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Created August 21, 2023 09:26
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A Brainf**ck compiler written x64 NASM assembly.
; The BrainCell Brainf**k Compiler
; --------------------------------
; BrainCell is a basic brainf**k compiler written in an evening,
; It contains a basic transpiler which translates brainf**k code,
; into the equivalent C code. Then uses `gcc` to compile the
; generated output. Though I do recognize the fact that this
; is not an optimized approach in any way, shape or form,
; but this is a rather fun and simple project, not designed to
; be serious.
; The following is the equivalent C code:
; ```c
; #include <stdio.h>
; #include <stdlib.h>
; char* ReadFile(const char* filepath)
; {
; FILE* file = fopen(filepath, "r");
; if (!file)
; {
; puts("[ERR]: Could not read file.");
; return NULL;
; }
; fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END);
; size_t size = ftell(file);
; rewind(file);
; char* buffer = (char*) malloc(size);
; fread(buffer, size, 1, file);
; buffer[size] = 0;
; fclose(file);
; return buffer;
; }
; void Compile(const char* sourceCode)
; {
; char* header = "#include <stdio.h>\n"
; "static char stack[3000];"
; "static int pointer;"
; "int main(void) {";
; FILE* transpiled = fopen("tmp.c", "w");
; if (!transpiled)
; {
; puts("[ERR]: Could not generate output file.");
; return NULL;
; }
; fputs(header, transpiled);
; for (size_t i = 0; i < strlen(sourceCode); i++)
; {
; char character = sourceCode[i];
; switch (character)
; {
; case '>': fputs("if (pointer+1>2999) pointer=0; else pointer++;", transpiled); break;
; case '<': fputs("if (pointer-1<0) pointer=2999; else pointer--;", transpiled); break;
; case '+': fputs("stack[pointer]++;", transpiled); break;
; case '-': fputs("stack[pointer]--;", transpiled); break;
; case '[': fputs("while (stack[pointer]) {", transpiled); break;
; case ']': fputs("}", transpiled);
; case '.': fputs("putchar(stack[pointer]);", transpiled); break;
; case ',': fputs("stack[pointer] = getchar();", transpiled); break;
; default: break;
; }
; }
; fputs('}', transpiled);
; fclose(transpiled);
; system("gcc -o output temp.c -O2");
; system("rm temp.c");
; }
; int main(int argc, char* argv[])
; {
; if (argc < 2)
; {
; puts("Usage: BrainCell [source]");
; return 0;
; }
; char* sourceCode = ReadFile(argv[1]);
; Compile(sourceCode);
; free(sourceCode);
; }
; ```
; To assemble and link, simply use nasm and gcc like so:
; ```sh
; $ nasm -felf64 BrainCell.asm
; $ gcc -no-pie BrainCell.o -o BrainCell -lc
; ```
global main
extern fopen
extern fputs
extern fseek
extern ftell
extern rewind
extern fread
extern fclose
extern puts
extern system
extern malloc
extern free
section .rodata
readError db "[ERR]: Could not read file.", 0x00
readMode db "r", 0x00
writeError db "[ERR]: Could not generate output file.", 0x00
writeMode db "w", 0x00
header db "#include <stdio.h>", 0x0A
db "static char stack[3000];",
db "static int pointer;",
db "int main(void) {", 0x0A, 0x00
footer db "}", 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x00
SHIFT_RIGHT db "if (pointer+1>2999) pointer = 0; else pointer++;", 0x00
SHIFT_LEFT db "if (pointer-1<0) pointer=2999; else pointer--;", 0x00
INCREMENT db "stack[pointer]++;", 0x00
DECREMENT db "stack[pointer]--;", 0x00
LOOP_START db "while (stack[pointer]) {", 0x00
LOOP_END db "}", 0x00
PRINT db "putchar(stack[pointer]);", 0x00
READ db "stack[pointer]=getchar();", 0x00
compileCommand db "gcc -o output.o tmp.c -O2", 0x00
removeCommand db "rm tmp.c", 0x00
tempPath db "tmp.c", 0x00
usage db "Usage: BrainCell [source]", 0x00
section .bss
originalRSP resq 0x1
originalRSI resq 0x1
sourceFile resq 0x1
outputFile resq 0x1
sourceCodeBuffer resq 0x1
sourceCodeSize resq 0x1
iterator resq 0x1
section .text
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
mov rsi, readMode
call fopen
mov QWORD [sourceFile], rax
test rax, rax
jz ReadFileError
mov rdi, QWORD [sourceFile]
xor rsi, 0x00
mov rdx, 0x02
call fseek
mov rdi, QWORD [sourceFile]
call ftell
mov QWORD [sourceCodeSize], rax
mov rdi, [sourceFile]
call rewind
mov rdi, QWORD [sourceCodeSize]
call malloc
mov QWORD [sourceCodeBuffer], rax
mov rdi, QWORD [sourceCodeBuffer]
mov rsi, QWORD [sourceCodeSize]
mov rdx, 0x1
mov rcx, QWORD [sourceFile]
call fread
mov rax, QWORD [sourceCodeSize]
mov rsi, QWORD [sourceCodeBuffer]
add rsi, rax
mov BYTE [rsi], 0x00
jmp ReadFileEnd
lea rdi, [rel readError]
call puts
jmp ReadFileEnd
pop rbp
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
mov rdi, tempPath
mov rsi, writeMode
call fopen
mov QWORD [outputFile], rax
test rax, rax
jz CompileError
mov rdi, header
mov rsi, QWORD [outputFile]
call fputs
mov rsi, [sourceCodeBuffer]
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
cmp al, 0x00
je CompileLoopEnd
push rsi
cmp al, "+"
je AppendInc
cmp al, "-"
je AppendDec
cmp al, "<"
je AppendShiftR
cmp al, ">"
je AppendShiftL
cmp al, "["
je AppendLoopStart
cmp al, "]"
je AppendLoopEnd
cmp al, "."
je AppendPrint
cmp al, ","
je AppendPrint
jmp EndCase
mov rdi, INCREMENT
mov rsi, QWORD [outputFile]
call fputs
jmp EndCase
mov rdi, DECREMENT
mov rsi, QWORD [outputFile]
call fputs
jmp EndCase
mov rdi, SHIFT_RIGHT
mov rsi, QWORD [outputFile]
call fputs
jmp EndCase
mov rdi, SHIFT_LEFT
mov rsi, QWORD [outputFile]
call fputs
jmp EndCase
mov rdi, LOOP_START
mov rsi, QWORD [outputFile]
call fputs
jmp EndCase
mov rdi, LOOP_END
mov rsi, QWORD [outputFile]
call fputs
jmp EndCase
mov rdi, PRINT
mov rsi, QWORD [outputFile]
call fputs
jmp EndCase
mov rdi, READ
mov rsi, QWORD [outputFile]
call fputs
jmp EndCase
pop rsi
inc rsi
jmp CompileLoopStart
mov rdi, footer
mov rsi, QWORD [outputFile]
call fputs
mov rdi, QWORD [outputFile]
call fclose
mov QWORD [originalRSP], rsp
mov QWORD [originalRSI], rsi
mov rsi, rsp
sub rsp, 0x8
mov rdi, compileCommand
call system
mov rdi, removeCommand
call system
mov rsp, QWORD [originalRSP]
mov rsi, QWORD [originalRSI]
jmp CompileEnd
lea rdi, [rel writeError]
call puts
jmp CompileEnd
pop rbp
cmp rdi, 0x2
jl PrintUsage
mov rdi, [rsi+0x8]
call ReadFile
call Compile
mov rdi, [sourceCodeBuffer]
call free
jmp ProgramEnd
mov rdi, usage
call puts
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