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Created March 30, 2020 19:49
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Measure execution time of hashing functions from hashlib in Python3
"""Time hashlib hashing functions.
Useful to help decide which one to use if time is of the escence. I still recommend
blake2 or sha384.
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import hashlib
import random
import string
from statistics import mean
print('Timing hashing functions from hashlib, this can take a while (maybe more',
'than 5 minutes!)...')
hashing_functions = hashlib.algorithms_available
data = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for x in range(1024*1024)).encode()
times = {}
for hashing_function in hashing_functions:
if not hasattr(hashlib, hashing_function):
print(hashing_function, 'not available')
time = timeit.repeat(f'hashlib.{hashing_function}(data)', number=1000,
setup=f'import hashlib; data={data}')
times[hashing_function] = mean(time)
print(hashing_function, time)
print('From fastest to slowest:')
times_sorted = sorted(times.items(), key = lambda item: item[1])
baseline_time = None
for hashing_function, time in times_sorted:
if not baseline_time:
baseline_time = time
percentage = 100
percentage = time * 100 / baseline_time
padding_ammount = 20 - len(hashing_function)
padding = padding_ammount * ' '
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