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Last active December 22, 2015 23:58
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Thesis - Generate thesis with pandoc and latex based on markdown input.
# Function to watch a folder
createThesis() {
echo "[`date +%H:%M:%S`] `ls *.md | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/,$/\n/'`"
for i in *.md; do
[ -e "$i" ] || break
cat "$i" >> thesis.markdown
cat enter.markdown >> thesis.markdown
sed -n '/[%]/!p' thesis.markdown > thesis-clean.markdown
pandoc -s -S thesis-clean.markdown -o thesis-without.tex --variable=geometry:a4paper --variable fontsize=11pt --include-in-header=package.tex --latex-engine=xelatex --number-sections --toc
sleep 5
xelatex thesis-without
sleep 2
bibtex thesis-without
sleep 2
xelatex thesis-without
sleep 5
pandoc title.markdown -o "title.pdf" --variable mainfont='Corbel' --variable sansfont='Corbel' --latex-engine=xelatex
sleep 10
pdftk A="title.pdf" B="thesis-without.pdf" cat A B output "output/thesis.pdf"
rm -rf thesis.markdown
rm -rf thesis-without.pdf
rm -rf title.pdf
watchdog() {
chsum1=`find /Users//Dropbox/Thesis/Main/ -type f -name \*.md -exec md5 {} \;`
while [[ true ]]
chsum2=`find /Users//Dropbox/Thesis/Main/ -type f -name \*.md -exec md5 {} \;`
if [[ $chsum1 != $chsum2 ]] ; then
#Report to the user
echo "[`date +%H:%M:%S`] Woef! Change detected"
echo "[`date +%H:%M:%S`] My work is done, resuming my watch!"
sleep 2
echo '['$(date +%H:%M:%S)'] Watchdog at your service!'
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