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Working from home

Hamed Rostami H4medRostami

Working from home
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ls /var/cache/dnf/*pid
If have any file then remove them and try running dnf again.
class Planet(Enum):
MERCURY = (3.303e+23, 2.4397e6)
VENUS = (4.869e+24, 6.0518e6)
EARTH = (5.976e+24, 6.37814e6)
MARS = (6.421e+23, 3.3972e6)
JUPITER = (1.9e+27, 7.1492e7)
SATURN = (5.688e+26, 6.0268e7)
URANUS = (8.686e+25, 2.5559e7)
NEPTUNE = (1.024e+26, 2.4746e7)
def __init__(self, mass, radius):
mylist = [1, 4, -5, 10, -7, 2, 3, -1]
[n for n in mylist if n>0]
from operator import itemgetter
rows = [{'address': '5412 N CLARK', 'date': '07/01/2012'},
{'address': '5148 N CLARK', 'date': '07/04/2012'},
{'address': '5800 E 58TH', 'date': '07/02/2012'},
{'address': '2122 N CLARK', 'date': '07/03/2012'},
{'address': '5645 N RAVENSWOOD', 'date': '07/02/2012'},
{'address': '1060 W ADDISON', 'date': '07/02/2012'},
{'address': '4801 N BROADWAY', 'date': '07/01/2012'},
{'address': '1039 W GRANVILLE', 'date': '07/04/2012'}, ]
min_price=min(zip(prices.values(),prices.keys()))# min_price is (10.75, 'FB')
max_price=max(zip(prices.values(),prices.keys()))# max_price is (612.78, 'AAPL')
#Similarly, to rank the data, use zip() with sorted(), as in the following:
# prices_sorted is [(10.75, 'FB'), (37.2, 'HPQ'),
import heapq
nums=[1, 8, 2, 23, 7, -4, 18, 23, 42, 37, 2]
print(heapq.nlargest(3, nums))
print(heapq.nsmallest(3, nums))