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Orangera1n /
Last active November 30, 2024 21:30
How to activate a device on iOS 15 that was futurerestored on 16 sep


This is a guide on how to activate ur idevice on ios 15 (maybe ios 14 idk) when its futurerestored on 16 sep.

DISCLAIMER: I am very aware people might use this to bypass icloud, but I am NOT encouraging you to bypass icloud.

ALSO: THIS IS RECOMMENDED FOR ADVANCED USERS ONLY, i am not responsable for ur device being broken (tho idk how it becomes broken via this)

also, i've only tested this on macOS, might work on linux tho if u replace darwin with linux and shit.

LukeZGD /
Last active December 8, 2024 15:42
Downgrade and dualboot status of almost all iOS devices

Downgrade and dualboot status of almost all iOS devices

UPDATED: 2024-12-01

wongsyrone / gist:987ab46b4862eb5b1d14a45501445834
Last active August 30, 2022 09:41
ubuntu apport core dump
the first step in the process would be to disable apport.
This can be done by editing the /etc/default/apport file, and setting enabled=0.
systemctl stop apport
systemctl disable apport
Then change kernel core_pattern
echo "kernel.core_pattern=/tmp/%e.%t.%p.%s.core" > /etc/sysctl.d/60-core-pattern.conf
sysctl --system
SanCoder-Q / synology.startup
Created December 25, 2017 14:29
Synology NAS - How to make a program run at startup
Synology NAS - How to make a program run at startup
The other day I created a little node.js project to keep track of some finances. Synology has a node.js package but that just installs the tools - it has no 'container' or any other support to drop files and have it run automagically. Maybe one day.
In the meantime, you can start your project when you SSH into the NAS. My project has a 'www' script which bootstraps my project, so to start I simply type 'node bin/www' from the project directory. But, it only runs while I'm logged in, and if I log out for any reason, the process dies. That's hardly useful when I'm away from home, or on a different PC. So I decided to have a look at starting my project as a Linux service.
After doing a lot of research into how Synology does services, and a few failed attempts at init scripts, I found that Synology DSM (since version 5 perhaps) bundles Upstart, which is a neat little tool to deal with services on Linux. It's most prevalent on Debian and derivatives (notably Ub