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Created June 23, 2015 03:51
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basic fluid validation in coffeescript
class ValidationInstance
constructor: (@item, @rules...) ->
class Validation
flatten = (arr) ->
merged = [];
merged.concat.apply(merged, arr);
_toValidate = null
instances = []
RuleFor: (func) =>
_toValidate = func(@)
NotEmpty: () =>
func = (x="") -> x isnt "" and x.length > 0 and x isnt undefined
instances.push(new ValidationInstance(_toValidate, func))
GreaterThan: (value) =>
func = (x) -> x > value
instances.push(new ValidationInstance(_toValidate, func))
Validate: () =>
flatten( =>> y(x.item))))
class UserValidator extends Validation
constructor: (name, number) ->
@RuleFor(() -> name)
@RuleFor(() -> number)
class User extends UserValidator
constructor: (name, number) ->
u = new User("Name", 5);
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