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Created July 1, 2016 21:47
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const twistUp = (str) => {
const lookup = {
'a': 'áăắặằẳẵǎâấậầẩẫäạàảāąåǻãɑɐɒ',
'b': 'ḅɓß♭␢Б',
'c': 'ćčçĉɕċ',
'd': 'ďḓḍɗḏđɖ',
'e': 'éĕěêếệềểễëėẹèẻēęẽɘəɚ',
'f': 'ƒſʃʆʅɟʄ',
'g': 'ǵğǧģĝġɠḡɡ',
'h': 'ḫĥḥɦẖħɧ',
'i': 'íĭǐîïịìỉīįɨĩɩı',
'j': 'ǰĵʝȷɟʄ',
'k': 'ķḳƙḵĸʞ',
'l': 'ĺƚɬľļḽḷḹḻŀɫɭł',
'm': 'ḿṁṃɱɯɰ',
'n': 'ʼnńňņṋṅṇǹɲṉɳñŋ',
'o': 'óŏǒôốộồổỗöọőòỏơớợờởỡōǫøǿõɵʘ',
'p': 'ɸþᵱƥᵽṗṕ',
'q': 'ʠꝗɋq̃ϙ',
'r': 'ŕřŗṙṛṝɾṟɼɽɿɹɻ',
's': 'śšşŝșṡṣʂ',
't': 'ťţṱțẗṭṯʈŧ',
'u': 'ʉúŭǔûüǘǚǜǖụűùủưứựừửữūųůũʊ',
'v': 'ʋʌⱴṿṽ',
'w': 'ẃŵẅẁʍ',
'x': 'χẍẋⲭ',
'y': 'ýŷÿẏỵỳƴỷȳỹʎ',
'z': 'źžʑżẓẕʐƶ',
'B': 'ḄƁᛒ𐌱ɃḂḆ฿β',
'C': 'ĆČÇĈĊƆʗ',
'F': 'ƑḞ𐌅₣',
'G': 'ǴĞǦĢĜĠḠʛ',
'H': 'ḪĤḤĦ',
'J': 'ĴɈʝ',
'K': 'ĶḲƘḴ',
'M': 'ḾṀṂ',
'P': 'Þ𐌐ṔṖⱣƤ₱♇',
'Q': 'ꝖɊ',
'R': 'ŔŘŖṘṚṜṞʁ',
'V': 'ṼṾƲ℣∨',
'W': 'ẂŴẄẀʬ',
'X': 'χẌẊⲬ𐍇',
const replaceWith = (lookup) => (char) => chooseRandChar(lookup[char]) || char
const reduce = (thing, fn, init = null) => {
let start = init
for(let i = 0; i < thing.length; i++) {
start = start + fn(thing[i], i, thing)
return start
const getRandomInt = (max, min = 0) => {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min;
const chooseRandChar = (str) => str ? str[getRandomInt(str.length - 1)] : str
return reduce(str, replaceWith(lookup), '')
console.log(twistUp(`For, after all, how do we know that two and two make four?
Or that the force of gravity works? Or that the past is unchangeable?
If both the past and the external world exist only in the mind,
and if the mind itself is controllable – what then?`))
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