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Last active November 3, 2021 11:33
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* Helper function that builds a PostgreSQL jsonb_set function that also deeply creates missing objects
* Usage:
* 1. jsonbSetDeep(target = "my_field", path = arrayOf("depth1","depth2"), newJsonValue = "[]")
* returns -
* jsonb_set(
* WHEN my_field IS NULL THEN '{"depth1": {}}'
* WHEN my_field -> 'depth1' IS NULL THEN jsonb_set(my_field, array['depth1'], '{}')
* ELSE my_field
* END,
* array['depth1','depth2'],
* '[]'
* )
* @param target - valid json element
* @param path - array of non-empty valid json properties that describes the search path
* @param newJsonValue - valid json element
fun jsonbSetDeep(target: String, path: Array<String>, newJsonValue: String): String {
return StringBuilder().apply {
if (path.isEmpty()) {
} else {
appendLine(" CASE")
appendLine(" WHEN $target IS NULL THEN '${buildJsonStructure(jsonPath = path, to = path.size - 1)}' ")
for (i in 0 until path.size - 1) {
val jsonPointer = buildJsonExtractFieldOperator(target, path, i + 1)
val jsonPath = buildJsonPath(path, i + 1)
val newValue = buildJsonStructure(path, from = i + 1, to = path.size - 1)
appendLine(" WHEN $jsonPointer IS NULL THEN jsonb_set($target, $jsonPath, '$newValue') ")
appendLine(" ELSE $target ")
appendLine(" END,")
appendLine("${buildJsonPath(path, path.size)},")
appendLine(" '$newJsonValue'")
private fun buildJsonStructure(jsonPath: Array<String>, from: Int = 0, to: Int = jsonPath.size): String {
return StringBuilder().apply {
for (i in from until to) {
append("""{"${jsonPath[i]}": """)
append("}".repeat(to - from))
private fun buildJsonPath(jsonPath: Array<String>, to: Int = 0): String {
return StringBuilder(" array[").apply {
for (i in 0 until to) {
if (i < to - 1) {
private fun buildJsonExtractFieldOperator(field: String, jsonPath: Array<String>, to: Int = 0): String {
return StringBuilder(""" $field -> """).apply {
for (i in 0 until to) {
if (i < to - 1) {
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