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Last active July 24, 2022 05:08
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The second version of function to simulate data for linear mixed models (
# function (version 2) to simulate the data set for fitting linear mixed models
simudata_lmm2 <- function (params=list()) {
# This function simulates a dataset for fitting linear mixed mode. Please make sure library(tidyverse) is installed properly.
# A more detailed explanation could be found [here](
# Created by Haiyang Jin (
# Usage:
# # You may set up any parameter in P (see below the default parameters), otherwise the default parameters will be used.
# devtools::source_gist("") # OR
# devtools::source_gist("")
# simulation <- simudata_lmm2() # will use the default parameters
# # There are three outputs:
# # simudata: the simulated data file.
# # population: the true values of the six parameters when `contr.sdif` is used (P$alpha, P$beta_ori, P$beta_ml, P$beta_hm, P$beta_ori_ml, P$beta_ori_hm).
# # params : all the parameters used for the simulation (i.e., P in this function).
# load library
############ set the default parameters ############
P <- list(
N_subj = 30,
N_item = 30,
IV1 = c("upright", "inverted"), # orientation
IV2 = c("low", "medium", "high"), # spatial frequency
# define the population (fixed effects) parameters
alpha = -4, # the grand mean
beta_ori = -2, # orientation: inverted - upright
beta_ml = -1, # spatial frequency: medium - low
beta_hm = -.5, # spatial frequency: high - medium
beta_ori_ml = 1, # interaction between orientation and (medium-low)
beta_ori_hm = .5, # interaction between orientation and (high-medium)
# the sigma (residuals)
sigma = 2,
# by-subject random effects
alpha_u_sd = 2, # sd of the by-subject random intercepts of orientation
beta_ori_u_sd = .5, # sd of the by-subject random slopes of orientation
beta_ml_u_sd = .5, # sd of the by-subject random slopes of medium - low
beta_hm_u_sd = .5, # sd of the by-subject random slopes of high - medium
beta_ori_ml_u_sd = .5, # sd of the by-subject random slopes of interaction between orientation and (medium-low)
beta_ori_hm_u_sd = .5, # sd of the by-subject random slopes of interaction between orientation and (high-medium)
rho_u = 0.4, # correlations between the by-subject random effects
# by-item random effects
alpha_w_sd = 1, # sd of the by-item random intercepts of orientation
beta_ori_w_sd = .3, # sd of the by-item random slopes of orientation
beta_ml_w_sd = .3, # sd of the by-item random slopes of medium - low
beta_hm_w_sd = .3, # sd of the by-item random slopes of high - medium
beta_ori_ml_w_sd = .3, # sd of the by-item random slopes of interaction between orientation and (medium-low)
beta_ori_hm_w_sd = .3, # sd of the by-item random slopes of interaction between orientation and (high-medium)
rho_w = 0.3 # correlations between the by-item random effects
# update the default parameters with the input
for (temp_name in names(params)) {
P[[temp_name]] <- params[[temp_name]]
# summary of the true values
fixed_true <- c(P$alpha, P$beta_ori, P$beta_ml,
P$beta_hm, P$beta_ori_ml, P$beta_ori_hm)
u_sd_true <- c(P$alpha_u_sd, P$beta_ori_u_sd, P$beta_ml_u_sd,
P$beta_hm_u_sd, P$beta_ori_ml_u_sd, P$beta_ori_hm_u_sd)
w_sd_true <- c(P$alpha_w_sd, P$beta_ori_w_sd, P$beta_ml_w_sd,
P$beta_hm_w_sd, P$beta_ori_ml_w_sd, P$beta_ori_hm_w_sd)
############ the fixed effects ############
nlevel_ori <- length(P$IV1)
nlevel_sf <- length(P$IV2)
N_cond <- nlevel_ori * nlevel_sf
N_trial <- N_cond * P$N_subj * P$N_item
# Create a experiment condition tibble
df_cond <- tibble(
subject = rep(rep(1:P$N_subj, each = P$N_item), each = N_cond),
stimulus = rep(rep(1:P$N_item, times = P$N_subj), each = N_cond),
Orientation = as_factor(rep(rep(P$IV1, each = nlevel_sf), times = P$N_subj * P$N_item)),
SF = as_factor(rep(P$IV2, times = P$N_subj * P$N_item * nlevel_ori))
# set back difference coding for the independent variables
contrasts(df_cond$Orientation) <- MASS::contr.sdif(nlevel_ori)
contrasts(df_cond$SF) <- MASS::contr.sdif(nlevel_sf)
# Create the design matrix (including the interaction)
df_simu_design <- model.matrix( ~ 1 + Orientation * SF, df_cond)
# Simulating the fixed effects
dv_fixed <- df_simu_design %*% fixed_true
############ the random effects for subjects ############
# random effects for subject
N_u_sd <- length(u_sd_true)
# correlation matrix
u_corr <- (1- diag(N_u_sd)) * P$rho_u + diag(N_u_sd)
# Cholesky factor
L_u <- chol(u_corr)
# # We can verify that we recover rho_u with:
# t(L_u) %*% L_u
# simulate random effects for subjects
# uncorrelated z values from the standard normal distribution for all random effects
z_u <- replicate(N_u_sd, rnorm(P$N_subj, 0, 1))
# Variance matrix
u_var <- diag(N_u_sd) * u_sd_true
# random effects of subjects
u <- u_var %*% t(L_u) %*% t(z_u)
random_u <- t(u)[df_cond$subject, ]
# random effects of subjects for each trial
dv_u <- rowSums(df_simu_design * random_u)
############ the random effects for items ############
# random effects for item
N_w_sd <- length(w_sd_true)
# correlation matrix
w_corr <- (1- diag(N_w_sd)) * P$rho_w + diag(N_w_sd)
# Cholesky factor
L_w <- chol(w_corr)
# # We verify that we recover rho_w,
# t(L_w) %*% L_w
# simulate random effects for subjects
# uncorrelated z values from the standard normal distribution for all random effects
z_w <- replicate(N_w_sd, rnorm(P$N_subj, 0, 1))
# Variance matrix
w_var <- diag(N_w_sd) * w_sd_true
# random effects of items
w <- w_var %*% t(L_w) %*% t(z_w)
random_w <- t(w)[df_cond$stimulus, ]
# random effects of items for each trial
dv_w <- rowSums(df_simu_design * random_w)
############ generate the dependent variables ############
# combine fixed, random effects and the sigma (residuals)
df_simu <- df_cond %>%
mutate(erp = dv_fixed[, 1] + dv_u + dv_w + rnorm(n(), 0, P$sigma))
############ return the output ############
contr_matrix <- df_simu_design %>% unique() %>% as.matrix()
population_true <- contr_matrix %*% as.matrix(fixed_true) %>% as.vector()
names(population_true) <- paste(rep(substr(P$IV1, 1, 3), each = 3),
rep(substr(P$IV2, 1, 3), times = 2),
sep = "_")
return(list(simudata = df_simu,
population = population_true,
params = P))
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