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Last active March 20, 2019 17:17
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BBCodeConverter For UNIT3D
* UNIT3D is open-sourced software licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0
* The details is bundled with this project in the file LICENSE.txt.
* @project UNIT3D
* @license GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
* @author HDVinnie
namespace App\Helpers;
class BBCodeConverter
* @brief Constructor.
* @param string $text The text to be converted.
public function __construct($text) {
$this->text = $text;
* @brief Removes BBCode size.
protected function removeSize() {
$this->text = preg_replace_callback('%\[size=\d*\]([\W\D\w\s]*?)\[/size\]%iu',
function ($matches) {
return $matches[1];
* @brief Removes BBCode center.
protected function removeCenter() {
$this->text = preg_replace_callback('%\[center\]([\W\D\w\s]*?)\[/center\]%iu',
function ($matches) {
return '<div class="text-center">'.trim($matches[1], " ").'</div>';
* @brief Replaces BBCode bold.
protected function replaceBold() {
$this->text = preg_replace_callback('%\[b\]([\W\D\w\s]*?)\[/b\]%iu',
function ($matches) {
return "**".trim($matches[1], " ")."**";
* @brief Replaces BBCode italic.
protected function replaceItalic() {
$this->text = preg_replace_callback('%\[i\]([\W\D\w\s]*?)\[/i\]%iu',
function ($matches) {
return "*".trim($matches[1], " ")."*";
* @brief Replaces BBCode underline. Hoedown support underline.
protected function replaceUnderline() {
$this->text = preg_replace_callback('%\[u\]([\W\D\w\s]*?)\[/u\]%iu',
function ($matches) {
return "_".trim($matches[1], " ")."_";
* @brief Replaces BBCode strikethrough.
protected function replaceStrikethrough() {
$this->text = preg_replace_callback('%\[s\]([\W\D\w\s]*?)\[/s\]%iu',
function ($matches) {
return "~~".trim($matches[1], " ")."~~";
* @brief Replaces BBCode lists.
protected function replaceLists() {
$this->text = preg_replace_callback('%\[list(?P<type>=1)?\](?P<items>[\W\D\w\s]*?)\[/list\]%iu',
function ($matches) {
$buffer = "";
$list = preg_replace('/\s*$|^\s*/mu', '', $matches['items']);
if (is_null($list))
throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf("Text identified by '%d' has malformed BBCode lists", $this->id));
$items = preg_split('/\[\*\]/u', $list);
$counter = count($items);
if (isset($matches['type']) && $matches['type'] == '=1') { // ordered list
// We start from 1 to discard the first string, in fact, it's empty.
for ($i = 1; $i < $counter; $i++)
if (!empty($items[$i]))
$buffer .= (string)($i).'. '.trim($items[$i]).PHP_EOL;
else { // unordered list
// We start from 1 to discard the first string, in fact, it's empty.
for ($i = 1; $i < $counter; $i++)
if (!empty($items[$i]))
$buffer .= '- '.trim($items[$i]).PHP_EOL;
// We need a like break above the list and another one below.
if (!empty($buffer))
$buffer = PHP_EOL.$buffer.PHP_EOL;
return $buffer;
* @brief Replaces BBCode urls.
protected function replaceUrls() {
$this->text = preg_replace_callback('%\[url\s*=\s*("(?:[^"]*")|\A[^\']*\Z|(?:[^\'">\]\s]+))\s*(?:[^]\s]*)\]([\W\D\w\s]*?)\[/url\]%iu',
function ($matches) {
if (isset($matches[1]) && isset($matches[2]))
return "[".$matches[2]."](".$matches[1].")";
throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf("Text identified by '%d' has malformed BBCode urls", $this->id));
* @brief Replaces BBCode images.
protected function replaceImages() {
$this->text = preg_replace_callback('%\[img\s*\]\s*("(?:[^"]*")|\A[^\']*\Z|(?:[^\'">\]\s]+))\s*(?:[^]\s]*)\[/img\]%iu',
function ($matches) {
if (isset($matches[1]))
return PHP_EOL."![]"."(".$matches[1].")".PHP_EOL;
throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf("Text identified by '%d' have malformed BBCode images", $this->id));
* @brief Replaces BBCode quotes.
protected function replaceQuotes() {
// Removes the inner quotes, leaving just one level.
$this->text = preg_replace('~\G(?<!^)(?>(\[quote\b[^]]*](?>[^[]++|\[(?!/?quote)|(?1))*\[/quote])|(?<!\[)(?>[^[]++|\[(?!/?quote))+\K)|\[quote\b[^]]*]\K~', '', $this->text);
// Replaces all the remaining quotes with '> ' characters.
$this->text = preg_replace_callback('%\[quote\b[^]]*\]((?>[^[]++|\[(?!/?quote))*)\[/quote\]%i',
function($matches) {
$quote = preg_replace('/^\s*/mu', '', trim($matches[1]));
return "> ".$quote.PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL;
* @brief Replaces BBCode snippets.
protected function replaceSnippets() {
$this->text = preg_replace_callback('%\[code\s*=?(?P<language>\w*)\](?P<snippet>[\W\D\w\s]*?)\[\/code\]%iu',
function ($matches) {
if (isset($matches['snippet'])) {
$language = strtolower($matches['language']);
if ($language == 'html4strict' or $language == 'div')
$language = 'html';
elseif ($language == 'shell' or $language == 'dos' or $language == 'batch')
$language = 'sh';
elseif ($language == 'xul' or $language == 'wpf')
$language = 'xml';
elseif ($language == 'asm')
$language = 'nasm';
elseif ($language == 'vb' or $language == 'visualbasic' or $language == 'vba')
$language = '';
elseif ($language == 'asp')
$language = 'aspx-vb';
elseif ($language == 'xaml')
$language = 'xml';
elseif ($language == 'cplusplus')
$language = 'cpp';
elseif ($language == 'txt' or $language == 'gettext')
$language = 'text';
elseif ($language == 'basic')
$language = 'cbmbas';
elseif ($language == 'lisp')
$language = 'clojure';
elseif ($language == 'aspnet')
$language = 'aspx-vb';
return PHP_EOL."```".$language.PHP_EOL.trim($matches['snippet']).PHP_EOL."```".PHP_EOL;
throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf("Text identified by '%d' has malformed BBCode snippet.", $this->id));
* @brief Replace BBCode spoiler.
protected function replaceSpoilers() {
$this->text = preg_replace_callback('%\[spoiler\]([\W\D\w\s]*?)\[/spoiler\]%iu',
function ($matches) {
return "<details><summary>Spoiler!</summary><pre><code>".trim($matches[1], " ")."</code></pre></details>";
* @brief Replace BBCode color.
protected function replaceColor() {
* @brief Converts the provided BBCode text to an equivalent Markdown text.
public function toMarkdown() {
return $this->text;
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