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Created October 6, 2020 18:32
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Transient undo history test
//! Undo/redo history.
//! The simplest model of undo history consists of a single "undo stack." Every
//! operation pushes a history entry for the previous state onto the undo stack.
//! The "undo" action pops a history entry from the top of the undo stack and
//! restores it.
//! To add "redo" functionality, we make an additional "redo stack." To undo an
//! action, we push an entry onto the redo stack and then pop an entry from the
//! undo stack to restore. To redo an action, we push an entry onto the undo
//! stack and then pop an entry from the redo stack to restore. Every operation
//! besides undo/redo clears the redo stack.
//! NDCell uses a slightly more complicated model, because of the following
//! contradiction:
//! - It is sometimes useful to undo individual selection operations.
//! - Operations that do not change the state of the automaton or are canceled
//! should not clear the redo stack.
//! A solution is to record "transient" history entries for operations like
//! selection. Transient history entries work just like normal history entries,
//! except for the following:
//! - Transient entries are never buried beneath non-transient entries on the
//! undo stack and redo stack; they are always on the top.
//! - Undoing a non-transient entry will clear transient entries from the
//! redo stack.
//! - Redoing a non-transient entry is not allowed while there is a
//! transient entry on the undo stack.
//! - Recording a non-transient entry clears transient entries from the undo
//! stack and clears all entries from the redo stack.
//! - Recording a transient entry clears only transient entries from the redo
//! stack.
//! Note that operations involving transient entries never clear non-transient
//! entries from the redo stack.
use crate::gridview::GridView; // required to make `enum_dispatch` happy
use enum_dispatch::enum_dispatch;
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct HistoryManager<E> {
undo_stack: Vec<E>,
redo_stack: Vec<E>,
transient_undo_stack: Vec<E>,
transient_redo_stack: Vec<E>,
impl<E> HistoryManager<E> {
pub fn record(&mut self, current: E) {
pub fn can_undo(&self) -> bool {
pub fn can_redo(&self) -> bool {
// Cannot redo non-transient entry while there is a transient entry
// on the undo stack
&& !(self.transient_redo_stack.is_empty() && !self.transient_undo_stack.is_empty())
pub fn undo(&mut self, restore_fn: impl FnOnce(E) -> E) -> bool {
if let Some(undone_state) = self.transient_undo_stack.pop() {
let current = restore_fn(undone_state);
} else if let Some(undone_state) = self.undo_stack.pop() {
let current = restore_fn(undone_state);
} else {
pub fn redo(&mut self, restore_fn: impl FnOnce(E) -> E) -> bool {
if let Some(redone_state) = self.transient_redo_stack.pop() {
let current = restore_fn(redone_state);
} else if !self.transient_undo_stack.is_empty() {
// Cannot redo non-transient entry while there is a transient entry
// on the undo stack
} else if let Some(redone_state) = self.redo_stack.pop() {
let current = restore_fn(redone_state);
} else {
pub fn record_transient(&mut self, current: E) {
pub fn undo_non_transient(&mut self, restore_fn: impl FnOnce(E) -> E) -> bool {
/* /// Methods for managing history entries.
pub trait HistoryManager {
/// The type used for history entries.
type HistoryEntry;
/// Returns a history entry representing the current state.
fn history_entry(&self) -> Self::HistoryEntry;
/// Replaces this state with the one recorded in the given history entry and
/// returns a new history entry representing the state before calling this
/// method.
/// This method is analogous to std::mem::replace().
fn restore(&mut self, entry: Self::HistoryEntry) -> Self::HistoryEntry;
/// Returns an immutable reference to the undo stack, with the most recent
/// entry on top.
fn undo_stack(&self) -> &Vec<Self::HistoryEntry>;
/// Returns an immutable reference to the redo stack, with the next entry on
/// top.
fn redo_stack(&self) -> &Vec<Self::HistoryEntry>;
/// Returns a mutable reference to the undo stack, with the most recent
/// entry on top.
fn undo_stack_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Vec<Self::HistoryEntry>;
/// Returns a mutable reference to the redo stack, with the next entry on
/// top.
fn redo_stack_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Vec<Self::HistoryEntry>;
} */
/* /// Undo/redo methods -- the "public" interface of HistoryManager. This is
/// automatically implemented for all HistoryManager.
pub trait History {
/// Pushes the current state onto the undo stack and clears the redo stack.
fn record(&mut self);
/// Restores the last state from the undo stack, pushing the current state
/// onto the redo stack.
/// Returns true if the undo was successful, or false if there was nothing
/// to undo.
fn undo(&mut self) -> bool;
/// Restores the next state from the redo stack, pushing the current state
/// onto the undo stack.
/// Returns true if the redo was successful, or false if there was nothing
/// to redo.
fn redo(&mut self) -> bool;
/// Returns true if there is something to undo, or false otherwise.
fn has_undo(&self) -> bool;
/// Returns true if there is something to redo, or false otherwise.
fn has_redo(&self) -> bool;
impl<T: HistoryManager> History for T {
fn record(&mut self) {
let current = self.history_entry();
// Erase redo history.
// Push new entry.
fn undo(&mut self) -> bool {
if let Some(new_state) = self.undo_stack_mut().pop() {
let redo_state = self.restore(new_state);
} else {
fn redo(&mut self) -> bool {
if let Some(new_state) = self.redo_stack_mut().pop() {
let undo_state = self.restore(new_state);
} else {
fn has_undo(&self) -> bool {
fn has_redo(&self) -> bool {
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn replace<'a, T>(state: &'a mut T) -> impl 'a + FnMut(T) -> T {
move |x| std::mem::replace(state, x)
fn test_undo_redo() {
let mut h = HistoryManager::default();
let mut current = 10;
current = 20;
current = 30;
/* Try undo() */
assert!(h.undo(replace(&mut current)));
assert_eq!(20, current);
assert!(h.undo(replace(&mut current)));
assert_eq!(10, current);
// no more undo history; should fail
assert!(!h.undo(replace(&mut current)));
assert_eq!(10, current);
/* Try redo() */
assert!(h.redo(replace(&mut current)));
assert_eq!(20, current);
assert!(h.redo(replace(&mut current)));
assert_eq!(30, current);
// no more redo history; should fail
assert!(!h.redo(replace(&mut current)));
assert_eq!(30, current);
fn test_undo_redo_overwrite() {
let mut h = HistoryManager::default();
let mut current = 10;
current = 20;
current = 30;
current = 40;
assert!(h.undo(replace(&mut current)));
assert_eq!(30, current);
assert!(h.undo(replace(&mut current)));
assert_eq!(20, current);
// should clear redo history but not undo history
current = 25;
assert!(h.undo(replace(&mut current)));
assert_eq!(20, current);
assert!(h.redo(replace(&mut current)));
assert_eq!(25, current);
// redo history was deleted; should fail
assert!(!h.redo(replace(&mut current)));
assert_eq!(25, current);
fn undo_redo_transient_setup() -> (HistoryManager<i32>, i32) {
let mut h = HistoryManager::default();
let mut current = 10;
current = 20;
current = 30;
current = 40;
assert!(h.undo(replace(&mut current)));
assert_eq!(30, current);
assert!(h.undo(replace(&mut current)));
assert_eq!(20, current);
current = 21;
current = 22;
current = 23;
assert!(h.undo(replace(&mut current)));
assert_eq!(22, current);
(h, current)
fn test_undo_redo_transient() {
let (mut h, mut current) = undo_redo_transient_setup();
assert_eq!(22, current);
// Can redo transient entry
assert!(h.redo(replace(&mut current)));
assert_eq!(23, current);
// but not non-transient entry
assert!(!h.redo(replace(&mut current)));
assert_eq!(23, current);
// Recording transient entry erases transient redo stack
assert!(h.undo(replace(&mut current)));
assert_eq!(22, current);
current = 24;
assert!(!h.redo(replace(&mut current)));
assert_eq!(24, current);
// but not transient undo stack
assert!(h.undo(replace(&mut current)));
assert_eq!(22, current);
// Undoing a non-transient entry erases all transient entries
assert!(h.undo(replace(&mut current)));
assert_eq!(21, current);
assert!(h.undo(replace(&mut current)));
assert_eq!(20, current);
assert!(h.redo(replace(&mut current)));
assert_eq!(30, current);
// Adding non-transient entry erases all transient entries
let (mut h, mut current) = undo_redo_transient_setup();
assert_eq!(22, current);
current = 40;
assert!(h.undo(replace(&mut current)));
assert_eq!(22, current);
assert!(h.undo(replace(&mut current)));
assert_eq!(20, current);
assert!(h.redo(replace(&mut current)));
assert_eq!(22, current);
assert!(h.redo(replace(&mut current)));
assert_eq!(40, current);
assert!(!h.redo(replace(&mut current)));
assert_eq!(40, current);
fn test_undo_non_transient() {
let (mut h, mut current) = undo_redo_transient_setup();
assert_eq!(22, current);
assert!(h.undo_non_transient(replace(&mut current)));
assert_eq!(20, current);
// idempotency
assert!(!h.undo_non_transient(replace(&mut current)));
assert_eq!(20, current);
assert!(h.redo(replace(&mut current)));
assert_eq!(30, current);
assert!(h.undo(replace(&mut current)));
assert_eq!(20, current);
assert!(h.undo(replace(&mut current)));
assert_eq!(10, current);
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