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Last active September 9, 2022 11:48
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Autotag com Changelog

Autotag com Changelog

Para começar, você deve instalar as bibliotecas:

npm i --save-dev --save-exact auto-changelog @jsdevtools/version-bump-prompt @jsdevtools/ez-spawn capacitor-set-version cross-env

Dentro do package.json, você precisa criar o script chamado release, da seguinte forma:

"release": "cross-env HUSKY=0 node scripts/release.js",

Depois, crie o arquivo .versionrc na raiz com o conteúdo:

  "files": [
  "versionCode": 1

Dentro de files, você coloca cada arquivo que você quer que ele atualize a versão.

A propriedade chamada versionCode é utilizada quase que exclusivamente para o Capacitor, para que nós possamos trackear a versão atual em inteiro para os apps.

Depois, precisamos criar uma pasta chamada scripts e criar o arquivo chamado release.js:

const BumpVersion =
const { readFileSync, writeFileSync, existsSync } = require('fs');
const { resolve } = require('path');
const { run } = require('auto-changelog/src/run');
const { versionBump } = require('@jsdevtools/version-bump-prompt');
const ezSpawn = require('@jsdevtools/ez-spawn');

const basePath = resolve(__dirname, '..');
const packageJson = resolve(basePath, 'package.json');
const versionFilePath = resolve(basePath, '.versionrc');

const versionFile = JSON.parse(

let newVersion;

async function bumpVersion() {
  const result = await versionBump({
    preid: 'build',
    noVerify: true,
    commit: 'chore(release): bump version to %s',
    tag: true,
    push: false,
    files: versionFile.files,

  newVersion = result.newVersion;

async function bumpCapacitorVersion() {
  try {
    if (!existsSync(resolve(basePath, 'android')) && !existsSync(resolve(basePath, 'ios')))

    const versionName = JSON.parse(

    versionFile.versionCode = Number(versionFile.versionCode || 0) + 1;

    writeFileSync(versionFilePath, JSON.stringify(versionFile, null, 2), {
      encoding: 'utf-8',


  } catch (e) {

async function generateChangelog() {
  await run(['-l', '1000', '-t', 'keepachangelog']);

bumpVersion().then(bumpCapacitorVersion).then(generateChangelog).then(async () => {
  const androidFiles = existsSync(resolve(basePath, 'android')) ? ['android'] : [];
  const iosFiles = existsSync(resolve(basePath, 'ios')) ? ['ios'] : [];

  const filesToCommit = ['.versionrc', '', ...androidFiles, ...iosFiles];

  for (const file of filesToCommit)
    await ezSpawn.async('git', ['add', file]);

  await ezSpawn.async('git', ['commit', '--amend', '--no-verify', '--no-edit']);

  await ezSpawn.async('git', ['tag', '-d', `v${newVersion}`]);
  await ezSpawn.async('git', ['tag', `v${newVersion}`]);

E para finalizar, precisamos criar o arquivo chamado conventional.hbs que irá gerar o

# Changelog

{{#each releases}}
  {{#if href}}
    #{{#unless major}}#{{/unless}} [{{title}}]({{href}}) - {{#if tag}} {{niceDate}} {{/if}}

    ## {{title}}

  {{#if summary}}

  {{#each merges}}
    - {{#if commit.breaking}}**Breaking change:** {{/if}}{{message}}

  {{#each fixes}}
    - {{#if commit.breaking}}**Breaking change:** {{/if}}{{commit.subject}}{{#each fixes}}{{/each}}

  {{! List commits with 'breaking:' or 'Breaking change:' anywhere in the message under a heading}}
  {{#commit-list commits heading='### Breaking Changes :warning:' message='[bB]reaking [cC]hange:|[bB]reaking:' }}
    - {{subject}} @{{author}}  {{!--[`{{shorthash}}`]({{href}}) --}}

  {{! List commits organised under a heading, but not those already listed in the breaking section }}
      {{#commit-list commits heading='### New Features' message='^[fF]eat:|[fF]eat\(' exclude='[bB]reaking [cC]hange:|[bB]reaking:'}}
        - {{subject}} @{{author}} {{!--[`{{shorthash}}`]({{href}}) --}}

      {{#commit-list commits heading='### Fixes' message='^[fF]ix:|^[fF]ix\(' exclude='[bB]reaking [cC]hange:|[bB]reaking:'}}
        - {{subject}} @{{author}} {{!--[`{{shorthash}}`]({{href}}) --}}

      {{#commit-list commits heading='### Chores And Housekeeping' message='^[cC]hore:|^[cC]hore\(' exclude='[bB]reaking [cC]hange:|[bB]reaking:'}}
        - {{subject}} @{{author}} {{!--[`{{shorthash}}`]({{href}}) --}}

      {{#commit-list commits heading='### Documentation Changes' message='^[dD]ocs:|^[dD]ocs\(' exclude='[bB]reaking [cC]hange:|[bB]reaking:'}}
        - {{subject}} @{{author}} {{!--[`{{shorthash}}`]({{href}}) --}}

      {{#commit-list commits heading='### Refactoring and Updates' message='^[rR]efactor:|^[rR]efactor\(|^[uU]pdate:|^[uU]pdate\(' exclude='[bB]reaking [cC]hange:|[bB]reaking:'}}
        - {{subject}} @{{author}} {{!--[`{{shorthash}}`]({{href}}) --}}

      {{#commit-list commits heading='### Changes to Test Assets' message='^[tT]est:|^[tT]est\(' exclude='[bB]reaking [cC]hange:|[bB]reaking:'}}
        - {{subject}} @{{author}} {{!--[`{{shorthash}}`]({{href}}) --}}

      {{#commit-list commits heading='### Tidying of Code eg Whitespace' message='^[sS]tyle:|^[sS]tyle\(' exclude='[bB]reaking [cC]hange:|[bB]reaking:'}}
        - {{subject}} @{{author}} {{!--[`{{shorthash}}`]({{href}}) --}}

      {{#commit-list commits heading='### Performance Improvements' message='^[pP]erf:|^[pP]erf\(' exclude='[bB]reaking [cC]hange:|[bB]reaking:'}}
        - {{subject}} @{{author}} {{!--[`{{shorthash}}`]({{href}}) --}}

      {{#commit-list commits heading='### General Changes' exclude='[bB]reaking [cC]hange:|[bB]reaking:|^[fF]eat:|^[fF]eat\(|^[fF]ix:|^[fF]ix\(|^[cC]hore:|^[cC]hore\(|^[dD]ocs:|^[dD]ocs\(|^[rR]efactor:|^[rR]efactor\(|^[uU]pdate:|^[uU]pdate\(|^[tT]est:|^[tT]est\(|^[sS]tyle:|^[sS]tyle\(|^[pP]erf:|^[pP]erf\('}}
        - {{subject}} @{{author}} {{!--[`{{shorthash}}`]({{href}}) --}}


Portanto, a estrutura final será:

  • .versionrc
  • scripts
    • release.js
    • conventional.hbs


v1.1.5 - 4 March 2022

  • Update/forgot password
  • feat(feed): if was selected an topic filter and go to task, when back to feed, selected current topic filter still applying.
  • update(code): fixed home, someone else will fix the teams screen
  • update(feature): now the days with events are colored in reminder page
  • Update/check-students-in-missed
  • Update/app version
  • Update/my-students-style
  • Update/timetable font size
  • Update/team-detail
  • Fix/misses select
  • feat(information-card): added a clock image in information-card.
  • Refactor/teacher-schedule
  • Update/forgot password
  • fix(user-image): background color added
  • Update/align pages content
  • Update/schedule events
  • update(select-overlay): add max-width and ellipsis
  • feat(documents): button color changed.
  • feat(functions.ts): informationToCard in lesson have icon and backgroundColor.
  • Feature/qa ids
  • feat(childish-home): z-index aplicated to under detail.
  • fix(document-task-card/portfolio): create a enum to delete or download file.
  • Feature/recover password
  • Fix/optional quoting
  • feat(student-card): if student dont have a task or points, show a message informing this.
  • fix(timetable-week): centralized icon and text in center.
  • update(fix): fixed the problem with the filters in the portfolio
  • Feature/student page
  • feat(childish-subject): set orientation to Landscape.
  • feat(feed-card): new button to change direction of files list.
  • fix/parents-auth-modal
  • update(pull-refresh-style): styles and logic were changed
  • Fix/error on build
  • fix(schedule): padding added and No events centralized
  • Fix/split screen disable
  • fix(teacher-view-lesson): countTypes moved to header structure
  • update(fix): fixed the teacher task cards image
  • update(fix): now you cant change the years in calendar
  • Fix/calendar markdown
  • Update/custom-task-types
  • fix(childish-schedule): layout fixed and date added to search item
  • fix(tasks-view): centralization of checkboxes
  • Fix/terms button
  • Fix/auth guard
  • update/calendar-size-childish
  • Fix/calendar sizes
  • Update/home-hive-text
  • Fix/modal-search
  • Refactor/teacher-header
  • fix(documents): added back important removed line
  • Update/back-button-childish-calendar
  • update(fix): fixed the unlock documents button
  • update(fix): fixed the scss
  • Fix/modal behavior
  • update(code): fixed the scss
  • Fix/tasks
  • Update/feed-pull-refresher
  • feat(annotation-modal): added a confirm delete modal when delete annotation.
  • Fix/export button
  • Update/portfolio-sort-order
  • Update/task-portfolio-attendance-toasts
  • Fix/student profile info
  • Fix/task photo download
  • Fix/feed portifolio edit
  • update(fix): fixed the logo overlay at forgot password

Refactoring and Updates

  • update(teacher/team): refactoring team-detail calls @Leonardo Dimarchi
  • update(task-detail): added route extra state between all-team and team-detail @Leonardo Dimarchi
  • Update(feed): update paddings in feed page @HGRon

v1.1.4 - 4 July 2022

Chores And Housekeeping

  • chore(release): bump to v1.1.4 @Vinícius Lourenço

v1.1.3 - 4 July 2022

  • Merging develop with v1.1.2
  • Merge develop into master

Chores And Housekeeping

  • chore(release): bump to v1.1.3 @Vinícius Lourenço

v1.1.2 - 11 February 2022

  • Update(): update gradle version and feed bug
  • Update/terms-button-color
  • update/portfolio-feed-load
  • fix(statusBar): fixed statusbar overlaying and color
  • Update/childish-feed-responsiveness
  • Fix/ios build
  • Update/calendar-modal-and-students-page
  • Update/class-card-nullish
  • Update/pages-fade-effect
  • Update/calendar modal events
  • Update/cards home
  • Fix/maintain filter portifolio
  • fix(statusBar): fixed status bar platform verifications
  • Update/timetable-filter-and-day-enum
  • Fix/teacher pwd change
  • fix(url): updated urls for /team
  • Update/confirm go back
  • fix(parents-auth): position of p tag fixed
  • fix(scheduled-lesson): export button's margin fixed
  • fix(asset-card): browser plugin's import fixed
  • update/change-version
  • Update/schedule event color
  • Update/feed-topic-route
  • Update/subject-route-change
  • Feature/qa ids
  • Fix/teacher clean code
  • Fix/orientation
  • Update/teacher-content-pagination
  • Feature/portfolio detail childish
  • Update/schedule space
  • update/toast-close
  • update(fix): now the cards are working properly
  • Update/calendar-responsiveness
  • Update/task hour
  • update(pages/childish-main/profile && components/image): added new component...
  • perf(grade-input): Changed how input component work and better UX
  • refac(information-card): padronization of color text.
  • feat(search-space): update inset to work on ios
  • feat(grade-input): fixed max value to value of task.
  • fix(reminder): fixed reminder loading
  • update(pages/teacher-main/lesson): disabling the option to export file in...
  • update(components/cards/feed-card): removing the 'ver' button and putting...
  • Fix/content
  • Fix/to deploy
  • Update/content-pages-sizes
  • Update/image zoom modal
  • update(pages/teacher-main/material/unit): disabling bncc button when there is none
  • update(button): deactivated projects button for teacher in content/year/id/subject/id/
  • fix(login bug): fixed bug on login without accepting terms on professor and student
  • fix(update): fixed scss of portfolio and clean code
  • fix(update): added the screen lock on all screens
  • Fix/video player
  • Feature/time-select-reminder
  • fix(scss): fixed the styling on feed
  • Feature/modal select
  • fix(teacher-lesson-document): fixed document upload on teacher lesson page
  • update(pages/teacher-main/activities/view): added return to task screen
  • Update/tasks
  • Update/tasks-refactor
  • update(pages/auth/forgot-password): added a portrait orientation on the page
  • fix(reminder): fixed reminder page and remove all coments
  • Update/portfolio-feed-empty-card
  • Update/feed-refactor
  • Update/back button
  • Refactor/select-and-filter-interfaces
  • Fix/team filter
  • fix(bug): fixed the grades bug in the student task
  • Fix/multiple files
  • Fix/teacher blank cards
  • fix(bug): fixed the remove pfp
  • fix(splashScreen): updated splash-screen's capacitor plugin
  • feat(alter-passowd): changed toast form to error toast and changed html text.
  • Update/feed-text-update
  • Update/header-menu-options-fix
  • fix(headerOptions): fixed import for HeaderRightIconEnum
  • fix(headerOptions): fixed import for HeaderRightIconEnum
  • Fix/schedule board
  • Fix/home icon
  • fix(headerOptions): added loading and fixed unable on click
  • refactor(feed): description and experience inverted.
  • Fix/annotation
  • Fix/calendar for parents
  • feat(capacitor): updated capacitor and plugins to version 3.4

Refactoring and Updates

  • update(pages): adding fade effect into all pages @Leonardo Dimarchi
  • update(teacher/portfolio/feed): refactoring and adding animations at portfolio feed page, along with little refactors at another pages/services @Leonardo Dimarchi
  • update(all-my-students): update to optimize request and clean code @HGRon

v1.1.0 - 31 January 2022

  • Merge develop into master
  • Fix/forgot password position
  • Fix/home hexagon
  • Fix/remove user image
  • Update/terms-and-policy-texts
  • update(pages/teacher-main/document): added on destroy
  • fix(button): fixed the bad behaviour of the button that adds a new reminder
  • fix(button): fixed mute button for videos
  • update(components/timetable-week): changing margins
  • fix(calendar): fixed calendar margin top
  • Fix/lesson back
  • Fix/feed like
  • update(pages/teacher-main/schedule && pages/teacher-main/lesson-by-teacher):...
  • Feature/class journal for students
  • Fix/parent password screen
  • fix(feature): now you can't click on the button multiple times
  • Update/teacher-text-changes
  • Update/terms-and-policy
  • update: fixed screen break
  • Update/login-show-password
  • Fix/missed page
  • Update/profile save
  • fix(feature): the task update button now is clickable, but there is still an...
  • Fix/screen spin on password change
  • Fix/parents screen margin
  • Update/childish-profile-logout-colors
  • update(loading-icon): fixed loading icon position on missed screen
  • Fix/presentation modal
  • Fix/change password
  • Fix/calendar events and teams
  • Update src/app/pages/teacher-main/team/all-my-students/all-my-students/
  • feature/class-journal-for-students
  • update(teacher-main): fix bugs
  • Fix/login
  • Fix/interceptor
  • Fix/calendar
  • Feat/create lesson by teacher
  • Fix/no content
  • update(splashScreen): added hide to child page
  • update(calendar): remove hour field
  • update(lesson): now the sliders of the content in the lesson has a larger range
  • Update/information-card-date
  • Fix/first login
  • update(teamDetail): fixed the bug of the back button
  • fix(environment): added current lesson key to the production environment file
  • update(sm-hexagon-btn.svg): fix whiteLine button
  • feat(moment): isolated moment lib
  • feat(export-button): added api to export button
  • Feature/fix teacher main bugs
  • Fix/layout ios
  • feature(login): roles school and admin cannot login in app.
  • update(utils/functions): fixing hours in 'information card' component on schedule page
  • update(components/cards/information-card): hiding the points if they are equal to '0'
  • Feature/build abb
  • update(modals/parents-auth && pages/childish-main/home): fixing error message
  • fix(childish-unit-card): array start count 1, not 0.
  • update(components/date-select && pages/teacher-main/missed): added missed...
  • Feature/feed open detail
  • feat(pages/auth/forgot-password && interactors/auth && app-routing.module &&...
  • Feature/childish task detail
  • fix(search-bar): componentize search-bar to use in others pages
  • Fix/celendar
  • Fix/profile
  • Feature/profile ids
  • Fix/task
  • feat(pages/teacher-main/lesson && models/interfaces/pdf-options &&...
  • Feature/presentation
  • Update/realese teacher content
  • Feature/feed childish
  • Update/childish-schedule-responsiveness
  • Update/childish-background-hive
  • Create/feed
  • Feature/list tasks
  • fix(password-modal): change post url
  • Update/document
  • Feature/fix splash bugs pdf bugs
  • Update/material
  • Update/header-backbutton-fix
  • Feature/alter first password
  • fix(tasks): fixed tasks grid to not break with big titles
  • update(pages/teacher-main/missed && components/date-select &&...
  • Fix/childish header
  • Fix/hive
  • Feature/bottom hive
  • Feature/childish lesson
  • Update/diary
  • fix(teacher-portfolio): fix create portfolio with just spaces
  • Feature/force-external-svg-color
  • update(pages/teacher-main/missed): adding the loading inside the structure
  • Feature/fix create task portfolio message
  • Fix/profile photo
  • update(pages/teacher-main/missed): fixing loading, now it shows header while loading
  • Update/teacher-main-background
  • Update/childish-timetable-non-responsive
  • update(splash): updated splash screen image
  • update/all-schedule
  • fix(profile): fixed profile photo edit and animation for hexagons
  • Update/childish-timetable-sorting
  • Update/childish-home-padding-fix
  • Update/teacher-tasks-list-paginated
  • update(pages/teacher-main/missed && theme/toast): fixing toast styles and...
  • update(pages/teacher-main/portfolio/create-update): fixing title when entering...
  • update(components/headers/header-teacher): fixing responsiveness
  • Feature/childish-schedule-timetable-page
  • Update/jetifier-postinstall
  • fix(media): added media queries to team list page
  • feat(team-detail): joined all tha pages about task in the flow
  • update(theme/toast && services/helper): fixing 'toast' styles and adding style checking in 'helper'
  • update(components/input-files): fixing 'accept' attribute
  • Feature/my teams
  • Fix/duplicated task users
  • Fix/miss
  • Feature/child calender
  • Fix/all my teams
  • Feature/unit
  • Fix/lesson
  • Feature/recreation
  • Feature/alter child password
  • Update/portfolio zoom
  • Feature/volumes
  • Feat/class diary
  • Feature/home
  • Update/lesson options
  • Refactor/navbar
  • Feature/home
  • Feature/profile
  • fix(all-my-classes): fixed errors
  • fix(task): fixed points field on create task page
  • fix(portfolio): fixed portfolio feed pagination
  • fix(): fixed detail page header title de 'portfólio' para 'Portfólio'
  • fix(requisition): fixed requisition in loop
  • Create all my classes page
  • fix(apk): fixed bugs on generating .apk
  • fix(main): removed padding added twice
  • Update/task details
  • Update/reminder update
  • Refactor/components
  • fix(image): fixed portfolio attachment insertion
  • update/schedule-infinity-scroll
  • fix reminder scroll
  • fix create and update avaliation
  • update(missed): selected date by api request.
  • fix calendar scroll
  • Refactor/models
  • Clean/imgs
  • Update/lesson
  • update(scss): change color name
  • Feature/portfolio detail
  • Fix/login message error
  • Update/view
  • Feature/portfolio
  • Fix/breadcrumb
  • feature(lesson): updated book click and your funcionality
  • Feature/terms
  • Update/home
  • update(*): update view to no scroll all the page
  • fix/authentication
  • Update/task
  • Fix/login
  • Fix/responsivity
  • update(class-card): update to get information remove unused information and on...
  • update(missed): created calendar with lessons of the selected date.
  • Feature/portfolio
  • Update/schedule
  • Feature/header menu options
  • Update/class card
  • Feature/task
  • Feature/portfolio
  • Feat/new modal diolog
  • update(Api URL): Updated BaseApiUrl
  • Feature/portfolio
  • Fix/profile
  • Feature/task
  • Feature/task
  • Calendar
  • Attendance schedule
  • Attendance
  • Feature/task
  • Feature/subject
  • Feature/profile
  • Feature/annotation
  • Feature/annotation
  • Finished Special Development
  • fix(*): fixed build error

Refactoring and Updates

  • update(*): Update to merge develop with fix/forgot-password-position @HGRon
  • update(terms && terms-info): added privacy policy @Leonardo Dimarchi
  • update(terms): removing terms button @Leonardo Dimarchi

1.0.2 - 12 April 2021

Refactoring and Updates

  • update(xcode): update to 1.0.1 @JFortunato
  • update(Xcode): updated IOS version to 1.0.2 @JFortunato

v1.0.1 - 9 April 2021

v0.0.38 - 10 January 2022

  • Feature/list tasks
  • fix(password-modal): change post url
  • Update/document
  • Feature/fix splash bugs pdf bugs
  • Update/material
  • Update/header-backbutton-fix
  • Feature/alter first password
  • fix(tasks): fixed tasks grid to not break with big titles
  • update(pages/teacher-main/missed && components/date-select &&...
  • Fix/childish header
  • Fix/hive
  • Feature/bottom hive

New Features

  • feat(password-modal): add new modal to change password in firs access in app @HGRon
  • feat(hive): added hives to all pages that needed @Flavio-Lucas

Refactoring and Updates

  • update(childish-task): add list and task-card component @henrique945

v0.0.37 - 6 January 2022

  • Feature/childish lesson
  • Update/diary

New Features

  • feat(diary): create a modal to edit diary content @HGRon

Refactoring and Updates

  • update(image-viewer-modal & fullscreen-video-modal): video full size @henrique945
  • update(diary): update to add modal controller in page @HGRon

v0.0.36 - 5 January 2022

  • fix(teacher-portfolio): fix create portfolio with just spaces
  • Feature/force-external-svg-color
  • update(pages/teacher-main/missed): adding the loading inside the structure
  • Feature/fix create task portfolio message
  • Fix/profile photo
  • update(pages/teacher-main/missed): fixing loading, now it shows header while loading
  • Update/teacher-main-background
  • Update/childish-timetable-non-responsive
  • update(splash): updated splash screen image
  • update/all-schedule
  • fix(profile): fixed profile photo edit and animation for hexagons
  • Update/childish-timetable-sorting
  • Update/childish-home-padding-fix
  • Update/teacher-tasks-list-paginated
  • update(pages/teacher-main/missed && theme/toast): fixing toast styles and...
  • update(pages/teacher-main/portfolio/create-update): fixing title when entering...
  • update(components/headers/header-teacher): fixing responsiveness
  • Feature/childish-schedule-timetable-page
  • Update/jetifier-postinstall
  • fix(media): added media queries to team list page

General Changes

  • clean(shared): remove schedule @henrique945
  • clean(shared): remove tasks @henrique945
  • clean(shared): remove student-details @henrique945

v0.0.34 - 2 January 2022

  • feat(team-detail): joined all tha pages about task in the flow
  • update(theme/toast && services/helper): fixing 'toast' styles and adding style checking in 'helper'
  • update(components/input-files): fixing 'accept' attribute
  • Feature/my teams
  • Fix/duplicated task users
  • Fix/miss
  • Feature/child calender
  • Fix/all my teams
  • Feature/unit
  • Fix/lesson
  • Feature/recreation
  • Feature/alter child password
  • Update/portfolio zoom
  • Feature/volumes
  • Feat/class diary
  • Feature/home
  • Update/lesson options
  • Refactor/navbar
  • Feature/home

Refactoring and Updates

  • update(all-my-teams): updated component name @Bruna Ribeiro
  • update(schedule): update to add child schedule @HGRon
  • refactor(erros): added error treatment class and use it on team-detail page @Flavio-Lucas


  • Feature/profile
  • fix(all-my-classes): fixed errors
  • fix(task): fixed points field on create task page
  • fix(portfolio): fixed portfolio feed pagination
  • fix(): fixed detail page header title de 'portfólio' para 'Portfólio'
  • fix(requisition): fixed requisition in loop
  • Create all my classes page
  • fix(apk): fixed bugs on generating .apk
  • fix(main): removed padding added twice
  • Update/task details
  • Update/reminder update
  • Refactor/components
  • fix(image): fixed portfolio attachment insertion
  • update/schedule-infinity-scroll
  • fix reminder scroll
  • fix create and update avaliation
  • update(missed): selected date by api request.
  • fix calendar scroll
  • Refactor/models
  • Clean/imgs
  • Update/lesson
  • update(scss): change color name
  • Feature/portfolio detail
  • Fix/login message error
  • Update/view
  • Feature/portfolio
  • Fix/breadcrumb
  • feature(lesson): updated book click and your funcionality
  • Feature/terms
  • Update/home
  • update(*): update view to no scroll all the page
  • fix/authentication
  • Update/task
  • Fix/login
  • Fix/responsivity
  • update(class-card): update to get information remove unused information and on...
  • update(missed): created calendar with lessons of the selected date.
  • Feature/portfolio
  • Update/schedule
  • Feature/header menu options
  • Update/class card
  • Feature/task
  • Feature/portfolio
  • Feat/new modal diolog
  • update(Api URL): Updated BaseApiUrl
  • Feature/portfolio
  • Fix/profile
  • Feature/task
  • Feature/task
  • Calendar
  • Attendance schedule
  • Attendance
  • Feature/task
  • Feature/subject
  • Feature/profile
  • Feature/annotation
  • Feature/annotation
  • Finished Special Development
  • refactor(unity): mockup imgs & fix img footer
  • refactor(class-item): changing mockup classes
  • refactor(team): background/students merge

Refactoring and Updates

  • update(header-child): change all css @henrique945

General Changes

  • remove(insert-lesson-resourse): remove component @henrique945
  • create(home): create childish home @henrique945
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