;
// Deselect the list cell
lst.SelectedItem <- null
// Create the activity UI
let actItems = [|
new NSString(message) :> NSObject
let act = new UIActivityViewController (actItems, Array.empty<UIActivity>)
// Display the activity UI
let window = UIApplication.SharedApplication.KeyWindow
act.PopoverPresentationController.SourceView <- window
window.RootViewController.PresentViewController(act, true, null)
// Display
let Main = NavigationPage(listPage)
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