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Created January 14, 2022 18:47
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package com.hafthor;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
public class Main {
public static void main(final String[] args) {
final String[][] l = new String[][]{
"first second third fourth last".split(" "),
"Alvin Bart Carol Doug Erin".split(" "),
"band cooking hiking karaoke photography".split(" "),
"blue crimson green purple white".split(" ")
final Grid g = new Grid(l);
g.addStatements("green~cooking Alvin=second purple!hiking purple>Erin Carol!karaoke photography=first photography=green Doug=white Bart~blue purple~cooking purple~karaoke".split(" "));
private record Ref(int grid, int index) {
private record Statement(Ref left, char op, Ref right) {
public static class Grid {
final String[][] labels;
final int[][] grids;
final int gridCount;
final List<Statement> statements = new ArrayList<>();
int combinationsTested = 0;
public Grid(final String[][] labels) {
this.labels = labels;
gridCount = labels[0].length;
for (String[] label : labels) if (label.length != gridCount) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
grids = new int[labels.length - 1][gridCount];
public void addStatements(final String[] statements) {
for(final String statement : statements) {
public void addStatement(final String statement) {
final String[] operands = statement.split("[><~!=()]");
final char op = statement.charAt(operands[0].length());
if (operands.length != 2) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
Ref left = null, right = null;
for (int labelIndex = 0; labelIndex < labels.length; labelIndex++) {
final String[] labels = this.labels[labelIndex];
for (int i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) {
final String label = labels[i];
if (label.equals(operands[0])) left = new Ref(labelIndex, i);
if (label.equals(operands[1])) right = new Ref(labelIndex, i);
if (left == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(statement);
if (right == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(statement);
statements.add(new Statement(left, op, right));
private static int fact(int n) {
if (n > 12) throw new IllegalArgumentException("result of " + n + "! would be greater than int");
int accum = n;
while (n > 1) accum *= --n;
return accum;
// solve tries every combination for every left-side grid (other grids are derived in printGrid)
// we shortcut the combinations by seeing what the lowest grid that is incorrect is and incrementing
// combinations from there.
public void solve() {
combinationsTested = 0;
// sort statements so when we check, a failed statement will
// indicate where in the combinations to increment.
statements.sort((o1, o2) -> {
int o10 = o1.left.grid * gridCount + o1.left.index;
int o11 = o1.right.grid * gridCount + o1.right.index;
int o20 = o2.left.grid * gridCount + o2.left.index;
int o21 = o2.right.grid * gridCount + o2.right.index;
return Math.max(o10, o11) - Math.max(o20, o21);
final int gridCombinations = fact(gridCount);
int[] gridComboSolution = null;
int[] gridCombo = new int[labels.length - 1];
for (; ; ) {
for (int grid = 0; grid < gridCombo.length; grid++) setSolutionForCombination(grid, gridCombo[grid]);
int lowestGridInError = checkStatements();
if (lowestGridInError < 0) {
if (gridComboSolution != null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("multiple solutions found");
gridComboSolution = Arrays.copyOf(gridCombo, gridCombo.length);
lowestGridInError = gridCount;
if (!increment(gridCombo, gridCombinations, Math.max(1, lowestGridInError))) break;
if (gridComboSolution == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("no solution found");
for (int grid = 0; grid < gridComboSolution.length; grid++) setSolutionForCombination(grid, gridComboSolution[grid]);
private boolean increment(final int[] combos, final int limit, final int incrementPastGrid) {
for (int grid = combos.length - 1; grid >= incrementPastGrid; grid--) combos[grid] = limit - 1;
for (int grid = combos.length - 1; grid >= 0; combos[grid--] = 0)
if (++combos[grid] < limit) return true;
return false;
public void setSolutionForCombination(final int grid, int combination) {
final LinkedList<Integer> possibilities = new LinkedList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < gridCount; i++) possibilities.add(i);
for (int i = 0; i < gridCount; i++) {
final int l = possibilities.size();
grids[grid][i] = possibilities.remove(combination % l);
combination /= l;
public int checkStatements() {
for (final Statement statement : statements) {
final int cs = checkStatement(statement);
if (cs >= 0) return cs;
return -1;
private int checkStatement(final Statement statement) {
final Ref left = statement.left, right = statement.right;
final char op = statement.op;
final int leftIndex = left.index, rightIndex = right.index;
final int leftGrid = left.grid, rightGrid = right.grid;
final int leftValue = leftGrid == 0 ? leftIndex : grids[leftGrid - 1][leftIndex];
final int rightValue = rightGrid == 0 ? rightIndex : grids[rightGrid - 1][rightIndex];
final boolean cs = switch (op) {
case '=' -> leftValue == rightValue;
case '>' -> leftValue > rightValue;
case ')' -> (leftValue - rightValue) == 1; // just greater than
case '(' -> (leftValue - rightValue) == -1; // just less than
case '<' -> leftValue < rightValue;
case '!' -> leftValue != rightValue; // not equal
case '~' -> Math.abs(leftValue - rightValue) == 1; // next to
default -> throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if (cs) return -1;
return Math.max(leftGrid, rightGrid);
private int calcGridLine(int gridRow, int gridCol, int gridLine) {
final int gridValue = grids[gridRow][gridLine];
for (int grid = 0; grid < gridCount; grid++) {
if (grids[gridCol][grid] == gridValue) return grid;
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
public void printGrid() {
int strLen = 0;
for (final String[] strings : labels)
for (String str : strings) if (str.length() > strLen) strLen = str.length();
final String strFmt = " %" + strLen + "s";
// header
System.out.printf(strFmt, "");
for (final String str : labels[0])
System.out.printf(strFmt, str);
for (int gg = labels.length - 1; gg >= 2; gg--) {
System.out.print(" ");
for (final String str : labels[gg])
System.out.printf(strFmt, str);
for (int gridRow = 0; gridRow < labels.length - 1; gridRow++) {
for (int row = 0; row < gridCount; row++) {
System.out.printf(strFmt, labels[gridRow + 1][row]);
for (int col = 0; col < gridCount; col++)
System.out.printf(strFmt, grids[gridRow][row] == col ? "@" : "x");
for (int gridCol = labels.length - 2; gridCol >= 1 + gridRow; gridCol--) {
System.out.print(" ");
int gridValue = calcGridLine(gridRow, gridCol, row);
for (int col = 0; col < gridCount; col++)
System.out.printf(strFmt, gridValue == col ? "@" : "x");
System.out.println("Combinations tested: " + combinationsTested);
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