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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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  • Save Gyoo/5ea00ea18a26419731fe to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Gyoo/5ea00ea18a26419731fe to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.



  • Fixed several issues coming from a confusion between variables (Affected : Unbet, Highscore, several commands after unsplitting)


  • Due to better stability after bugfixing, SubSplits integration is back. Splits Selector... not yet



  • Scores should be completely fixed



  • Fixed issue with scores being equal to each other no matter the bet

Known issues

  • Scores can be pretty high even if you bet far away from the segment time



  • Disabled Splits Selection because it was making a mess.
  • Fixed !unbet, one and for all
  • Fixed delay shenanigans caused by Splits Selection



  • Fixed critical misbehaviour when trying to stop or remove SplitsBet.



  • Delay is now working completely
  • Fixed !unbet, got buggy since last update
  • Fixed wrong behaviour with the run starting offset


  • SplitsBet is now enabled by default on startup (no need to type !start anymore)
  • Changed the scoring system slightly: Now, you will get points if you are in a 15% range around the segment time, no matter the length of the segment.


  • Added Subsplits compatibility : if Subsplits is part of your layout, you can choose to enable bets only for parent splits or for every single split
  • Added messages customization. Only the messages that don't designate a user are available for customization right now.
  • Added Splits Selection : If you don't want people to bet on a certain split, unselect it in the settings. Currently buggy with SubSplits "parent splits only" feature.

Known bugs

  • As said just above, you cannot use Splits Selection and SubSplits at the same time because it's buggy. Only backup solution is to unselect subsplits in the splits selector (but it might not exactly be the behaviour you want). Help greatly appreciated to fix that.



  • Time to show at the beginning of a split is now correct, and not the sum since the beginning


  • Added support for custom comparisons for the time to show at the beginning of a split

Known bugs

  • Delay is still buggy, but if you don't abuse it it works fine. Just don't make another action while an event is delayed.



  • Fixed error when there is no highscore in the middle of a run
  • Fixed bugs with the scores when unsplitting then resplitting
  • Changed settings management to prevent settings from being completely reset from a version to another
  • Fixed a bug related to loading new splits without reloading SplitsBet


  • Added !version to see which version is running
  • Added setting to choose which comparison is shown in the chat at the beginning of a split (either Best segment, average segment, best split times segment, PB segment, or none)
  • Added setting to set a delay between your split and the messages showing in the chat. This is done to prevent spoiling the run because of the stream delay


  • Refactoring of some code (you won't see that as a user)
  • Changed the phrasing of the bot
  • Changed the time coefficient formula, because users felt like it's more rewarding to bet fast than to bet accurate. From now on, the coef will start decreasing at around 30% of the time of the best segment, and at the latest (aka 75% of the time of the best segment) the coef will be around 0.5, which means you'll only earn 50% of what you would've earned if you bet at the beginning.

##Known Bugs

  • If your segment time is shorter than the delay you set, SplitsBet will be completely rekt until you reset your run. This is mostly because the current method used for the delay is a bit dirty, but hey it does the job. This will be refactored at some point.



  • Fix disposal of Livesplit events
  • Fix show of message "RIP run" after the run is completed
  • Fix show of error when unsplitting while bets are disabled
  • Fix crashes when no best segment is set
  • Better management of !start and !stop
  • MinimumTime setting is now saved correctly
  • !start and !stop are now managed correctly when done during a run
  • If the run starts with an offset (positive or negative) the first split shows the correct time (The offset wasn't taken in consideration before)


  • Added settings for scores to be shown in a single message
  • Added special bets :
    • !specialbet start to start a special bet
    • !specialbet (time) to bet for this special bet
    • !specialbet stop (time) to close the special bet, and you must input the end time by hand



  • Attempted to fix a bug that can occur when the bot is stopped in the middle of a run and restarted later
  • Changed the bet time limit from 90% of the best time of a segment to 75%
  • Fixed a crash in the settings
  • Fixed a message showing there is an error when someone writes a command that is not linked to SplitsBet (i.e. !emotes)
  • Fixed a bug happening if you skip the first split
  • SplitsBet will show a custom message if no best segment is set for a split
  • Fixed a bug not showing the scores at the end of a run


  • Setting : Limit of scores to show at the end of a split (from 1 to 10)
  • Setting : Use global time as bet value instead of segment time
  • Setting : Use Game Time instead of Real Time
  • SplitsBet should be auto-updated with the Update Manager from now on

Known Bugs

  • Minimum Bet Time isn't registered correctly in the settings
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