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Convolution theory and numpy implementation
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from typing import Tuple, Literal, Callable
import numpy as np
from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided
# 2D Convolution
def get_dim_ext(dim_k, dim_crop):
l, k = dim_k
cr, cc = dim_crop
if cr * cc *l *k == 0:
raise ValueError(f"None of dimension can be zero, l:{l}, k:{k}, cc:{cc}, cr:{cr}")
if cr <0 or cc<0 or l<0 or k<0:
raise ValueError(f"None of dimension can be negative, l:{l}, k:{k}, cc:{cc}, cr:{cr}")
if cr > l or cc >k:
raise ValueError(f"Cropping dimension must be smaller than kernel dimension.")
return l-cr, k-cc
def get_dim_convole(dim_i, dim_k, dim_c):
n, m = dim_i
l, k = dim_k
if l> n or k>m:
n ,l = l, n
m, k = k, m
cr, cc = dim_c
return n+l - 2*cr+1, m+k - 2*cc +1
def _expand_matrix(data, dim_ext, edge_param):
er, ec = dim_ext
if edge_param[0] == "custom" and len(edge_param) >=2:
C1, C2, R1, R2 = edge_param[1](data, (er, ec), edge_param[2:])
else: C1, C2, R1, R2 = _edge_matrix(data, (er, ec), edge_param)
# Column expand
if isinstance(C1, np.ndarray):
data = np.concatenate([C1, data, C2], axis=1)
# Row expand
if isinstance(R1, np.ndarray):
data = np.concatenate([R1, data, R2], axis=0)
return data
def _edge_matrix(data, dim_ext, edge_param):
n, m = data.shape
er, ec = dim_ext
# Column Matrix: (n, ec)
# Row Matrix: (er, m+2ec)
dim_column = (n, ec)
dim_row = (er, int(m+2*ec))
e_method_name, e_method_param = edge_param
if e_method_name == "extend":
a_col_1 = np.expand_dims(data[0:, 0], axis=0)
a_col_2 = np.expand_dims(data[0:,-1], axis=0)
C1 = np.repeat(a_col_1, ec, axis=0).transpose()
C2 = np.repeat(a_col_2, ec, axis=0).transpose()
a_row_1 = np.expand_dims(np.concatenate([C1[0],data[0], C2[0]]), axis=0)
a_row_2 = np.expand_dims(np.concatenate([C1[-1], data[-1], C2[-1]]), axis=0)
R1 =np.repeat(a_row_1, er, axis=0)
R2 =np.repeat(a_row_2, er, axis=0)
elif e_method_name == "wrap":
if er >0 and ec >0:
Cor1 = data[-er:, -ec: ]
Cor2 = data[-er:, :ec]
Cor3 = data[ :er, -ec: ]
Cor4 = data[ :er, :ec]
Row1 = data[-er:, :]
Row2 = data[ :er, :]
R1 = np.concatenate([Cor1, Row1, Cor2], axis=1)
R2 = np.concatenate([Cor3, Row2, Cor4], axis=1)
C1 = data[:, -ec: ]
C2 = data[:, :ec]
elif er>0: # ec ==0
R1 = data[-er:, :]
R2 = data[ :er, :]
C1 = C2 = None
R1 = R2 = None
C1 = data[:, -ec: ]
C2 = data[:, :ec]
elif e_method_name == "reflect":
if er * ec >0:
C1 = np.flip(data[:, :ec], axis=1)
C2 = np.flip(data[:, -ec: ], axis=1)
Cor1 = np.flip(C1[ :er, :], axis=0) #
Cor2 = np.flip(C2[ :er, :], axis=0) #
Cor3 = np.flip(C1[-er: , :], axis=0) #
Cor4 = np.flip(C2[-er: , :], axis=0) #
Row1 = np.flip(data[:er, :], axis=0)
Row2 = np.flip(data[-er:, :], axis=0)
R1 = np.concatenate([Cor1 , Row1, Cor2], axis =1)
R2 = np.concatenate([Cor3 , Row2, Cor4], axis =1)
elif er > 0:
R1 = np.flip(data[:er, :], axis=0)
R2 = np.flip(data[-er:, :], axis=0)
C1 = C2 = None
R1 = R2 = None
C1 = np.flip(data[:, :ec], axis=1)
C2 = np.flip(data[:, -ec: ], axis=1)
elif e_method_name == "mirror":
if er*ec >0:
C1 = np.flip(data[:, 1:ec+1], axis=1)
C2 = np.flip(data[:, -(ec+1): -1 ], axis=1)
Cor1 = np.flip(C1[ 1:er+1, :], axis=0)
Cor2 = np.flip(C2[ 1:er+1, :], axis=0)
Cor3 = np.flip(C1[-er-1: -1 , :], axis=0)
Cor4 = np.flip(C2[-er-1: -1 , :], axis=0)
Row1 = np.flip(data[1:er+1, :], axis=0)
Row2 = np.flip(data[-(er+1):-1, :], axis=0)
R1 = np.concatenate([Cor1 , Row1, Cor2], axis =1)
R2 = np.concatenate([Cor3 , Row2, Cor4], axis =1)
elif er >0:
R1 = np.flip(data[1:er+1, :], axis=0)
R2 = np.flip(data[-(er+1):-1, :], axis=0)
C1 = C2 = None
R1 = R2 = None
C1 = np.flip(data[:, 1:ec+1], axis=1)
C2 = np.flip(data[:, -(ec+1): -1 ], axis=1)
elif e_method_name == "constant":
c = e_method_param
C1 = C2 = c*np.ones(shape=dim_column) if ec>0 else None
R1 = R2 = c*np.ones(shape=dim_row) if er>0 else None
C1 = C2 = R1 = R2 = None
return C1, C2, R1, R2
def convolve2d( ## 1dim with 2dim convolution
crop:Tuple[int, int]=(1, 1),
edge_mode:Literal["extend", "wrap", "mirror", "reflect", "constant"]="constant",
edge_params = [0],
image_mode = False
#no, mo = data.shape
#l, k = filter.shape
#if l*k > no*mo and not image_mode:
# data, filter = filter, data
l, k = filter.shape
filter = np.flip(filter, axis=0) # axis=1 flip occured at np.convolve routine.
if image_mode:
add_row = add_col = False
crop = (int(np.floor((l+1)/2)), int(np.floor((k+1)/2)))
if l%2 == 0:
add_row = True
if k%2 == 0:
add_col = True
er, ec = get_dim_ext((l, k), crop)
data_ext = _expand_matrix(data, (er, ec), [edge_mode]+edge_params)
n,m = data_ext.shape
result = np.zeros(shape = (n-l+1, m-k+1))
for i, h_row in enumerate(filter):
data_i = data_ext[i:n-l+i+1]
result += np.stack([np.convolve(h_row, r, mode="vaild") for r in data_i])
if image_mode:
if add_row:
result = result[1:]
if add_col:
result = result[:, 1:]
return result
# Utils
def restore_data(data, dim_k, dim_crop):
l, k = dim_k
cr, cc = dim_crop
er = l - cr
ec = k -cc
return data[er: -er, ec: -ec]
# To matrix system
def _vec2sub_toeplitz(vec, m): #m: column dimension of matrix
k = len(vec)
n = m-k +1
rows = []
for i in range(0, n):
row_zeros = np.zeros(shape=(m-k,))
rows.append(np.insert(row_zeros, i, vec))
return np.vstack(rows)
def convolve2toeplitz(
crop:Tuple[int, int]=(1, 1),
edge_mode:Literal["extend", "wrap", "mirror", "reflect","constant"]="constant",
edge_params = [0],
allow_ext=False) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, Callable]:
l, k = filter.shape
er, ec = get_dim_ext((l, k), crop)
data_ext = _expand_matrix(data, (er, ec), [edge_mode]+edge_params)
n,m = data_ext.shape
filter = np.flip(np.flip(filter, axis=1), axis=0)
H_list = []
for i in range(0, l):
h_i = _vec2sub_toeplitz(filter[i], m)
if not allow_ext:
h_i = h_i[:, ec:-ec]
topelitz_dim = H_list[0].shape
rows =[]
for i in range(0, n-l+1):
i_f = i
i_b = n- l -i_f
row = i_f*[np.zeros(shape=topelitz_dim)] + H_list + i_b*[np.zeros(shape=topelitz_dim)]
mat = np.block(rows)
if not allow_ext:
c = topelitz_dim[1]
erc = er*c
mat = mat[:, erc:-erc]
vec = data.flatten()
vec = data_ext.flatten()
return mat, vec
# Special Case
def get_matrix_system(filter, dim_d):
n,m = dim_d
l, k= filter.shape
if k != 2*m-1 or l != 2*n-1:
raise ValueError("Invaild dimension: l, k must be 2n-1, 2m-1")
rows = []
for i in range(0, n):
row_i = n-1-i
row_f = 2*n-1-i
for j in range(0, m):
column_i = m-1 -j
column_f = 2*m-1 -j
t = filter[row_i : row_f, column_i:column_f]
return np.vstack(rows)
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HYUNSEONG-KIM commented Mar 1, 2023

The above Toeplitz transform is one example of basic matrix representation.
The ouputs are same with next paper includingreshape routine.

Michal Gnacij, Krystian Lapa, Using Toeplitz matrices to obtain 2D convolution, posted: October 27th, 2022, doi:

See codes of their transform in their repository, 2D convolution

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There is a image processing algorithm that use a toeplitz matrix

Image deconvolution via superfast inversion of a class of two-level Toeplitz matrices

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For higher dimension tensor convolution see

Nussbaumer transformation


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