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Created May 31, 2022 13:28
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The Windows EPROCESS data structure.
typedef struct _EPROCESS {
struct _KPROCESS Pcb;
struct _EX_PUSH_LOCK ProcessLock;
PVOID UniqueProcessId;
struct _LIST_ENTRY ActiveProcessLinks;
struct _EX_RUNDOWN_REF RundownProtect;
ULONG Flags2;
ULONG JobNotReallyActive: 1;
ULONG AccountingFolded: 1;
ULONG NewProcessReported: 1;
ULONG ExitProcessReported: 1;
ULONG ReportCommitChanges: 1;
ULONG LastReportMemory: 1;
ULONG ForceWakeCharge: 1;
ULONG CrossSessionCreate: 1;
ULONG NeedsHandleRundown: 1;
ULONG RefTraceEnabled: 1;
ULONG PicoCreated: 1;
ULONG EmptyJobEvaluated: 1;
ULONG DefaultPagePriority: 3;
ULONG PrimaryTokenFrozen: 1;
ULONG ProcessVerifierTarget: 1;
ULONG RestrictSetThreadContext: 1;
ULONG AffinityPermanent: 1;
ULONG AffinityUpdateEnable: 1;
ULONG PropagateNode: 1;
ULONG ExplicitAffinity: 1;
ULONG ProcessExecutionState: 2;
ULONG EnableReadVmLogging: 1;
ULONG EnableWriteVmLogging: 1;
ULONG FatalAccessTerminationRequested: 1;
ULONG DisableSystemAllowedCpuSet: 1;
ULONG ProcessStateChangeRequest: 2;
ULONG ProcessStateChangeInProgress: 1;
ULONG InPrivate: 1;
ULONG Flags;
ULONG CreateReported: 1;
ULONG NoDebugInherit: 1;
ULONG ProcessExiting: 1;
ULONG ProcessDelete: 1;
ULONG ManageExecutableMemoryWrites: 1;
ULONG VmDeleted: 1;
ULONG OutswapEnabled: 1;
ULONG Outswapped: 1;
ULONG FailFastOnCommitFail: 1;
ULONG Wow64VaSpace4Gb: 1;
ULONG AddressSpaceInitialized: 2;
ULONG SetTimerResolution: 1;
ULONG BreakOnTermination: 1;
ULONG DeprioritizeViews: 1;
ULONG WriteWatch: 1;
ULONG ProcessInSession: 1;
ULONG OverrideAddressSpace: 1;
ULONG HasAddressSpace: 1;
ULONG LaunchPrefetched: 1;
ULONG Background: 1;
ULONG VmTopDown: 1;
ULONG ImageNotifyDone: 1;
ULONG PdeUpdateNeeded: 1;
ULONG VdmAllowed: 1;
ULONG ProcessRundown: 1;
ULONG ProcessInserted: 1;
ULONG DefaultIoPriority: 3;
ULONG ProcessSelfDelete: 1;
ULONG SetTimerResolutionLink: 1;
union _LARGE_INTEGER CreateTime;
ULONG64 ProcessQuotaUsage[2];
ULONG64 ProcessQuotaPeak[2];
ULONG64 PeakVirtualSize;
ULONG64 VirtualSize;
struct _LIST_ENTRY SessionProcessLinks;
PVOID ExceptionPortData;
ULONG64 ExceptionPortValue;
ULONG64 ExceptionPortState: 3;
struct _EX_FAST_REF Token;
ULONG64 MmReserved;
struct _EX_PUSH_LOCK AddressCreationLock;
struct _EX_PUSH_LOCK PageTableCommitmentLock;
struct _ETHREAD * RotateInProgress;
struct _ETHREAD * ForkInProgress;
struct _EJOB * CommitChargeJob;
struct _RTL_AVL_TREE CloneRoot;
ULONG64 NumberOfPrivatePages;
ULONG64 NumberOfLockedPages;
PVOID Win32Process;
struct _EJOB * Job;
PVOID SectionObject;
PVOID SectionBaseAddress;
ULONG Cookie;
struct _PAGEFAULT_HISTORY * WorkingSetWatch;
PVOID Win32WindowStation;
PVOID InheritedFromUniqueProcessId;
ULONG64 OwnerProcessId;
struct _PEB * Peb;
struct _MM_SESSION_SPACE * Session;
PVOID Spare1;
struct _EPROCESS_QUOTA_BLOCK * QuotaBlock;
struct _HANDLE_TABLE * ObjectTable;
PVOID DebugPort;
struct _EWOW64PROCESS * WoW64Process;
struct _EX_FAST_REF DeviceMap;
PVOID EtwDataSource;
ULONG64 PageDirectoryPte;
struct _FILE_OBJECT * ImageFilePointer;
UCHAR ImageFileName[15];
UCHAR PriorityClass;
PVOID SecurityPort;
struct _SE_AUDIT_PROCESS_CREATION_INFO SeAuditProcessCreationInfo;
struct _LIST_ENTRY JobLinks;
PVOID HighestUserAddress;
struct _LIST_ENTRY ThreadListHead;
ULONG ActiveThreads;
ULONG ImagePathHash;
ULONG DefaultHardErrorProcessing;
LONG LastThreadExitStatus;
struct _EX_FAST_REF PrefetchTrace;
PVOID LockedPagesList;
union _LARGE_INTEGER ReadOperationCount;
union _LARGE_INTEGER WriteOperationCount;
union _LARGE_INTEGER OtherOperationCount;
union _LARGE_INTEGER ReadTransferCount;
union _LARGE_INTEGER WriteTransferCount;
union _LARGE_INTEGER OtherTransferCount;
ULONG64 CommitChargeLimit;
ULONG64 CommitCharge;
ULONG64 CommitChargePeak;
struct _LIST_ENTRY MmProcessLinks;
ULONG ModifiedPageCount;
LONG ExitStatus;
struct _RTL_AVL_TREE VadRoot;
PVOID VadHint;
ULONG64 VadCount;
ULONG64 VadPhysicalPages;
ULONG64 VadPhysicalPagesLimit;
struct _ALPC_PROCESS_CONTEXT AlpcContext;
struct _LIST_ENTRY TimerResolutionLink;
struct _PO_DIAG_STACK_RECORD * TimerResolutionStackRecord;
ULONG RequestedTimerResolution;
ULONG SmallestTimerResolution;
union _LARGE_INTEGER ExitTime;
struct _INVERTED_FUNCTION_TABLE * InvertedFunctionTable;
struct _EX_PUSH_LOCK InvertedFunctionTableLock;
ULONG ActiveThreadsHighWatermark;
ULONG LargePrivateVadCount;
struct _EX_PUSH_LOCK ThreadListLock;
PVOID WnfContext;
struct _EJOB * ServerSilo;
UCHAR SignatureLevel;
UCHAR SectionSignatureLevel;
struct _PS_PROTECTION Protection;
UCHAR HangCount: 3;
UCHAR GhostCount: 3;
UCHAR PrefilterException: 1;
ULONG Flags3;
ULONG Minimal: 1;
ULONG ReplacingPageRoot: 1;
ULONG Crashed: 1;
ULONG JobVadsAreTracked: 1;
ULONG VadTrackingDisabled: 1;
ULONG AuxiliaryProcess: 1;
ULONG SubsystemProcess: 1;
ULONG IndirectCpuSets: 1;
ULONG RelinquishedCommit: 1;
ULONG HighGraphicsPriority: 1;
ULONG CommitFailLogged: 1;
ULONG ReserveFailLogged: 1;
ULONG SystemProcess: 1;
ULONG HideImageBaseAddresses: 1;
ULONG AddressPolicyFrozen: 1;
ULONG ProcessFirstResume: 1;
ULONG ForegroundExternal: 1;
ULONG ForegroundSystem: 1;
ULONG HighMemoryPriority: 1;
ULONG EnableProcessSuspendResumeLogging: 1;
ULONG EnableThreadSuspendResumeLogging: 1;
ULONG SecurityDomainChanged: 1;
ULONG SecurityFreezeComplete: 1;
ULONG VmProcessorHost: 1;
ULONG VmProcessorHostTransition: 1;
ULONG AltSyscall: 1;
ULONG TimerResolutionIgnore: 1;
ULONG DisallowUserTerminate: 1;
ULONG EnableProcessRemoteExecProtectVmLogging: 1;
ULONG EnableProcessLocalExecProtectVmLogging: 1;
ULONG EmulationDebugEmulator: 1;
LONG DeviceAsid;
PVOID SvmData;
struct _EX_PUSH_LOCK SvmProcessLock;
ULONG64 SvmLock;
struct _LIST_ENTRY SvmProcessDeviceListHead;
ULONG64 LastFreezeInterruptTime;
struct _PROCESS_DISK_COUNTERS * DiskCounters;
PVOID PicoContext;
PVOID EnclaveTable;
ULONG64 EnclaveNumber;
struct _EX_PUSH_LOCK EnclaveLock;
ULONG HighPriorityFaultsAllowed;
struct _PO_PROCESS_ENERGY_CONTEXT * EnergyContext;
PVOID VmContext;
ULONG64 SequenceNumber;
ULONG64 CreateInterruptTime;
ULONG64 CreateUnbiasedInterruptTime;
ULONG64 TotalUnbiasedFrozenTime;
ULONG64 LastAppStateUpdateTime;
ULONG64 LastAppStateUptime: 61;
ULONG64 LastAppState: 3;
ULONG64 SharedCommitCharge;
struct _EX_PUSH_LOCK SharedCommitLock;
struct _LIST_ENTRY SharedCommitLinks;
ULONG64 AllowedCpuSets;
ULONG64 DefaultCpuSets;
PULONG64 AllowedCpuSetsIndirect;
PULONG64 DefaultCpuSetsIndirect;
PVOID DiskIoAttribution;
PVOID DxgProcess;
ULONG Win32KFilterSet;
USHORT Machine;
USHORT Spare0;
ULONG KTimerSets;
ULONG KTimer2Sets;
ULONG ThreadTimerSets;
ULONG64 VirtualTimerListLock;
struct _LIST_ENTRY VirtualTimerListHead;
struct _WNF_STATE_NAME WakeChannel;
ULONG MitigationFlags;
struct {
ULONG ControlFlowGuardEnabled: 1;
ULONG ControlFlowGuardExportSuppressionEnabled: 1;
ULONG ControlFlowGuardStrict: 1;
ULONG DisallowStrippedImages: 1;
ULONG ForceRelocateImages: 1;
ULONG HighEntropyASLREnabled: 1;
ULONG StackRandomizationDisabled: 1;
ULONG ExtensionPointDisable: 1;
ULONG DisableDynamicCode: 1;
ULONG DisableDynamicCodeAllowOptOut: 1;
ULONG DisableDynamicCodeAllowRemoteDowngrade: 1;
ULONG AuditDisableDynamicCode: 1;
ULONG DisallowWin32kSystemCalls: 1;
ULONG AuditDisallowWin32kSystemCalls: 1;
ULONG EnableFilteredWin32kAPIs: 1;
ULONG AuditFilteredWin32kAPIs: 1;
ULONG DisableNonSystemFonts: 1;
ULONG AuditNonSystemFontLoading: 1;
ULONG PreferSystem32Images: 1;
ULONG ProhibitRemoteImageMap: 1;
ULONG AuditProhibitRemoteImageMap: 1;
ULONG ProhibitLowILImageMap: 1;
ULONG AuditProhibitLowILImageMap: 1;
ULONG SignatureMitigationOptIn: 1;
ULONG AuditBlockNonMicrosoftBinaries: 1;
ULONG AuditBlockNonMicrosoftBinariesAllowStore: 1;
ULONG LoaderIntegrityContinuityEnabled: 1;
ULONG AuditLoaderIntegrityContinuity: 1;
ULONG EnableModuleTamperingProtection: 1;
ULONG EnableModuleTamperingProtectionNoInherit: 1;
ULONG RestrictIndirectBranchPrediction: 1;
ULONG IsolateSecurityDomain: 1;
ULONG MitigationFlags2;
struct {
ULONG EnableExportAddressFilter: 1;
ULONG AuditExportAddressFilter: 1;
ULONG EnableExportAddressFilterPlus: 1;
ULONG AuditExportAddressFilterPlus: 1;
ULONG EnableRopStackPivot: 1;
ULONG AuditRopStackPivot: 1;
ULONG EnableRopCallerCheck: 1;
ULONG AuditRopCallerCheck: 1;
ULONG EnableRopSimExec: 1;
ULONG AuditRopSimExec: 1;
ULONG EnableImportAddressFilter: 1;
ULONG AuditImportAddressFilter: 1;
ULONG DisablePageCombine: 1;
ULONG SpeculativeStoreBypassDisable: 1;
ULONG CetUserShadowStacks: 1;
ULONG AuditCetUserShadowStacks: 1;
ULONG AuditCetUserShadowStacksLogged: 1;
ULONG UserCetSetContextIpValidation: 1;
ULONG AuditUserCetSetContextIpValidation: 1;
ULONG AuditUserCetSetContextIpValidationLogged: 1;
ULONG CetUserShadowStacksStrictMode: 1;
ULONG BlockNonCetBinaries: 1;
ULONG BlockNonCetBinariesNonEhcont: 1;
ULONG AuditBlockNonCetBinaries: 1;
ULONG AuditBlockNonCetBinariesLogged: 1;
ULONG XtendedControlFlowGuard: 1;
ULONG AuditXtendedControlFlowGuard: 1;
ULONG PointerAuthUserIp: 1;
ULONG AuditPointerAuthUserIp: 1;
ULONG AuditPointerAuthUserIpLogged: 1;
ULONG CetDynamicApisOutOfProcOnly: 1;
ULONG UserCetSetContextIpValidationRelaxedMode: 1;
PVOID PartitionObject;
ULONG64 SecurityDomain;
ULONG64 ParentSecurityDomain;
PVOID CoverageSamplerContext;
PVOID MmHotPatchContext;
struct _KE_IDEAL_PROCESSOR_ASSIGNMENT_BLOCK IdealProcessorAssignmentBlock;
struct _RTL_AVL_TREE DynamicEHContinuationTargetsTree;
struct _EX_PUSH_LOCK DynamicEHContinuationTargetsLock;
struct _PS_DYNAMIC_ENFORCED_ADDRESS_RANGES DynamicEnforcedCetCompatibleRanges;
ULONG DisabledComponentFlags;
LONG PageCombineSequence;
struct _EX_PUSH_LOCK EnableOptionalXStateFeaturesLock;
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