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Last active September 19, 2023 12:00
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  • Save HTenkanen/3b214be899f0d3885bad48577de48150 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save HTenkanen/3b214be899f0d3885bad48577de48150 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from geoalchemy2 import Geometry
from shapely.geometry import MultiLineString, MultiPoint, MultiPolygon
from shapely.wkb import dumps
import io
from pyproj import CRS
import csv
import time
import pygeos
def timeit(method):
def timed(*args, **kw):
ts = time.time()
result = method(*args, **kw)
te = time.time()
if 'log_time' in kw:
name = kw.get('log_name', method.__name__.upper())
kw['log_time'][name] = round((te - ts) / 60, 2)
print('%r %.2f seconds' % \
(method.__name__, (te - ts) ))
return result
return timed
def get_geometry_type(gdf):
"""Get basic geometry type of a GeoDataFrame, and information if the gdf contains Geometry Collections."""
geom_types = list(gdf.geometry.geom_type.unique())
geom_collection = False
# Get the basic geometry type
basic_types = []
for gt in geom_types:
if 'Multi' in gt:
geom_collection = True
basic_types.append(gt.replace('Multi', ''))
geom_types = list(set(basic_types))
# Check for mixed geometry types
assert len(geom_types) < 2, "GeoDataFrame contains mixed geometry types, cannot proceed with mixed geometries."
geom_type = geom_types[0]
return (geom_type, geom_collection)
def get_srid_from_crs(gdf):
Get EPSG code from CRS if available. If not, return -1.
if is not None:
if isinstance(, dict):
# If CRS is in typical geopandas format take only the value to avoid pyproj Future warning
if 'init' in
srid = CRS(['init']).to_epsg(min_confidence=25)
srid = CRS(
srid = CRS(gdf).to_epsg(min_confidence=25)
if srid is None:
srid = -1
srid = -1
if srid == -1:
print("Warning: Could not parse coordinate reference system from GeoDataFrame. Inserting data without defined CRS.")
return srid
def convert_to_wkb(gdf, geom_name):
# Convert geometries to wkb
# With pygeos
gdf[geom_name] = pygeos.to_wkb(pygeos.from_shapely(gdf[geom_name].to_list()), hex=True)
# With Shapely
# gdf[geom_name] = gdf[geom_name].apply(lambda x: dumps(x, hex=True))
return gdf
def write_to_db(gdf, engine, index, tbl, table, schema, srid, geom_name):
# Convert columns to lists and make a generator
args = [list(gdf[i]) for i in gdf.columns]
if index:
data_iter = zip(*args)
# get list of columns using pandas
keys = tbl.insert_data()[0]
columns = ', '.join('"{}"'.format(k) for k in list(keys))
# borrowed from
s_buf = io.StringIO()
writer = csv.writer(s_buf)
conn = engine.raw_connection()
cur = conn.cursor()
sql = 'COPY {} ({}) FROM STDIN WITH CSV'.format(
table, columns)
cur.copy_expert(sql=sql, file=s_buf)
cur.execute("SELECT UpdateGeometrySRID('{table}', '{geometry}', {srid})".format(
schema=schema, table=table, geometry=geom_name, srid=srid))
except Exception as e:
def copy_to_postgis(gdf, engine, table, if_exists='fail',
schema=None, dtype=None, index=False,
Fast upload of GeoDataFrame into PostGIS database using COPY.
gdf : GeoDataFrame
GeoDataFrame containing the data for upload.
engine : SQLAclchemy engine.
if_exists : str
What to do if table exists already: 'replace' | 'append' | 'fail'.
schema : db-schema
Database schema where the data will be uploaded (optional).
dtype : dict of column name to SQL type, default None
Optional specifying the datatype for columns. The SQL type should be a
SQLAlchemy type, or a string for sqlite3 fallback connection.
index : bool
Store DataFrame index to the database as well.
gdf = gdf.copy()
geom_name =
if schema is not None:
schema_name = schema
schema_name = 'public'
# Get srid
srid = get_srid_from_crs(gdf)
# Check geometry types
geometry_type, contains_multi_geoms = get_geometry_type(gdf)
# Build target geometry type
if contains_multi_geoms:
target_geom_type = "Multi{geom_type}".format(geom_type=geometry_type)
target_geom_type = geometry_type
# Build dtype with Geometry (srid is updated afterwards)
if dtype is not None:
dtype[geom_name] = Geometry(geometry_type=target_geom_type)
dtype = {geom_name: Geometry(geometry_type=target_geom_type)}
# Get Pandas SQLTable object (ignore 'geometry')
# If dtypes is used, update table schema accordingly.
pandas_sql =
tbl =, pandas_sql_engine=pandas_sql,
frame=gdf, dtype=dtype, index=index)
# Check if table exists
if tbl.exists():
# If it exists, check if should overwrite
if if_exists == 'replace':
elif if_exists == 'fail':
raise Exception("Table '{table}' exists in the database.".format(table=table))
elif if_exists == 'append':
# Ensure all geometries all Geometry collections if there were MultiGeometries in the table
if contains_multi_geoms:
mask = gdf[geom_name].geom_type==geometry_type
if geometry_type == 'Point':
gdf.loc[mask, geom_name] = gdf.loc[mask, geom_name].apply(lambda geom: MultiPoint([geom]))
elif geometry_type == 'LineString':
gdf.loc[mask, geom_name] = gdf.loc[mask, geom_name].apply(lambda geom: MultiLineString([geom]))
elif geometry_type == 'Polygon':
gdf.loc[mask, geom_name] = gdf.loc[mask, geom_name].apply(lambda geom: MultiPolygon([geom]))
# Convert geometries to WKB
gdf = convert_to_wkb(gdf, geom_name)
# Write to database
write_to_db(gdf, engine, index, tbl, table, schema, srid, geom_name)
# =====================
# =====================
data = gpd.read_file("")
engine = create_engine("postgresql+psycopg2://myuser:mypwd@localhost:5432/mydb")
# Run with %timeit to get a proper time-profile
copy_to_postgis(data, engine, table='ykr_test', if_exists='replace', schema=None, dtype=None, index=True)
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@CibelesR : Typically you would make an issue in GitHub but as this is still a fork (which disables making issues ) and not yet part of the geopandas core, so informing me like this is good, thanks 🙂

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@HTenkanen I forgot: I tried on Unix Sistem (macOS) and Windows 10, work fine for both of them

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CibelesR commented Mar 5, 2020

Dear @HTenkanen, I found something and I think it could be an issue. When I upload a geodataframe with gdf.to_postgis() the information and the geometry do not match. An example:

I have a column with 'order' information. This is a calculated column. If I save to a .shp (gdf.to_file('path*.shp')) and I visualized in a GIS software I have 'order' in the right geometry. But If I do load the layer from Postgres this information has changed.

I found this on Windows 10 x64

The code is:

GDB = 'SVA.gdb'
crs = {'init': 'epsg:25830'}
df_gdb = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_file(GDB, layer=0, crs=crs, geometry='geometry')

df_gdb['tx'] = df_gdb['XY'].apply(lambda x: x.split('_')[0]).astype('float')
df_gdb['ty'] = df_gdb['XY'].apply(lambda x: x.split('_')[1]).astype('float')
df_gdb.sort_values(by=['tx', 'ty'], inplace = True)

tx_min = df_gdb['tx'].min()
ty_min_for_tx_min = df_gdb['ty'].iloc[0]

df_gdb['dist'] = np.sqrt((df_gdb['tx'] - tx_min)**2 + (df_gdb['ty'] - ty_min_for_tx_min)**2)
df_gdb.sort_values(by=['dist'], inplace = True)

df_gdb['order'] = range(1, 1 + len(df_gdb))

Maybe it is easier to understand with an image. Black is the number I get in the GeoPandasDataframe and blue is the number I get after uploading it.


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HTenkanen commented May 1, 2020

@CibelesR Sorry for not answering to this before. Now 3D geometries are supported as well. What comes to your comment about mismatching indices, we have witnessed the same behavior and are currently looking into this. For some reason, the records seem to be inserted into the PostGIS table sometimes in a different order than they are in the original GeoDataFrame. All the values match, but it can be a bit confusing for the user as you reported.

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