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Last active March 29, 2024 20:58
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// Parciais 1-6: 84 pontos
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int MAXN = (1 << 21) + 10;
array<int, 2*MAXN+1> seg, peso;
void refresh(int pos, int nivel) // Atualiza o no pos
if (nivel == 21) {seg[pos] = peso[pos]; return;}
int e = 2*pos, d = e+1;
seg[pos] = peso[pos] + min(seg[e], seg[d]);
void update(int pos, int nivel, int x, int id, int val) //pos na seg, nivel na arvore, nivel que quero chegar, id na seq, val pra atualizar
if (nivel == x) return;
vector<int> viz = {2*pos, 2*pos + 1};
int chosenViz = 0;
if (nivel+1 == x) chosenViz = (id&1);
else chosenViz = !(id&1);
peso[viz[!chosenViz]] += val;
update(viz[chosenViz], nivel+1, x, id>>1, val);
refresh(viz[!chosenViz], nivel+1);
refresh(pos, nivel);
int main()
int N, Q, K;
cin >> N >> Q >> K;
vector<int> seq(N);
for (auto &x : seq) cin >> x;
seq.insert(seq.begin(), 0);
for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++)
if (seq[i] > 21) seq[i] = 21;
update(1, 0, seq[i], i, +1);
cout << (seg[1] <= K ? 1 : 0) << '\n';
while (Q--)
int i, X;
cin >> i >> X;
update(1, 0, seq[i], i, -1);
seq[i] = min(X, 21);
update(1, 0, seq[i], i, +1);
cout << (seg[1] <= K ? 1 : 0) << '\n';
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