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Created March 1, 2023 07:29
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mysqldump to csv then upload to azure storage
host = "localhost"
name = "database-name"
user = "user-name"
pass = null
port = 3306
key = '<container-shared-key>'
account = '<azure-account-name>'
container = '<container-name>'
* For large size table, this script will be limited by PHP MEMORY LIMIT
* since it not using mysqldump instead using query to memory
class sqlExtractor
private $DB_NAME;
private $DB_HOST;
private $DB_USER;
private $DB_PASS;
private $DB_PORT;
private $AZURE_KEY;
* Extract credentials details from .settings file
public function __construct()
$SETTINGS = parse_ini_file('./.settings', true);
$this->DB_NAME = $SETTINGS['db']['name'];
$this->DB_HOST = $SETTINGS['db']['host'];
$this->DB_USER = $SETTINGS['db']['user'];
$this->DB_PASS = $SETTINGS['db']['pass'];
$this->DB_PORT = $SETTINGS['db']['port'];
$this->AZURE_KEY = $SETTINGS['azure']['key'];
$this->AZURE_ACCOUNT = $SETTINGS['azure']['account'];
$this->AZURE_CONTAINER = $SETTINGS['azure']['container'];
* Execute query
private function runQuery(string $query)
// establish database connection using PDO
try {
$pdo = new \PDO(
} catch (PDOException $e) {
die("Database connection failed: " . $e->getMessage());
return $pdo->query($query);
* Get list table column headers
private function getTableHeaders(string $tableName): array
$columns = [];
$stmt = $this->runQuery("SHOW COLUMNS FROM $tableName;");
while($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){
$columns[] = $row['Field'];
return $columns;
* Get list of tables from the database
private function getListOfTablesInDB()
$tables = [];
$stmt = $this->runQuery("SHOW TABLES");
while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN)) {
$tables[] = $row;
return $tables;
* Convert executed query data into csv file
private function generateCSV(string $tableName)
// open a file handle for writing to the CSV file
$file_handle = fopen($tableName . ".csv", 'w');
// write the header row to the CSV file
$headers = $this->getTableHeaders($tableName);
fputcsv($file_handle, $headers);
$stmt = $this->runQuery("SELECT * FROM $tableName");
while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
fputcsv($file_handle, $row);
// close the file handle
* Delete generated csv file
private function removeCSV(string $tableName)
unlink($tableName . ".csv");
* Upload generated csv file to azure with datetime folder
private function uploadCsvBlobToAzure(string $tableName)
$contentType = 'text/csv;';
$apiVersion = '2021-08-06';
$currentDate = gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s T", time());
$todayFolder = gmdate("Ymd", time());
$absFilePath = realpath($tableName . ".csv");
$fileContent = fopen($absFilePath, "r");
$fileLength = filesize($absFilePath);
$blobName = $tableName . ".csv";
$destinationURL = "https://" . $this->AZURE_ACCOUNT . "" . $this->AZURE_CONTAINER . "/" . $todayFolder . "/" . $blobName;
if(! $absFilePath){
die("Cannot find file of " . $tableName . " in current directory");
$xmsHeaders = [
'x-ms-date:' . $currentDate,
'x-ms-version:'. $apiVersion,
$canonicalizedHeaders = implode("\n", $xmsHeaders);
$canonicalizedResource = "/" . $this->AZURE_ACCOUNT . "/" . $this->AZURE_CONTAINER . "/" . $todayFolder . "/" . $blobName;
$arraysign = array();
$arraysign[] = 'PUT'; /*HTTP Verb*/
$arraysign[] = ''; /*Content-Encoding*/
$arraysign[] = ''; /*Content-Language*/
$arraysign[] = $fileLength; /*Content-Length (include value when zero)*/
$arraysign[] = ''; /*Content-MD5*/
$arraysign[] = 'text/csv;'; /*Content-Type*/
$arraysign[] = ''; /*Date*/
$arraysign[] = ''; /*If-Modified-Since */
$arraysign[] = ''; /*If-Match*/
$arraysign[] = ''; /*If-None-Match*/
$arraysign[] = ''; /*If-Unmodified-Since*/
$arraysign[] = ''; /*Range*/
$arraysign[] = $canonicalizedHeaders; /*CanonicalizedHeaders*/
$arraysign[] = $canonicalizedResource; /*CanonicalizedResource*/
$str2sign = implode("\n", $arraysign);
// generate Azure auth signature
$sig = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha256', urldecode(mb_convert_encoding($str2sign, "UTF-8")), base64_decode($this->AZURE_KEY), true));
$authHeader = "SharedKey ". $this->AZURE_ACCOUNT . ":" . $sig;
$headers = array_merge($xmsHeaders, [
'Authorization:' . $authHeader,
'Content-Type:'. $contentType,
'Content-Length:' . $fileLength,
# Execute curl commands to create container
$ch = curl_init($destinationURL);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "PUT");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_INFILE, $fileContent);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_INFILESIZE, $fileLength);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_UPLOAD, true);
$result = curl_exec($ch);
if(! $result)
$log = fopen('curl_log.txt', 'w');
fwrite($log, curl_error($ch));
* Link and execute each function per table
public function run()
$tableList = $this->getListOfTablesInDB();
foreach ($tableList as $table) {
$clas = new sqlExtractor();
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