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Last active June 6, 2022 19:46
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M1 Setup Notes

M1 Development Environment Setup Tips

Installing Latest Erlang With asdf


asdf plugin add erlang

Make sure you have the following dependencies installed: brew install autoconf wxmac openssl

I used the following env vars(I added to .zshrc):

export CFLAGS="-O2 -g -fno-stack-check"
export KERL_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS="--without-javac --with-ssl=$(brew --prefix openssl@1.1)"

asdf install erlang latest

Installing Older Erlang With asdf

It was much simpler for me to to install an older version of erlang with brew and manually load it into asdf.

Here's what I did:

brew install erlang@22
cp -r /opt/homebrew/opt/erlang@22/lib/erlang ~/.asdf/installs/erlang/
asdf reshim erlang

Installing Elixir With asdf

It just works!

Installing nodejs With asdf

Follow instructions at

  • make sure to install the dependencies

NOTE: versions below 16.x.x aren't supported by asdf nodejs on arm64 yet... see below

Using older versions of nodejs (<16) with asdf

SRC: asdf-vm/asdf-nodejs#189 (comment)

Use Rosetta 2!! arch -x86_64 asdf install nodejs <OLD_NODE_VERSION>

Installing Java

brew install openjdk

I needed to add openjdk to my path: export PATH="$(brew --prefix openjdk)/bin:$PATH"

arm64 gradle build issues with ndk

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