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Created April 30, 2020 00:12
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Roller Coaster Project
# This is a Codecademy practice project.
Spyder Editor
This is a temporary script file.
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# need to save the Python file into the same folder as the csv file, otherwise need to change the path
wood = pd.read_csv('Golden_Ticket_Award_Winners_Wood.csv')
steel = pd.read_csv('Golden_Ticket_Award_Winners_Steel.csv')
# examine the first dataframe
# print(df1)
# 61 and 63 distinct roller coasters in Wood and Steel rankings.
# 32 and 15 distinct suppliers in Wood and Steel rankings.
info1 = wood.groupby('Year of Rank')['Rank'].count().reset_index()
# Year 2013 has 10 Rank counts, etc.
# plt. clf() clears the entire current figure with all its axes, but leaves the window opened, such that it may be reused for other plots.
# plt. close() closes a window, which will be the current window, if not specified otherwise
# Write a function that will plot the ranking of a given roller coaster over time as a line
# Your function should take a roller coaster’s name and a ranking DataFrame as arguments.
def roller_ranking(coaster_name, park_name, df):
ranking = df[(df['Name'] == coaster_name) & (df['Park'] == park_name)]
# select a subset of the ranking DataFrame based on two criteria
x = ranking['Year of Rank']
# x is a Series object, not a dataframe.
y = ranking['Rank']
plt.plot(x, y, marker = 'o', label = coaster_name)
plt.ylabel('Rank of Roller Coasters')
plt.title(coaster_name + ' ranking over the years')
#indentation error: replace all the tabs with 手打的空格
ax1 = plt.subplots()
roller_ranking('El Toro', 'Six Flags Great Adventure', wood)
# call with the name 'El Toro' and the Wood Ranking dataframe to test.
# Write a function that will plot the ranking of TWO given roller coaster over time as lines
def roller_ranking_two(name1, name2, park1, park2, df):
ranking1 = df[(df['Name'] == name1) & (df['Park'] == park1)]
ranking2 = df[(df['Name'] == name2) & (df['Park'] == park2)]
# select two DataFrames that satisfy certain criteria
x = ranking1['Year of Rank']
# the x-axis should be the same for both roller coasters
y1 = ranking1['Rank']
y2 = ranking2['Rank']
plt.plot(x, y1, marker = 'o', color = 'green', label = name1)
plt.plot(x, y2, marker = 's', color = 'black', label = name2)
plt.ylabel('Rank of Roller Coasters')
plt.title(name1 + " & " + name2 + " ranking over the years")
ax2 = plt.subplots()
roller_ranking_two('El Toro', 'Boulder Dash', 'Six Flags Great Adventure', 'Lake Compounce', wood)
# Write a function that will plot the ranking of top N given roller coaster over time as lines
def roller_ranking_top_n(n, df):
top_n_rankings = df[df['Rank'] <= n].reset_index() # select all rows that have a Rank less than or equal to n
plt.figure(figsize = (8, 6)) # create a figure to plot
for coaster in set(top_n_rankings['Name']):
coaster_ranking = top_n_rankings[top_n_rankings['Name'] == coaster]
plt.plot(coaster_ranking['Year of Rank'], coaster_ranking['Rank'], label = coaster, marker = 'o')
plt.xlabel('Year of Rank')
plt.ylabel('Rank of Roller Coasters')
plt.title('Rank of Top ' + str(n) + " roller coasters over time")
# test the function
roller_ranking_top_n(2, wood)
roller_ranking_top_n(4, steel)
# plt.close('all') # comment for all previous plots to show.
rc = pd.read_csv('roller_coasters.csv') # pay attention to the 's' in the file name
print(rc.head()) # inspect the dataframe
# Write a function that plots a histogram of any numeric column of the roller coaster dataframe
# inputs: dataframe and a column name
# pd.dropna() to remove all missing values before plotting the histogram
def create_hist(df, name):
# to check if the column contains numeric or qualitative information
if type(df[name][0]) == str:
print("Please make sure the column you enter contains numeric information")
if name == 'height':
df = df[df[name] <= 140] # cut the outliers
df_new = df.dropna(axis = 0, how = 'any') # drop missing values
df_new = df.dropna(axis = 0, how = 'any')
df_name = df_new[name]
plt.hist(df_name, density = True)
plt.title('Histogram of ' + name)
ax3 = plt.subplots()
create_hist(rc, 'height')
# Write a function that creates a bar chart showing the number of inversions for each roller coaster
# Your function should take the roller coaster DataFrame and an amusement park name as arguments.
# print(rc['num_inversions'][0])
w = 10
h = 8
def create_bar(df, park_name):
park_coasters = df[df['park'] == park_name] # select a subset of the whole dataframe
park_coasters = park_coasters.sort_values(by = ['num_inversions'], ascending = False)
coaster_names = park_coasters['name']
number_inversions = park_coasters['num_inversions']
plt.figure(figsize = (w, h))
ax = plt.subplot(), number_inversions)
ax.set_xticklabels(coaster_names, rotation = 'vertical')
plt.xlabel('Roller Coasters')
plt.ylabel('Number of Inversions at each park')
plt.title('Number of inversions')
# create_bar(rc, 'Lake Compounce')
# Write a function that creates a pie chart that compares the number of operating roller coasters
# ('status.operating') to the number of closed roller coasters ('status.closed.definitely').
# Your function should take the roller coaster DataFrame as an argument.
def create_pie(df):
operating = df[df['status'] == 'status.operating']
closed = df[df['status'] == 'status.closed.definitely']
status_counts = [len(operating), len(closed)]
plt.pie(status_counts, autopct = '%0.1f%%', labels = ['Operating', 'Closed'])
plt.title('Status of Roller Coasters')
ax4 = plt.subplots()
# Write a function that creates a scatterplot of two numeric columns of the rc dataframe
# Your function should take the roller coaster DataFrame and two-column names as arguments.
def create_scatter(df, name1, name2):
# first we want to check if the columns contain numeric information
if (type(df[name1][0]) == str) or (type(df[name2][0]) == str):
print("Please make sure the column you enter contains numeric information")
if name1 == 'height':
df = df[df[name1] <= 140] # cut the outliers
df_new = df.dropna(axis = 0, how = 'any') # drop missing values
elif name2 == 'height':
df = df[df[name2] <= 140] # cut the outliers
df_new = df.dropna(axis = 0, how = 'any') # drop missing values
df_new = df.dropna(axis = 0, how = 'any')
df_name_one = df_new[name1]
df_name_two = df_new[name2]
# df_name = np.array(df_name) # change this to an array and put into histogram
plt.scatter(df_name_one, df_name_two, marker = 'o')
plt.title('Plot of ' + name2 + " against " + name1)
ax5 = plt.subplots()
create_scatter(rc, 'speed', 'length')
plt.close('all') # --- comment this line for previous graphs to show
# rc.sort_values(by = ['seating_type'], ascending = False)
# What roller coaster seating type is most popular? Sit Down.
popularity = rc['seating_type'].value_counts()
this_df = rc['seating_type']
ax6 = plt.subplots()
plt.pie(popularity, labels = this_df.unique())
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