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Last active January 21, 2023 16:17
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NestJS Module Token Factory

NestJS Performance Analysis

This is the artifact of my performance analysis on NestJS about ModuleTokenFactory.

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.ModuleCompiler = void 0;
const module_token_factory_1 = require("./module-token-factory");
class ModuleCompiler {
constructor(moduleTokenFactory = new module_token_factory_1.ModuleTokenFactory()) {
this.moduleTokenFactory = moduleTokenFactory;
async compile(metatype) {
const { type, dynamicMetadata } = this.extractMetadata(await metatype);
const token = this.moduleTokenFactory.create(type, dynamicMetadata);
return { type, dynamicMetadata, token };
extractMetadata(metatype) {
if (!this.isDynamicModule(metatype)) {
return { type: metatype, dynamicMetadata: undefined };
return { type: metatype.module, dynamicMetadata: metatype };
isDynamicModule(module) {
return !!module.module;
exports.ModuleCompiler = ModuleCompiler;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.ModuleTokenFactory = void 0;
const random_string_generator_util_1 = require("@nestjs/common/utils/random-string-generator.util");
const crypto_1 = require("crypto");
class ModuleTokenFactory {
constructor() {
this.moduleIdsCache = new WeakMap();
this.moduleTokenCache = new Map();
this.dynamicallyModuleMetadataCache = new WeakMap();
create(metatype, dynamicModuleMetadata) {
const moduleId = this.getModuleId(metatype);
if (!dynamicModuleMetadata)
return this.getFastModuleToken(moduleId, this.getModuleName(metatype));
if (this.dynamicallyModuleMetadataCache.has(dynamicModuleMetadata))
return this.dynamicallyModuleMetadataCache.get(dynamicModuleMetadata);
this.dynamicallyModuleMetadataCache.set(dynamicModuleMetadata, (0, random_string_generator_util_1.randomStringGenerator)());
return this.dynamicallyModuleMetadataCache.get(dynamicModuleMetadata);
getFastModuleToken(moduleId, moduleName) {
const key = `${moduleId}_${moduleName}`;
if (this.moduleTokenCache.has(key))
return this.moduleTokenCache.get(key);
const hash = (0, crypto_1.createHash)('sha1').update(key).digest('hex');
this.moduleTokenCache.set(key, hash);
return hash;
getModuleId(metatype) {
let moduleId = this.moduleIdsCache.get(metatype);
if (moduleId) {
return moduleId;
moduleId = (0, random_string_generator_util_1.randomStringGenerator)();
this.moduleIdsCache.set(metatype, moduleId);
return moduleId;
getModuleName(metatype) {
exports.ModuleTokenFactory = ModuleTokenFactory;
import { DynamicModule } from '@nestjs/common';
import { Type } from '@nestjs/common/interfaces/type.interface';
export declare class ModuleToken implements DynamicModule {
constructor(props: DynamicModule);
moduleId: string;
module: DynamicModule['module'];
global?: DynamicModule['global'];
imports?: DynamicModule['imports'];
controllers?: DynamicModule['controllers'];
providers?: DynamicModule['providers'];
exports?: DynamicModule['exports'];
export declare class ModuleTokenFactory {
private readonly moduleIdsCache;
private readonly moduleTokensCache;
create(metatype: Type<unknown>, dynamicModuleMetadata?: Partial<DynamicModule> | undefined): string;
getFastModuleToken(moduleId: string, moduleName: string): string;
getDynamicMetadataToken(dynamicModuleMetadata: Partial<DynamicModule> | undefined): string;
getModuleId(metatype: Type<unknown>): string;
getModuleName(metatype: Type<any>): string;
private replacer;
// to test with this file, you should override the d.ts too
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.ModuleTokenFactory = exports.ModuleToken = void 0;
const random_string_generator_util_1 = require("@nestjs/common/utils/random-string-generator.util");
const shared_utils_1 = require("@nestjs/common/utils/shared.utils");
const crypto_1 = require("crypto");
const fast_safe_stringify_1 = require("fast-safe-stringify");
const hash = require("object-hash");
class ModuleToken {
constructor(props) {
this.moduleId = (0, random_string_generator_util_1.randomStringGenerator)();
this.module = props.module; =;
this.imports = props.imports;
this.controllers = props.controllers;
this.providers = props.providers;
this.exports = props.exports;
exports.ModuleToken = ModuleToken;
class ModuleTokenFactory {
constructor() {
this.moduleIdsCache = new WeakMap();
this.moduleTokensCache = new Map();
create(metatype, dynamicModuleMetadata) {
// console.log({metatype, dynamicModuleMetadata});
if (dynamicModuleMetadata instanceof ModuleToken) {
// console.log('Taking ModuleToken path');
return dynamicModuleMetadata.moduleId;
const moduleId = this.getModuleId(metatype);
if (!dynamicModuleMetadata)
return this.getFastModuleToken(moduleId, this.getModuleName(metatype));
// console.log('Taking slow path');
const opaqueToken = {
id: moduleId,
module: this.getModuleName(metatype),
dynamic: this.getDynamicMetadataToken(dynamicModuleMetadata),
return hash(opaqueToken, { ignoreUnknown: true });
getFastModuleToken(moduleId, moduleName) {
// console.log('Taking getFastModuleToken path');
const key = `${moduleId}_${moduleName}`;
if (this.moduleTokensCache.has(key))
return this.moduleTokensCache.get(key);
const hash = (0, crypto_1.createHash)('sha1').update(key).digest('hex');
this.moduleTokensCache.set(key, hash);
return hash;
getDynamicMetadataToken(dynamicModuleMetadata) {
// Uses safeStringify instead of JSON.stringify to support circular dynamic modules
// The replacer function is also required in order to obtain real class names
// instead of the unified "Function" key
return dynamicModuleMetadata
? (0, fast_safe_stringify_1.default)(dynamicModuleMetadata, this.replacer)
: '';
getModuleId(metatype) {
let moduleId = this.moduleIdsCache.get(metatype);
if (moduleId) {
return moduleId;
moduleId = (0, random_string_generator_util_1.randomStringGenerator)();
this.moduleIdsCache.set(metatype, moduleId);
return moduleId;
getModuleName(metatype) {
replacer(key, value) {
if ((0, shared_utils_1.isFunction)(value)) {
const funcAsString = value.toString();
const isClass = /^class\s/.test(funcAsString);
if (isClass) {
return hash(funcAsString, { ignoreUnknown: true });
if ((0, shared_utils_1.isSymbol)(value)) {
return value.toString();
return value;
exports.ModuleTokenFactory = ModuleTokenFactory;
// change the path of the import for your AppModule.
// to run this file, install microtime lib first.
// Then, you only need to compile and run with `node dist/perf-startup-10000.ts`
const { AppModule } = require('./dist/app.module');
const { NestFactory } = require('@nestjs/core');
const { performance } = require('perf_hooks');
const runs = 100;
async function main() {
const start =;
for (let i = 0; i < runs; i++)
await NestFactory.create(AppModule, { logger: false }).then(m => m.close());
const end =;
console.log(`Diff: ${(end - start) / (runs)}`);
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