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Last active April 3, 2020 15:31
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Demo of global <-> local bin coordinate conversions
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <exception>
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#define ASSERT(x, msg) if (!(x)) throw std::runtime_error(msg)
struct IAxis {
virtual bool CanGrow() const = 0;
virtual int GetNBinsNoOver() const = 0;
virtual int GetNOverflowBins() const = 0;
int GetNBins() const {
return GetNBinsNoOver() + GetNOverflowBins();
virtual int FindBin(double x) const = 0;
virtual double GetBinFrom(int bin) const = 0;
virtual double GetBinTo(int bin) const = 0;
class EqAxisMock : public IAxis
EqAxisMock(double from, double to, int nBinsNoOver, bool canGrow) :
m_from(from), m_to(to), m_nBinsNoOver(nBinsNoOver), m_canGrow(canGrow)
ASSERT(from < to, "Axis limits must be provided in the right order");
ASSERT(nBinsNoOver > 0, "Invalid number of bins");
bool CanGrow() const final override {
return m_canGrow;
int GetNBinsNoOver() const final override {
return m_nBinsNoOver;
int GetNOverflowBins() const final override {
return m_canGrow ? 0 : 2;
int FindBin(double x) const final override {
if (x < m_from) {
return m_canGrow ? 0 : -1;
} else if (x >= m_to) {
return m_canGrow ? 0 : -2;
} else {
return (x - m_from) / GetBinWidth() + 1;
double GetBinFrom(int bin) const final override {
switch (bin) {
case -1:
"Growable axes don't have an underflow bin");
return -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
case -2:
"Growable axes don't have an overflow bin");
return m_to;
ASSERT(bin != 0, "0 is not a valid local bin index");
ASSERT(bin <= GetNBinsNoOver(),
"Local bin index is out of axis range");
return m_from + (bin - 1) * GetBinWidth();
double GetBinTo(int bin) const final override {
switch (bin) {
case -1:
"Growable axes don't have an underflow bin");
return m_from;
case -2:
"Growable axes don't have an overflow bin");
return std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
ASSERT(bin != 0, "0 is not a valid local bin index");
ASSERT(bin <= GetNBinsNoOver(),
"Local bin index is out of axis range");
return m_from + bin * GetBinWidth();
double m_from, m_to;
int m_nBinsNoOver;
bool m_canGrow;
// NOTE: Specific to equidistant axis, so general algorithm shouldn't use it
double GetBinWidth() const {
return (m_to - m_from) / m_nBinsNoOver;
// ---
// Apply a function to each element of an array and return the array of results
// You'll need to specify the "Out" type because C++ is bad at type inference.
template <typename Out, typename In, std::size_t NDIMS, typename UnaryFunction>
std::array<Out, NDIMS> Map(const std::array<In, NDIMS>& inputs,
UnaryFunction&& f) {
std::array<Out, NDIMS> outputs;
for (std::size_t dim = 0; dim < NDIMS; ++dim) {
outputs[dim] = f(inputs[dim]);
return outputs;
// Shorthand for calling GetNBins on an array of axes
template <std::size_t NDIMS>
std::array<int, NDIMS> GetNBins(const std::array<const IAxis*, NDIMS>& axes) {
return Map<int>(axes,
[](const IAxis* axis) { return axis->GetNBins(); });
// Shorthand for calling GetNBinsNoOver on an array of axes
template <std::size_t NDIMS>
std::array<int, NDIMS> GetNBinsNoOver(const std::array<const IAxis*, NDIMS>& axes) {
return Map<int>(axes,
[](const IAxis* axis) { return axis->GetNBinsNoOver(); });
// Given an array of inputs and an array of axis pointers of the same size,
// apply a binary function to each (input, axis) pair and return the results.
// A reader experienced with functional programming may recognize a Zip->Map
// graph and wonder why I'm not just implementing Zip. The answer is that C++'s
// poor type inference, limited type system vocabulary and super-verbose lambda
// syntax make any nontrivial combination of functional programming constructs
// look like an unreadable mess.
// Specialized combinators ask less from the broken parts of C++, and are thus
// preferrable over their general counterparts when you don't need generality.
template <typename Out, typename In, std::size_t NDIMS, typename BinaryFunction>
std::array<Out, NDIMS> ZipAxisMap(const std::array<In, NDIMS>& inputs,
const std::array<const IAxis*, NDIMS>& axes,
BinaryFunction&& f) {
std::array<Out, NDIMS> outputs;
for (std::size_t dim = 0; dim < NDIMS; ++dim) {
outputs[dim] = f(inputs[dim], *axes[dim]);
return outputs;
// Shorthand for calling GetBinFrom from an array of axes to an array of bins
template <std::size_t NDIMS>
std::array<double, NDIMS> GetBinFrom(const std::array<int, NDIMS>& bins,
const std::array<const IAxis*, NDIMS>& axes) {
return ZipAxisMap<double>(
[](int bin, const IAxis& axis) { return axis.GetBinFrom(bin); }
// Shorthand for calling GetBinTo from an array of axes to an array of bins
template <std::size_t NDIMS>
std::array<double, NDIMS> GetBinTo(const std::array<int, NDIMS>& bins,
const std::array<const IAxis*, NDIMS>& axes) {
return ZipAxisMap<double>(
[](int bin, const IAxis& axis) { return axis.GetBinTo(bin); }
// Compute a zero-based global bin index given...
// - A set of zero-based per-axis bin indices
// - The number of considered bins on each axis (can be either GetNBinsNoOver
// or GetNBins depending on what you are trying to do)
// - A policy of treating all bins are regular (i.e. no negative indices)
template <std::size_t NDIMS>
int ComputeGlobalBinRaw(const std::array<int, NDIMS>& zero_based_bins,
const std::array<int, NDIMS>& axis_bin_counts) {
int result = 0;
int bin_size = 1;
for (std::size_t dim = 0; dim < NDIMS; ++dim) {
ASSERT(zero_based_bins[dim] >= 0,
"Expected a zero-based local bin index, got a negative one");
ASSERT(axis_bin_counts[dim] >= 1,
"Expected a positive bin count, got a negative or null one");
ASSERT(zero_based_bins[dim] < axis_bin_counts[dim],
"Input local bin index is outside of input axis range");
result += zero_based_bins[dim] * bin_size;
bin_size *= axis_bin_counts[dim];
return result;
// Compute zero-based local bin indices given...
// - A zero-based global bin index
// - The number of considered bins on each axis (can be either GetNBinsNoOver
// or GetNBins depending on what you are trying to do)
// - A policy of treating all bins are regular (i.e. no negative indices)
template <std::size_t NDIMS>
std::array<int, NDIMS> ComputeLocalBinsRaw(
int global_bin,
const std::array<int, NDIMS>& axis_bin_counts
) {
ASSERT(global_bin >= 0,
"Expected a zero-based global bin index, got a negative one");
std::array<int, NDIMS> result;
for (std::size_t dim = 0; dim < NDIMS; ++dim) {
ASSERT(axis_bin_counts[dim] >= 1,
"Expected a positive bin count, got a negative or null one");
result[dim] = global_bin % axis_bin_counts[dim];
global_bin /= axis_bin_counts[dim];
ASSERT(global_bin == 0, "Input global bin index is out of range");
return result;
// Convert a local axis bins from the standard -1/-2 under/overflow bin indexing
// convention to a "virtual bin" convention where the underflow bin has index 0
// and the overflow bin has index N+1 where N is the axis' regular bin count.
// For growable axes, subtract 1 from regular indices so that the indexing
// convention remains zero-based (this means that there will be no "holes" in
// global binning, which matters more than the choice of regular index base)
int LocalBinToVirtualBin(int bin, const IAxis& axis) {
switch (bin) {
case -1:
ASSERT(!axis.CanGrow(), "Growable axes shouldn't underflow");
return 0;
case -2:
ASSERT(!axis.CanGrow(), "Growable axes shouldn't overflow");
return axis.GetNBins() - 1;
ASSERT(bin != 0, "0 is not a valid local bin index");
ASSERT(bin <= axis.GetNBinsNoOver(),
"Input local bin index is out of axis range");
return bin - static_cast<int>(axis.CanGrow());
// Convert back from zero-based virtual bins to the standard under/overflow bin
// indexing convention.
// For growable axes, add 1 in order to go back to the usual 1-based regular bin
// indexing convention, thus reversing the effect of LocalBinToVirtualBin.
int VirtualBinToLocalBin(int virtual_bin, const IAxis& axis) {
if ((!axis.CanGrow()) && (virtual_bin == 0)) {
return -1;
} else if ((!axis.CanGrow()) && (virtual_bin == (axis.GetNBins() - 1))) {
return -2;
} else {
const int regular_bin_offset = -static_cast<int>(axis.CanGrow());
ASSERT(virtual_bin >= 1 + regular_bin_offset,
"Expected a zero-based virtual bin index, got a negative one");
ASSERT(virtual_bin <= axis.GetNBinsNoOver() + regular_bin_offset,
"Input virtual bin index is out of axis range");
return virtual_bin - regular_bin_offset;
// Compute the global index of a certain bin on an N-dimensional histogram,
// knowing the local bin indices as returned by calling FindBin on each axis.
template <std::size_t NDIMS>
int ComputeGlobalBin(const std::array<int, NDIMS>& bins,
const std::array<const IAxis*, NDIMS>& axes) {
// Get regular bins out of the way
if (std::all_of(bins.cbegin(), bins.cend(),
[](int bin) { return bin >= 1; }))
return ComputeGlobalBinRaw(
Map<int>(bins, [](int bin) { return bin - 1; }),
) + 1;
// Convert bin indices to a zero-based coordinate system where the underflow
// bin (if any) has coordinate 0 and the overflow bin (if any) has
// coordinate N-1, where N is the axis' total number of bins.
std::array<int, NDIMS> virtual_bins =
ZipAxisMap<int>(bins, axes, LocalBinToVirtualBin);
// Deduce what the global bin index would be in this coordinate system that
// unifies regular and overflow bins.
const int global_virtual_bin = ComputeGlobalBinRaw(virtual_bins,
// Move to 1-based and negative indexing
const int neg_1based_virtual_bin = -global_virtual_bin - 1;
// At this point, we have an index that represents a count of all bins, both
// regular and overflow, that are located before the current bin when
// enumerating histogram bins in row-major order.
// We will next count the number of _regular_ bins which are located before
// the current bin, and by removing this offset from the above index, we
// will get a count of overflow bins that are located before the current bin
// in row-major order. Which is what we want as our overflow bin index.
int total_regular_bins_before = 0;
// First, we need to know how many regular bins we leave behind us for each
// step on each axis, assuming that the bin from which we come was regular.
// If mathematically inclined, you can also think of this as the size of an
// hyperplane of regular bins when projecting on lower-numbered dimensions.
// See the docs of ComputeLocalBins for more on this worldview.
std::array<int, NDIMS> bin_sizes;
bin_sizes[0] = 1;
for (std::size_t dim = 1; dim < NDIMS; ++dim) {
bin_sizes[dim] = bin_sizes[dim-1] * axes[dim-1]->GetNBinsNoOver();
// Then, starting from the _last_ histogram dimension...
for (int dim = NDIMS-1; dim >= 0; --dim) {
// We can tell how many regular bins lie before us on this axis,
// accounting for the underflow bin of this axis if it has one.
const int num_underflow_bins = static_cast<int>(!axes[dim]->CanGrow());
const int num_regular_bins_before =
std::max(virtual_bins[dim] - num_underflow_bins, 0);
total_regular_bins_before += num_regular_bins_before * bin_sizes[dim];
// If we are on an overflow or underflow bin on this axis, we know that
// we don't need to look at the remaining axes. Projecting on those
// dimensions would only take us into an hyperplane of over/underflow
// bins for the current axis, and we know that by construction there
// will be no regular bins in there.
if (bins[dim] < 1) break;
// Now that we know how many bins lie before us, and how many of those are
// regular bins, we can trivially deduce how many overflow bins lie before
// us, and emit that as our global overflow bin index.
return neg_1based_virtual_bin + total_regular_bins_before;
// Given a global histogram bin index as generated by ComputeGlobalBin above,
// go back to per-axis "local" bin coordinates.
template<std::size_t NDIMS>
std::array<int, NDIMS> ComputeLocalBins(
int global_bin,
const std::array<const IAxis*, NDIMS> axes
) {
// Get regular bins out of the way
if (global_bin >= 1) {
return Map<int>(
ComputeLocalBinsRaw(global_bin - 1, GetNBinsNoOver(axes)),
[](int bin) { return bin + 1; }
// Convert our negative index to something positive and 0-based, as that is
// more convenient to work with. Note, however, that this is _not_
// equivalent to the virtual_bin that we had before, because what we have
// here is a count of overflow bins, not of all bins...
ASSERT(global_bin != 0, "Received an invalid global bin index as input");
const int corrected_virtual_overflow_bin = -global_bin - 1;
// we need to retrieve and bring back the regular bin count, and this
// is where the fun begins.
// The main difficulty is that the number of regular bins is not fixed as
// one slides along a histogram axis. Using a 2D binning case as a simple
// motivating example...
// -1 -2 -3 -4 <- No regular bins on the underflow line of axis 1
// -5 1 2 -6 <- Some of them on middle lines of axis 1
// -7 3 4 -8
// -9 -10 -11 -12 <- No regular bins on the overflow line of axis 1
// As we go to higher dimensions, the geometry becomes more complex, but
// if we replace "line" with "plane", we get a similar picture in 3D when we
// slide along axis 2:
// No regular bins on the Some of them on the No regular bins again
// UF plane of axis 2 regular planes of ax.2 on the OF plane of ax.2
// -1 -2 -3 -4 -17 -18 -19 -20 -29 -30 -31 -32
// -5 -6 -7 -8 -21 1 2 -22 -33 -34 -35 -36
// -9 -10 -11 -12 -23 3 4 -24 -37 -37 -39 -40
// -13 -14 -15 -16 -25 -26 -27 -28 -41 -42 -43 -44
// We can generalize this to N dimensions by saying that as we slide along
// the last axis of an N-d histogram, we see an hyperplane full of overflow
// bins, then some hyperplanes with regular bins in the "middle" surrounded
// by overflow bins, then a last hyperplane full of overflow bins.
// From this, we can devise a recursive algorithm to recover the number of
// regular bins before the overflow bin we're currently looking at:
// - Start by processing the last histogram axis.
// - Ignore the first and last hyperplane on this axis, which only contain
// underflow and overflow bins respectively.
// - Count how many complete hyperplanes of regular bins lie before us on
// this axis, which we can do indirectly in our overflow bin based
// reasoning by computing the perimeter of the regular region and dividing
// our "regular" overflow bin count by that amount.
// - Now we counted previous hyperplanes on this last histogram axis, but
// we need to process the hyperplane that our bin is located in, if any.
// * For this, we reduce our overflow bin count to a count of
// _unaccounted_ overflow bins in the current hyperplane...
// * ...which allows us to recursively continue the computation by
// processing the next (well, previous) histogram axis in the context
// of this hyperplane, in the same manner as above.
// Alright, now that the general plan is sorted out, let's compute some
// quantities that we are going to need, namely the total number of bins per
// hyperplane (overflow and regular) and the number of regular bins per
// hyperplane on the hyperplanes that have them.
std::array<int, NDIMS-1> bins_per_hyperplane;
std::array<int, NDIMS-1> regular_bins_per_hyperplane;
int curr_bins_per_hyperplane = 1;
int curr_regular_bins_per_hyperplane = 1;
for (std::size_t dim = 0; dim < NDIMS-1; ++dim) {
curr_regular_bins_per_hyperplane *= axes[dim]->GetNBinsNoOver();
regular_bins_per_hyperplane[dim] = curr_regular_bins_per_hyperplane;
curr_bins_per_hyperplane *= axes[dim]->GetNBins();
bins_per_hyperplane[dim] = curr_bins_per_hyperplane;
// Given that, and starting from the last axis...
int unprocessed_previous_overflow_bins = corrected_virtual_overflow_bin;
int num_regular_bins_before = 0;
for (std::size_t dim = NDIMS-1; dim > 0; --dim) {
// Let's start by computing the contribution of the underflow
// hyperplane (if any), in which we know there will be no regular bins
const int num_underflow_hyperplanes =
const int bins_in_underflow_hyperplane =
num_underflow_hyperplanes * bins_per_hyperplane[dim-1];
// Next, from the total number of bins per hyperplane and the number of
// regular bins per hyperplane that has them, we deduce the number of
// overflow bins per hyperplane that has regular bins.
const int overflow_bins_per_regular_hyperplane =
bins_per_hyperplane[dim-1] - regular_bins_per_hyperplane[dim-1];
// This allows us to answer a key question: are there any under/overflow
// bins on the hyperplanes that have regular bins? It may not be the
// case if some axes are growable, and thus don't have overflow bins.
if (overflow_bins_per_regular_hyperplane != 0) {
// If so, we start by cutting off the contribution of the underflow
// and overflow hyperplanes, to focus specifically on regular bins.
const int overflow_bins_in_regular_hyperplanes =
- bins_in_underflow_hyperplane,
* axes[dim]->GetNBinsNoOver()
// We count how many _complete_ "regular" hyperplanes that leaves
// before us, and account for those in our regular bin count.
const int num_regular_hyperplanes_before =
/ overflow_bins_per_regular_hyperplane;
num_regular_bins_before +=
* regular_bins_per_hyperplane[dim-1];
// This only leaves the _current_ hyperplane as a possible source of
// more regular bins that we haven't accounted for yet. We'll take
// those into account while processing previous dimensions.
unprocessed_previous_overflow_bins =
% overflow_bins_per_regular_hyperplane;
} else {
// If there are no overflow bins in regular hyperplane, then the
// rule changes: observing _one_ overflow bin after the underflow
// hyperplane means that _all_ regular hyperplanes on this axis are
// already before us.
if (unprocessed_previous_overflow_bins >= bins_in_underflow_hyperplane) {
num_regular_bins_before +=
* regular_bins_per_hyperplane[dim-1];
// In this case, we're done, because the current bin may only lie
// in the underflow or underflow hyperplane of this axis. Which
// means that there are no further regular bins to be accounted for
// in the current hyperplane.
unprocessed_previous_overflow_bins = 0;
// No need to continue this loop if we've taken into account all
// overflow bins that were associated with regular bins.
if (unprocessed_previous_overflow_bins == 0) break;
// By the time we reach the first axis, there should only be at most one
// full row of regular bins before us:
// -1 1 2 3 -2
// ^ ^
// | |
// | Option 2: one overflow bin before us
// |
// Option 1: no overflow bin before us
ASSERT(unprocessed_previous_overflow_bins <= 1,
"Logic error detected in the global -> local bin algorithm");
num_regular_bins_before +=
unprocessed_previous_overflow_bins * axes[0]->GetNBinsNoOver();
// Now that we know the number of regular bins before us, we can add this to
// to the zero-based overflow bin index that we started with to get a global
// zero-based bin index accounting for both under/overflow bins and regular
// bins, just like what we had in the ComputeGlobalBin() implementation.
const int global_virtual_bin =
corrected_virtual_overflow_bin + num_regular_bins_before;
// We can then easily go back to zero-based "virtual" bin indices...
const std::array<int, NDIMS> virtual_bins =
ComputeLocalBinsRaw(global_virtual_bin, GetNBins(axes));
// ...and from that go back to the -1/-2 overflow bin indexing convention.
return ZipAxisMap<int>(virtual_bins, axes, VirtualBinToLocalBin);
// ---
int main() {
// Set up some test axes
const EqAxisMock eq_axis_0(3.0, 6.0, 3, true);
const EqAxisMock eq_axis_1(7.0, 9.5, 5, false);
const EqAxisMock eq_axis_2(-2., -1., 2, true);
// Should I print out GetBinFrom and GetBinTo values?
const bool verbose = true;
// For the purpose of testing the generality of the code, only access these
// axes through a minimal virtual interface
const IAxis& axis_0 = eq_axis_0;
const IAxis& axis_1 = eq_axis_1;
const IAxis& axis_2 = eq_axis_2;
// Enumerate all the bins
const auto enumerate_bins = [](const IAxis& axis) -> std::vector<int> {
std::vector<int> all_bins;
if (!axis.CanGrow()) all_bins.push_back(-1);
for (int bin = 1; bin <= axis.GetNBinsNoOver(); ++bin) {
if (!axis.CanGrow()) all_bins.push_back(-2);
return all_bins;
const std::vector<int> all_bins_0 = enumerate_bins(axis_0);
const std::vector<int> all_bins_1 = enumerate_bins(axis_1);
const std::vector<int> all_bins_2 = enumerate_bins(axis_2);
// We'll test for the 1D, 2D and 3D cases, with these common parts:
int last_regular_bin;
int last_overflow_bin;
auto test_setup = [&] {
last_regular_bin = 0;
last_overflow_bin = 0;
const auto print_array = [](const auto& array) {
std::cout << '(';
for (std::size_t dim = 0; dim < array.size() - 1; ++dim) {
std::cout << array[dim] << ", ";
std::cout << array.back() << ')';
auto test_iteration = [&](const auto& bins, const auto& axes) {
// We start from a set of local bin indices
std::cout << "On true bin ";
std::cout << ": ";
// We are able to convert them into a global histogram bin index, and
// to convert such an index back into local bin indices.
int global_bin = ComputeGlobalBin(bins, axes);
auto computed_bins = ComputeLocalBins(global_bin, axes);
std::cout << "Global bin " << global_bin << " aka ";
// Once you have those primitives, you can do everything including
// global FindBin (= local FindBin + local-to-global idx conversion) or
// global bin boundary computations (= global-to-local idx
// conversion + local bin boundary computations)
if (verbose) {
std::cout << " goes from ";
print_array(GetBinFrom(bins, axes));
std::cout << " to ";
print_array(GetBinTo(bins, axes));
std::cout << std::endl;
// Check correctness of the results
if (std::all_of(bins.cbegin(), bins.cend(),
[](int bin) { return bin >= 1; }))
ASSERT(global_bin == last_regular_bin + 1,
"Computed global regular bin index is incorrect");
last_regular_bin = global_bin;
} else {
ASSERT(global_bin == last_overflow_bin - 1,
"Computed global overflow bin index is incorrect");
last_overflow_bin = global_bin;
ASSERT(computed_bins == bins,
"Computed local bin indices are incorrect");
// Test the 1D case
std::cout << "1D case:" << std::endl;
for (const int bin_0: all_bins_0) {
test_iteration(std::array{bin_0}, std::array{&axis_0});
// Test the 2D case
std::cout << std::endl << "2D case:" << std::endl << "---" << std::endl;
for (const int bin_1: all_bins_1) {
for (const int bin_0: all_bins_0) {
test_iteration(std::array{bin_0, bin_1},
std::array{&axis_0, &axis_1});
std::cout << "---" << std::endl;
// Test the 3D case
std::cout << std::endl << "3D case:" << std::endl << "===" << std::endl;
for (const int bin_2: all_bins_2) {
std::cout << "---" << std::endl;
for (const int bin_1: all_bins_1) {
for (const int bin_0: all_bins_0) {
test_iteration(std::array{bin_0, bin_1, bin_2},
std::array{&axis_0, &axis_1, &axis_2});
std::cout << "---" << std::endl;
std::cout << "===" << std::endl;
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