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Created May 3, 2019 22:06
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Quonauts v4 Initial Ruleset (draft)

Game Rules

This is the reference for the game rules of Nomic [VERSION]. This document is not guaranteed to always be up-to-date as the game rules are modified, however it is the duty of all players to keep this document accurate as game rules are modified. Where this document disagrees with the game rules, players should follow the game rules as they legally are, rather than their description in this document.

Meta rules


This section and its subsections describe grammatical conventions used throughout this ruleset.


  • All rules should be written in English using proper English grammar and spelling. American and British English spelling are both acceptable.
  • Sentences should be separated by a single space.
  • Paragraphs should be separated by a blank line.
  • Each paragraph or list element should be shorter than 1000 characters. [NOTE: the longest paragraph I could find in the BlogNomic ruleset was 976 characters, and it had 7 sentences. Even though Discord's embed character limit is 2048, I want to be able to automatically add links throughout the ruleset.]
  • Rules may not contain invisible characters besides newlines, normal spaces, and (in special cases) tabs. Non-ASCII characters should be used sparingly.

Headers and tags

  • Each section must have a header and a tag.
  • Headers should use sentence case, and each should be a short, succinct word or phrase (not a complete sentence) describing the section.
  • A section tag must be a string of text begin with a lowercase letter, end with either a lowercase letter or a number, and may contain only lowercase letters a-z, digits 0-9, and hyphens -.
  • A rule's tag should resemble its header.
  • Tags must be unique; no two rule sections may have the same tag.


  • Unordered lists should use a single asterisk followed by a space (* ) before each list element.
  • Ordered lists should use a single number followed by a period and a space (1. ) before each list element.
  • The numbers of a ordered list should start at 1 and increase by 1 for each element.
  • Lists should not be nested.
  • Lists should be separated by the paragraphs above and below by a blank line.
  • Two lists of the same type should not be adjacent. (This is treated as one list when converted to Markdown.)

Within a given list, all elements should have the same style, chosen from the following:

  • Elements are words or phrases, and do not end with a period.
  • Elements are clauses ending in a period (or other punctuation), and optionally followed by complete sentences.
  • Elements are complete sentences ending in a period, and optionally followed by more complete sentences.


Formatting (bold, italics, underline, and strikethrough) is available, but should be used sparingly. From GitHub's "Mastering Markdown" document, the following may be used:

  • Emphasis (italics and bold, not including double underscore __)
  • Unordered and ordered lists (not nested)
  • Links
  • Inline code
  • Username @mentions
  • Automatic linking for URLs
  • Strikethrough

Additionally, square brackets [] containing a tag will be converted into links to another rule section; e.g. [precedence].


The definitions for terms listed here take precedence over their normal English meanings, however any terms defined in a specific section of the rules override these in the section in which they are defined and any subsections of that section. A section may also define terms for use in the whole document.

  • The game: The instance of Nomic which is governed by this rules document.
  • Game action: A game action is any message or reaction in a game channel or any other manipulation of game channels or quantities which are part of the game.
  • Game channel: A game channel is any text or voice channel listed in the GAME CHANNELS channel category of the Discord server.
  • Person/player: Any participant of the game.
  • The rules: The rules of the game, which are described by this document.
  • Section: A part of the rules which is contained under one header, not including any subsections.
  • Subsection: A section of the rules which is contained under another section.
  • Clause: A single statement in the rules.


[TODO get more opinions on this section]

In the case of a contradiction between clauses, consult the following list and use the first condition that applies [TODO reword]:

  1. If one clause has a more limited scope than another, then the clause with the more limited scope takes precedence. For example, [TODO need example]
  2. If one clause is negative while the other is positive, then the negative clause takes precedence. For example, [TODO need example]
  3. The clause which appears last in the rules takes precedence.

Disallowed by default

Unless explicitly stated in the rules, all game actions are forbidden.

Rule violations

If any player B believes that another player A has violated the rules, then player B may hold a majority poll (called a "rule violation poll," or "RVP") to determine whether player A has violated a rule. The same meaning of "player A" and "player B" applies to this section and its subsections.

Rule violation polls

  • The RVP must describe the action taken by player A that player B believes to be a violation of the rules.
  • The RVP must describe the

which section of the rules was violated and what action player A took to violate that section. Players should vote in favor of this poll if and only if they agree that player A violated the rules as described in the poll. If that poll succeeds, then player A has violated the rules as described in the poll.

If player A votes in favor of that poll, then it immediately succeeds.

[NOTE this is new -- hopefully should make RVPs more responsive]

If a player C (who may be the same as player B, but not player A)

For any potential rule violiation, only one rule violation poll may be conducted.

A rule violation poll may not be started more than 7 days after the potential rule violation.




[TODO: by default, only allow positive integers and zero]


If a player A has violated the rules, then another player B may hold a majority poll to determine whether player A should gain one strike.

[TODO: finish]



[TODO note that polls may be edited for clarity or to add information, but not in a way that changes its core meaning]


[TODO note that proposals may NOT be edited -- or maybe they can, but must be by poll and only for clarity / grammatical/spelling error]

[TODO clarify that the rule takes effect after it has been passed]

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