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Last active March 23, 2018 15:04
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Save GuzTech/182bfe879fdf9315ff7918b0ecc61b88 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
First stack implementation in Clash (
-- Check out for the blog post
-- in which we create this file.
module Example1 where
import CLaSH.Prelude
counter val = val + 1
counter2 val = adder val 1
counter3 val enable = o
o = case enable of
True -> val + 1
False -> val
counter4 val enable = o
o = case enable of
True -> adder val 1
False -> val
adder val1 val2 = val1 + val2
addsub val1 val2 a_ns = o
res_add = val1 + val2
res_sub = val1 - val2
o = case a_ns of
True -> res_add
False -> res_sub
stack1 (mem, sp) push pop value = ((mem', sp'), o)
sp' = case push of
True -> case pop of
True -> sp
False -> sp + 1
False -> case pop of
True -> sp - 1
False -> sp
mem' = case push of
True -> replace sp value mem
False -> mem
o = case pop of
True -> mem !! sp'
_ -> 0
stack2 (mem, sp) push pop value = ((mem', sp'), o)
(mem', sp') = case push of
True -> case pop of
True -> (replace sp value mem, sp)
False -> (replace sp value mem, sp + 1)
False -> case pop of
True -> (mem, sp - 1)
False -> (mem, sp)
o = case pop of
True -> mem !! sp'
_ -> 0
topEntity :: (Vec 8 (Signed 16), Unsigned 3) -> Bool -> Bool -> Signed 16 -> ((Vec 8 (Signed 16), Unsigned 3), Signed 16)
topEntity = stack1
-- Push 3 on the stack
x = topEntity (repeat 0, 0) True False 3
-- Pop one value off of the stack
y = topEntity (fst x) False True 0
-- Push and pop at the same time
z = topEntity (fst x) True True 31
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