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Created May 20, 2024 21:15
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Split each block of terraform hcl2 into individual files
package main
import (
func main() {
// Define command-line flags for input file and output directory
inputFile := flag.String("input", "", "Path to the input HCL file")
outputDir := flag.String("output", "", "Directory to save individual HCL block files")
// Check if the input file and output directory are provided
if *inputFile == "" || *outputDir == "" {
fmt.Println("Usage: go run main.go -input=<input-file> -output=<output-dir>")
// Create the output directory if it does not exist
if err := os.MkdirAll(*outputDir, os.ModePerm); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error creating output directory: %v\n", err)
// read *inputFile and make it into a bytearray
file, err := os.ReadFile(*inputFile)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error reading input file: %v\n", err)
f, diags := hclwrite.ParseConfig(file, "", hcl.Pos{Line: 1, Column: 1})
if diags.HasErrors() {
fmt.Printf("Failed to parse HCL file: %v\n", diags)
// Iterate over the blocks and write each to a separate file
for i, block := range f.Body().Blocks() {
blockFile := hclwrite.NewEmptyFile()
outputFile := filepath.Join(*outputDir, fmt.Sprintf("block_%d.hcl", i+1))
if err := os.WriteFile(outputFile, blockFile.Bytes(), 0644); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error writing block file %s: %v\n", outputFile, err)
fmt.Println("HCL blocks have been successfully split into individual files.")
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