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Last active May 13, 2018 16:57
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Objective C Trie Implementation
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
typedef void (^TrieBlock)(id obj, BOOL *stop);
@interface Trie : NSObject
@property (readonly) unichar value;
@property (getter = isLeaf) BOOL isLeaf;
@property (readonly, getter=isHead) BOOL head;
@property (readonly, weak) Trie *parent;
- (id) init: (unichar) value parent: (id) parent isLeaf: (BOOL) isLeaf;
- (id) initHead;
- (NSString *) toString;
- (NSString *) valueString;
- (Trie *) getString: (NSString *) string;
- (Trie *) addString: (NSString *) string;
- (void) removeString: (NSString *) string;
- (Trie *) getUnichar: (unichar) value;
- (BOOL) hasString: (NSString *) string;
- (BOOL) hasChildren;
- (void) enumerateStringsUsingBlock: (TrieBlock) block;
- (void) enumerateNodesUsingBlock: (TrieBlock) block;
- (NSEnumerator<Trie *> *) children;
#import "Trie.h"
NSString *stringFromUnichar(unichar value){
return [[NSString alloc] initWithCharacters: &value length: 1];
@implementation Trie {
NSMutableDictionary *_children;
@synthesize isLeaf = _isLeaf;
@synthesize value = _value;
@synthesize parent = _parent;
- (id) init: (unichar) value parent: (id) parent isLeaf: (BOOL) isLeaf {
self = [super init];
_isLeaf = isLeaf;
_value = value;
_parent = parent;
_children = [NSMutableDictionary new];
return self;
- (id) initHead {
return [self init: '\0' parent: nil isLeaf: NO];
- (BOOL) isHead {
return [self parent] == nil;
- (NSString *) valueString {
return stringFromUnichar([self value]);
- (Trie *) addUnichar: (unichar) value isLeaf: (bool) isLeaf {
NSString *key = stringFromUnichar(value);
Trie *child = _children[key];
if(!child) {
child = [[Trie alloc] init: value parent: self isLeaf: isLeaf];
_children[key] = child;
[child setIsLeaf: child.isLeaf || isLeaf];
return child;
- (Trie *) addString: (NSString *) string {
unichar str[[string length] + 1];
[string getCharacters: str range: NSMakeRange(0, [string length])];
Trie *active = self;
for(size_t i = 0; i < [string length]; i++){
active = [active addUnichar: str[i] isLeaf: NO];
[active setIsLeaf: YES];
return active;
- (void) removeUnichar: (unichar) value {
Trie *node = [self getUnichar: value];
[node setIsLeaf: NO];
if(![node hasChildren]){
[_children removeObjectForKey: stringFromUnichar(value)];
- (void) removeString: (NSString *) string {
Trie *active = [self getString: string];
[active setIsLeaf: NO];
while(active && ![active isHead] && ![active isLeaf]){
Trie *parent = [active parent];
[parent removeUnichar: [active value]];
if([parent hasChildren]){
active = parent;
- (NSString *) toString {
NSMutableArray *arr = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity: 32];
Trie *active = self;
while(active && ![active isHead]){
[arr addObject: active];
active = [active parent];
unichar str[[arr count] + 1];
size_t i = 0;
for(Trie *c in [arr reverseObjectEnumerator]){
str[i++] = [c value];
if(i > sizeof(str) - 1)
NSString *result = [[NSString alloc] initWithCharacters: str
length: [arr count]];
return result;
- (Trie *) getUnichar: (unichar) value {
return _children[stringFromUnichar(value)];
- (Trie *) getString: (NSString *) string {
Trie *active = self;
for(size_t i = 0; i < [string length] && active != nil; i++){
active = [active getUnichar: [string characterAtIndex: i]];
return active;
- (BOOL) hasString: (NSString *) string {
Trie *node = [self getString: string];
return node && [node isLeaf];
- (BOOL) hasChildren {
return [_children count] > 0;
- (NSEnumerator<Trie *> *) children {
return [_children objectEnumerator];
- (void) __enumerateNodesUsingBlock: (TrieBlock) block stop: (BOOL *) stop {
for(Trie *child in [self children]){
if(*stop) return;
block(child, stop);
[child __enumerateNodesUsingBlock: block stop: stop];
- (void) enumerateNodesUsingBlock: (TrieBlock) block {
BOOL stop = NO;
[self __enumerateNodesUsingBlock: block stop: &stop];
- (void) enumerateStringsUsingBlock: (TrieBlock) block {
[self enumerateNodesUsingBlock: ^(id obj, BOOL *stop){
if([obj isLeaf]){
block(obj, stop);
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