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Last active August 13, 2023 19:21
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  • Save HBIDamian/ee2d5c0d29e3df8e3d60542f6469dd5d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save HBIDamian/ee2d5c0d29e3df8e3d60542f6469dd5d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Run Down Installer for PocketMine-MP (PowerShell).
$host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Run Down PocketMine-MP Installer"
$WebClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
# Setting this to true will delete all files in the current directory.
# Setting this to false will replace specific files in the current directory with the latest versions.
$global:FreshInstallMode = $false
# Change this to the version of PHP and PocketMine-MP you want to install.
$global:PHPVer = "8.2-latest"
$global:PMMPVer = "PM5"
if ($global:PMMPVer -eq "PM6") {
$global:PMMPURL = ""
elseif ($global:PMMPVer -eq "PM5") {
$global:PMMPURL = ""
elseif ($global:PMMPVer -eq "PM4") {
$global:PMMPURL = ""
} else {
$global:PMMPURL = ""
function Pre-Script {
Write-Host "Run Down PocketMine-MP Installer:" -foreground "Magenta" -NoNewline; Write-Host " Made by HBIDamian" -foreground "DarkCyan"
Write-Host "This is a very hacky way of installing PocketMine-MP." -foreground "DarkMagenta"
Write-Host "It's not really recommended to use it for production." -foreground "DarkRed"
Write-Host ""
if ($global:FreshInstallMode -eq $true) {
Write-Host "FreshInstallMode:" -foreground "White" -NoNewline; Write-Host " True" -foreground "Yellow"
} else {
Write-Host "FreshInstallMode:" -foreground "White" -NoNewline; Write-Host " False" -foreground "DarkYellow"
Read-Host -Prompt "Press Enter to continue"
function Splash-Text {
Write-Host " _____________________ ________ " -foreground "Red"
Write-Host " | ___ \ _ \ ___ \ \/ |_ _| " -foreground "DarkYellow"
Write-Host " | |_/ / | | | |_/ / . . | | | " -foreground "Yellow"
Write-Host " | /| | | | __/| |\/| | | | " -foreground "Green"
Write-Host " | |\ \| |/ /| | | | | |_| |_ " -foreground "DarkCyan"
Write-Host " \_| \_|___/ \_| \_| |_/\___/ " -foreground "Magenta"
Write-Host ""
function Get-Time-Stamp {
Write-Host "[$((Get-Date -Format 'HH:mm:ss:fff'))] " -foreground "White" -NoNewline
function Download-File {
Get-Time-Stamp; Write-Host "[INFO]: Downloading $url..." -foreground "Cyan"
$WebClient.DownloadFile($url, $destination)
if (!(Test-Path $destination)) {
Get-Time-Stamp; Write-Warning "[ERROR]: Absent File: $destination. Aborting." -foreground "Red"
Read-Host -Prompt "Press Enter to exit"
} else {
Get-Time-Stamp; Write-Host "[SUCCESS]: Downloaded $destination" -foreground "Green"
function Start-Script {
Get-Time-Stamp; Write-Host "[INFO]: Detecting and killing active PocketMine-MP Servers" -foreground "Cyan"
$PMMPProcess = Get-Process -Name "php" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($PMMPProcess) {
$PMMPProcess | Stop-Process -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Get-Time-Stamp; Write-Host "[SUCCESS]: Killed any running PocketMine-MP servers." -foreground "Green"
} else {
Get-Time-Stamp; Write-Host "[INFO]: No PocketMine-MP servers running." -foreground "Cyan"
if ($global:FreshInstallMode -eq $true) {
try {
Get-Time-Stamp; Write-Host "[INFO]: Removing all files in current directory..." -foreground "Cyan"
$ScriptName = $MyInvocation.ScriptName.Split("\")[-1]
Get-ChildItem -Path .\ -Exclude $ScriptName | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Stop
Get-Time-Stamp; Write-Host "[SUCCESS]: All Files removed successfully." -foreground "Green"
} catch {
Get-Time-Stamp; Write-Host "[ERROR]: An error occurred: $($_.Exception.Message)" -foreground "Red"
} else {
try {
Get-Time-Stamp; Write-Host "[INFO]: Removing specific files in current directory..." -foreground "Cyan"
Remove-Item -Path .\bin -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Stop
Remove-Item -Path .\vc_redist.x64.exe -Force -ErrorAction Stop
Remove-Item -Path .\PocketMine-MP.phar -Force -ErrorAction Stop
Remove-Item -Path .\start.cmd -Force -ErrorAction Stop
Remove-Item -Path .\start.ps1 -Force -ErrorAction Stop
Get-Time-Stamp; Write-Host "[SUCCESS]: Files removed successfully." -foreground "Green"
} catch {
Get-Time-Stamp; Write-Host "[ERROR]: An error occurred: $($_.Exception.Message)" -foreground "Red"
Get-Time-Stamp; Write-Host "[INFO]: Downloading Binary files..." -foreground "Cyan"
Download-File -url "$($global:PHPVer)/PHP-Windows-x64-$($global:PMMPVer).zip" -destination "./PHP-$($global:PHPVer)-Windows-x64-$($global:PMMPVer).zip"
Get-Time-Stamp; Write-Host "[INFO]: Expanding the archive..." -foreground "Cyan"
Expand-Archive "./PHP-$($global:PHPVer)-Windows-x64-$($global:PMMPVer).zip" -DestinationPath ./
Get-Time-Stamp; Write-Host "[INFO]: Removing the archive..." -foreground "Cyan"
remove-Item "./PHP-$($global:PHPVer)-Windows-x64-$($global:PMMPVer).zip"
Get-Time-Stamp; Write-Host "[INFO]: Checking if php.exe exists from archive..." -foreground "Cyan"
if (!(Test-Path "./bin/php/php.exe")) {
Write-Warning "[ERROR]: Absent File. Aborting." -foreground "Red"
Read-Host -Prompt "Press Enter to exit"
Get-Time-Stamp; Write-Host "[INFO]: Downloading latest PocketMine-MP.phar..." -foreground "Cyan"
$getPhar = Invoke-RestMethod $global:PMMPURL
Download-File -url $getPhar.download_url -destination "./PocketMine-MP.phar"
Download-File -url "" -destination "./start.cmd"
Download-File -url "" -destination "./start.ps1"
Get-Time-Stamp; Write-Host "[SUCCESS]: Install Complete. You may now use 'start.cmd' or 'start.ps1'" -foreground "Green"
Write-Host ""
powershell.exe .\start.ps1
Read-Host -Prompt "Press Enter to exit"
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I changed the name, and made it more cancerous. :D
I also realise it doesn't display the "custom errors" properly. Good. :D

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  • Made it more readable
  • Made it easily editable (with global variables)

Note: When PM5 is released, it may not install the stable version and may require an update to the script.

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  • Rest in piece, Jenkins. Everyone's favourite butler.

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  • Added this.
# Setting this to true will delete all files in the current directory.
# Setting this to false will replace specific files in the current directory with the latest versions.
$global:FreshInstallMode = $false

Makes it easier for testing shit.

  • Less green. Green is for success. Cyan is for info.

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Updated again: Changelog:

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