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Created June 30, 2023 02:03
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Export table to .csv
namespace App\Http\Controllers\Payroll\PayrollBankFile;
use App\Models\Bank;
use App\Models\CompanyPayrollDetail;
use App\Models\Staff;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Crypt;
trait PayrollCSVTrait
public function downloadCsv($staffWagesArr)
$bank = 'Payroll';
$fileName = $bank . '_' . date("Ymd_Hi"); // add date now plus date range to naming
$headers = array(
"Content-type" => "text/csv",
"Content-Disposition" => "attachment; filename=$fileName.csv",
"Pragma" => "no-cache",
"Cache-Control" => "must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0",
"Expires" => "0",
$columnTitles = array( // define top column titles
'Payment Mode',
'Value Date',
'Customer Reference No.',
'Favourite Beneficiary Code',
'Transaction Amount',
'Credit Account No.',
'Beneficiary Name 1',
'Beneficiary Name 2',
'Beneficiary Name 3',
'New NRIC',
'Old NRIC',
'Business Registration No.',
'Police/ Army/ Passport No.',
'Beneficiary Bank Code',
'Advice Detail',
'Debit Desc.',
'Credit Desc.',
'Joint Name',
'Joint Old ID',
'Joint New ID',
'Joint Business Reg. No.',
'Joint Police/ Army/ Passport No.',
'Purpose of Transfer',
'Other Purpose of Transfer',
'Rentas Instruction To Bank',
$date = date('dmY');
//when date starts with zero
if (substr($date, 0, 1) == 0) {
$date = "'$date";
$callback = function () use ($staffWagesArr, $columnTitles, $date) {
$file = fopen('php://output', 'w');
fputcsv($file, $columnTitles);
//keep track of number
$i = 1;
//data records
foreach ($staffWagesArr as $staffId => $wage) {
$staff = Staff::firstWhere('id', $staffId);
$bankId = $staff->payrollStaffDetails->bank_id;
$bankCode = Bank::where('id', $bankId)->first()->bank_code;
if ($staff->payrollStaffDetails->bank_id === 1) {
$paymentMethod = 'IT';
} else {
$paymentMethod = 'IG';
$row['Payment Mode'] = $paymentMethod;
$row['Value Date'] = $date;
$row['Customer Reference No.'] = $i;
$row['Favourite Beneficiary Code'] = $staff->payrollStaffDetails->favourite_beneficiary_code;
$row['Transaction Amount'] = number_format($wage, 2, '.', '');
$row['Credit Account No.'] = $staff->payrollStaffDetails->bank_acc_number;
$row['Beneficiary Name 1'] = $staff->name;
$row['Beneficiary Name 2'] = null;
$row['Beneficiary Name 3'] = null;
$row['New NRIC'] = Crypt::decryptString($staff->id_number);
$row['Old NRIC'] = null;
$row['Business Registration No.'] = null;
$row['Police/ Army/ Passport No.'] = null;
$row['Beneficiary Bank Code'] = $bankCode;
$row['Email'] = null;
$row['Advice Detail'] = null;
$row['Debit Desc.'] = null;
$row['Credit Desc.'] = null;
$row['Joint Name'] = null;
$row['Joint Old ID'] = null;
$row['Joint New ID'] = null;
$row['Joint Business Reg. No.'] = null;
$row['Joint Police/ Army/ Passport No.'] = null;
$row['Purpose of Transfer'] = null;
$row['Other Purpose of Transfer'] = null;
$row['Rentas Instruction To Bank'] = null;
$row['Payment Mode'],
$row['Value Date'],
$row['Customer Reference No.'],
$row['Favourite Beneficiary Code'],
$row['Transaction Amount'],
$row['Credit Account No.'],
$row['Beneficiary Name 1'],
$row['Beneficiary Name 2'],
$row['Beneficiary Name 3'],
$row['New NRIC'],
$row['Old NRIC'],
$row['Business Registration No.'],
$row['Police/ Army/ Passport No.'],
$row['Beneficiary Bank Code'],
$row['Advice Detail'],
$row['Debit Desc.'],
$row['Credit Desc.'],
$row['Joint Name'],
$row['Joint Old ID'],
$row['Joint New ID'],
$row['Joint Business Reg. No.'],
$row['Joint Police/ Army/ Passport No.'],
$row['Purpose of Transfer'],
$row['Other Purpose of Transfer'],
$row['Rentas Instruction To Bank']
return response()->stream($callback, 200, $headers);
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