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Created September 5, 2023 11:29
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#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cmath>
#include <cctype>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
const int maxsize=100; // Constant Maximum size of every Sets
class set
int len;
char members[maxsize];
int find(char ch);
int getlen()
return len;
bool isMember(char ch); // Check whether a character is a member or not
void showset();
set operator+(char ch); // Adding One character to the Set
set operator-(char ch); // Removing One character to the Set
set operator+(set ob2); // Union of 2 Sets
set operator-(set ob2); // Difference of 2 Sets
bool operator<(set ob2); // Set in the left is a subset of the one in the right
bool operator>(set ob2); // Set in the left is a superset of the one in the right
set operator&(set ob2); // Intersection of 2 Sets
set operator|(set ob2); // Symetric difference of 2 Sets
int set::find(char ch)
for(int i=0; i<len; i++)
if(ch==members[i]) return i; // checking if Ch is in the member list, returning its array location if foound and -1 if not found
return -1;
bool set::isMember(char ch)
if(find(ch)!=-1) return true; //checking if Ch is found in the list and returning True, that's why we createad the Find() function
else return false;
void set::showset()
cout<<"{ ";
for(int i=0; i<len; i++)
cout<<members[i]<<" "; // display every character held in the Set
set set::operator+(char ch)
if (len==maxsize)
cout<<"The Set is Full\n"; // checking if the Set is full by comparing the last array location which is Len to the maxsize
return *this; // returning the current Set is it's Full
set newset= *this; // coppying the current Set cause we'll just add the new character to it
if(isMember(ch)) return *this; // returning the current Set if the character is already part of it
newset.members[newset.len]= ch; // adding Ch to the newSet Member list by precising in the last newSet array location
newset.len++; // incremention the last array location if there's a possible addition to it
return newset; // returning the newset which holds the new and hold characters
set set::operator-(char ch)
set newset;
int i= find(ch); // i is holding the array location of the character you want to take out with the find() function
for(int j=0; j<len; j++)
if(j!=i) newset= newset + members[j]; //adding every other characters to the newset except the one whose array location is equal to the one stored in i
return newset;
set set::operator+(set ob2)
set newset= *this; // coppying the current set
for(int i=0; i<ob2.len; i++)
newset= newset + ob2.members[i]; //adding the Second Set member characters from the copy of the current set we have made
return newset;
set set::operator-(set ob2)
set newset= *this; // coppying the current set
for(int i=0; i<ob2.len; i++)
newset= newset - ob2.members[i]; //removing the Second Set member characters from the copy of the current set we have made
return newset;
bool set::operator<(set ob2)
if(len>ob2.len) return false; // ob1 has more elements
for (int i=0; i<len; i++)
if(ob2.find(members[i])==-1) return false;
return true;
bool set::operator>(set ob2)
if(len<ob2.len) return false; // ob2 has more elements
for (int i=0; i<ob2.len; i++)
if(find(ob2.members[i])==-1) return false;
return true;
set set::operator&(set ob2)
set newset;
for(int i=0; i<len; i++)
if(ob2.find(members[i])!=-1) newset= newset + members[i]; //Checking for every character of the first Set that are in the second Set
return newset;
set set::operator|(set ob2)
set newset;
for(int i=0; i<len; i++)
if(ob2.find(members[i])!=-1) newset= newset+ members[i];
*this= *this - newset;
// just take the Intersection of both out of the first Set
return *this;
int main()
set s1, s2, s3;
char j, k, l;
cout<<"Enter 4 characters into the Set 1 \n";
for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
s1= s1 + j;
cout<<" The characters inside the Set 1 are: ";
cout<<"Enter 4 characters into the Set 2 \n";
for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
s2= s2 + k;
cout<<" The characters inside the Set 2 are: ";
cout<<"Enter 4 characters into the Set 3 \n";
for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
s3= s3 + l;
cout<<" The characters inside the Set 3 are: ";
cout<<"Look for One of the characters you've entered into the Set 1 \n";
char q;
if(s1.isMember(q)) cout<<q<<" is a member of the Set 1\n";
else cout<<q<<" is not a member of the Set 1\n";
cout<<"Look for One of the characters you've entered into the Set 3 \n";
char e;
if(s1.isMember(e)) cout<<w<<" is a member of the Set 3\n";
else cout<<e<<" is not a member of the Set 3\n";
cout<<" We gonna add One last character in the Set 1\n";
char t;
s1=s1 + t;
cout<<" Now all the values of Set 1 are : ";
cout<<" We gonna add One last character in the Set 3\n";
char v;
s3=s3 + v;
cout<<" Now all the values of Set 3 are : ";
cout<<"Take One character out of Set 1.\n";
char g;
s1= s1-g;
cout<<"Now Set 1 only has: ";
cout<<"Take One character out of Set 3\n";
char n;
s3= s3-n;
cout<<"Now Set 3 only has: ";
cout<<"We gonna make the Union of Set 2 and Set 3 which is Set 5 : ";
set s5= s2 + s3;
cout<<" \n";
cout<<"We gonna make the difference of Set 2 and Set 3 which is Set 8 : ";
set s8= s2 - s3;
cout<<" \n";
cout<<"We gonna make the difference of Set 1 and Set 3 which is Set 9 : ";
set s9= s1 - s3;
cout<<" \n";
if(s3<s2) cout<<" S3 is a subset of S2\n";
else cout<<" S3 is not a subset of S2\n";
if(s2<s3) cout<<" S2 is a subset of S3\n";
else cout<<" S2 is not a subset of S3\n";
set s10= s1&s2;
cout<<"The intersection of S1 and S2 is : \n";
set s12= s2|s3;
cout<<" The Symetric difference between S1 and S2 is: ";
return 0;
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