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Last active September 11, 2023 16:56
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  • Save GuyPaddock/b07b8bfd7ab102c7a4cd423c2b929378 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save GuyPaddock/b07b8bfd7ab102c7a4cd423c2b929378 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
List the installation profile version of all Drupal sites on Pantheon that are tied to the Drupal 7 upstream. (Script authored by ChatGPT 3.5).
# Define the Pantheon upstream ID
# Authenticate with Terminus (replace with your authentication method)
# terminus auth:login
# Initialize the CSV output with headers
echo "Site Name,Install Profile Version"
# Get a list of non-frozen Drupal 7 sites based on the specified upstream
SITES=$(terminus site:list --upstream "$UPSTREAM_ID" --fields=name --format=csv --filter="frozen=" | tail -n +2)
# Define the target environment
ENVIRONMENT="dev" # Change to your desired environment (e.g., test, live)
# Loop through the sites and check the install profile version
for SITE_NAME in $SITES; do
# Use Terminus to execute rq and store the JSON output
REQUIREMENTS_JSON=$(terminus drush $SITE -- rq --format=json)
# Extract the install profile value from the JSON
INSTALL_PROFILE_VALUE=$(echo $REQUIREMENTS_JSON | jq -r '.install_profile.value')
# Extract the version from the install profile value using a more specific regex
INSTALL_PROFILE_VERSION=$(echo $INSTALL_PROFILE_VALUE | sed -n 's/.*>\(.*\)<\/em>.*/\1/p')
# Output the results in CSV format to standard output
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