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Created January 28, 2020 16:56
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- ./vendor/nunomaduro/larastan/extension.neon
level: 7
#I can't imagine an instance where our logger would return null.
- "#Cannot call method warning() on Illuminate\\Log\\LogManager|null.#"
#I think it doesn't know about the Macro for "Locks" on Cache, but it works.
- '#Call to an undefined method Illuminate\\Contracts\\Cache\\Repository::lock().#'
#Only ignored because Carbon throws parse exceptions, so shouldn't return false.
- '#Cannot call method isBefore() on Illuminate\Support\Carbon|false.#'
#findOrFail apparently returns mixed, again Larastan doesn't know what to do.
- '#Cannot access property \$id on mixed\.#'
#Larastan claims that whereMagicalName requires an array, definitely does not.
- '#Parameter \#1 \$parameters of static method Illuminate\\Database\\Query\\Builder::whereSystemCode\(\) expects array, string given\.#'
#Facade missing docs
- '#Call to an undefined static method Zttp\\Zttp::get\(\)#'
#Serious question, why the fuck is larastan this stupid? Happens in foreach loops on EloquentModel::all() results...
- '#Access to an undefined property object::\$(.+?)\.#'
- '#Call to an undefined method object::(.+?)\(\)\.#'
#Bad Bugsnag facade
- '#Call to an undefined static method Bugsnag\\BugsnagLaravel\\Facades\\Bugsnag::reportException\(\)\.#'
#Can't see we are using a ?? to access the property
- '#Access to an undefined property App\\Models\\Department\|\(Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Collection&iterable\<App\\Models\\Department\>\)\|stdClass::\$number\.#'
#It's $this in the closure, it works. Larastan doesn't like macros?
- '#Call to an undefined method App\\Providers\\AppServiceProvider::reduce\(\)\.#'
#Laravel scout extended doesnt hint the ->with method but it works fine
- '#Call to an undefined method Laravel\\Scout\\Builder::with\(\)#'
#Larastan doesnt know about max() method on Eloquent models
- '#Cannot cast Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Builder to int.#'
- '#Access to an undefined property Illuminate\\Support\\HigherOrderCollectionProxy::\$leasePeriods\.#'
inferPrivatePropertyTypeFromConstructor: true
allowVarTagAboveStatements: true
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