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Last active January 21, 2024 23:45
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Save HailStorm32/972e7778998fc3749c60b13b30019dbc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Before you start

You will need to find and download an unpacked LEGO Universe client (this guide will work for packed and unpacked clients). Make sure that its hash matches the ones mentioned in the repo README

This tutorial was done in Windows 11. The way some things are accessed might be different in older versions of Windows


Programs to install

You will need to install the following software

  • 7zip

  • Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable enter image description here

  • mariadb

    MUST KEEP THE DEFAULT PORT AT 3306!! will not work if it is changed

    Set the root password as root However, if you plan on making your server accessible outside your network, set this to a strong password instead

Show file extensions

enter image description here

  1. Open file explore
  2. On the top right bar, click View > Show > File name extensions

Setting up the server

  1. Download the latest server release from the repository

    You want the

  2. Once the zip is downloaded, move it to your Documents folder
  3. Right click the .zip and select Extract All
  4. You should now have a folder called darkflameserver-windows
  5. Delete the .zip file

Preparing client files

Extracting the client

  1. Navigate to where you downloaded the client and move it to your Documents folder
  2. Right click the .rar client file and select 7-Zip > Extract files... Keep the default settings (this will take some time)

    If your client is already extracted, move the folder to Documents

  3. You should now have a folder called something like LEGO Universe (unpacked) or LEGO Universe
  4. Delete the .rar file
  5. Rename the client folder to client

    Right click the folder, go to Show more options > Rename

Server mySQL database

  1. In the Start Menu start typing mariadb and open the program that is called Command Prompt (MariaDB XXX (x64)) (where XXX is the version number)
  2. In the terminal that just came up, log into the root user by running the following mysql -u root -p

    the password when prompted will be root

  3. Once logged in, run CREATE OR REPLACE USER 'darkflame'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';

    darkflame is the database username. Replace password with a password of your choice. This will be the database password

  4. Then run CREATE OR REPLACE DATABASE darkflame;

    darkflame is again the name of the database

  5. Then run GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON darkflame.* TO 'darkflame'@'localhost';
  7. Then exit by running EXIT;
  8. You can now close the terminal

Server Configuration

Allow exes to run

Do the following for MasterServer.exe, WorldServer.exe, ChatServer.exe, AuthServer.exe:

  1. Navigate to the darkflameserver-windows folder
  2. Double click the .exe to open it
  3. A blue screen will appear, click More info enter image description here
  4. Click Run anyway
  5. A window should appear briefly and disappear, this is normal

.ini file


Navigate to the darkflameserver-windows folder.

In the sharedconfig.ini file, add the database IP (localhost) to mysql_host=, the database name (darkflame) to mysql_database=, database username (darkflame) to mysql_username=, and the database password to mysql_password=

The end result should look like this

# MySQL connection info:

Where XXXYYYZZZ is the password you chose earlier

Next, in the same file, add the server IP (localhost) to external_ip=

Should look like


Client Location

Still in the sharedconfig.ini file, add the following to client_location=


The end result should look like this

# The location of the client
# Either the folder with /res or with /client and /versions

Setup Admin Account

  1. Open a terminal in the darkflameserver-windows folder and

    Right click in the folder and select Open in terminal

  2. Run ./MasterServer.exe -a

    IF that gives you issues, try ./MasterServer -a

    It might hang for a minute or two, just wait.

  3. Enter a username

  4. Enter a password

  5. These credentials are what you are going to use to login to the game with REMEMBER THEM

Client Configuration


  1. Open you client folder and open the boot.cfg file in a text editor

    If you had a packed client, the boot.cfg file will be in the client folder

  2. If it isn't already, set AUTHSERVERIP=0: to localhost

The file should look like this

. [unchanged lines here]
. [unchanged lines here]
. [unchanged lines here]
  1. Save and close the file

Running The Server

Starting the server

  1. Go into the darkflameserver-windows folder and double click MasterServer.exe
  2. A bunch of terminal windows should popup, this is normal

    If you get a bunch of firewall requests, close them out. You only need to accept them if you want make your server accessible outside your network (not covered in this tutorial)

  3. Start your client and login

Shutting down the server

  1. Find the terminal with the name MasterServer and hit Ctrl+C
  2. After a few seconds all the terminal windows (except the main one) should close
  3. Server is now shutdown
  4. Close the main terminal

Updating The Server

As of the writing of this guide the DLU codebase is still actively being contributed to and as such, the code base is constantly being updated. Some of these updates include bug fixes or feature additions. It is recommend to update the server where there is one available.

Update steps

  1. Go to the darkflameserver-windows folder
  2. Copy sharedconfig.ini and paste it to your Desktop. You will need this later
  3. Delete the darkflameserver-windows folder
  4. Download the latest server release from the repository

    You want the

  5. Once the zip is downloaded, move it to your Documents folder
  6. Right click the .zip and select Extract All
  7. You should now have a folder called darkflameserver-windows
  8. Delete the .zip file
  9. Move the sharedconfig.ini that you put on your Desktop and put it in darkflameserver-windows

    If you are prompted, OVERWRITE the file

  10. Allow the exes to run, see here

last updated 1/21/2024

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